Based Bill
Bill Maher and Michael Moore Want To Make ‘Kings of Atheism’ Documentary
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Atheism is dead. The left killed it.
atheism is a plague on society
it's a commie tool to tear down unity, nothing else
Its either Christianity or Islam, you pick
Will she be the star in it?
It really is atheists who are the useful idiots for communism, isn't it?
"Atheism isn't a religion", they said.
>Atheism created communism
>Communism was created by Jews
Which one is it?
Secular Jews are the most problematic Jews.
This should be obvious.
I'm an atheist, but atheism lost it's edge when leftists on the Internet took it way too fucking far.
I had to deal with those types of atheists on the Internet starting about 7 years ago now. It was only until the fedora meme came around and SJWs starting merging with them that they lost their edge.
>"Atheism isn't a religion",
Which it isn't. Why do religious people use this argument?
Hurr atheism is a religion. So you are saying religion is stupid and cult like?
Surprising that they'd work together on anything, considering that Maher and Hitchens used to have some nasty arguments against fatass Moore. Maher and hitchens reserved special hatred for Islam, while Fat boy was more of a typical liberal "Christianity is awful and should be illegal, but Islam is so awesome, the only reason they attack us is because we're mean to them" mindset. Hitchens even insulted Moore one time by saying that the "George Bush is stupid" meme, was only funny to the lowest of brows
>Fat boy was more of a typical liberal "Christianity is awful
But Moore is a Christian.
Implying liberals are consistent in their principles.
>Implying liberals are consistent in their principles.
I bet you voted for Drumpf
Dude just support what you wanna support. Who gives a shit if it's edgy or if there are cringy members of the same ideology. There are cringy people in every ideology, no one is immune.
He's still got more bad things to say about Christianity than any other religion. He's American too, yet that doesn't stop him from consistently shitting on the country any chance he gets. There are some on the left that I may not like, but I do respect. The very few who can have an intelligent debate. Moore is not one of them, he's a rich, spoiled, whiny peice of shit who frequents the parts of Michigan that should have been given to Canada years ago. Just look at this picture. All he ever does is scream "look at me everyone, I'm a fuckin clown" while fake crusading around for whatever cause will get him the most media attention. Yet how many of his millions of dollars does he donate to these causes he feels so incredibly strongly about? That man is the very definition of hypocrite, although in his case, I belive hippo-crite is more appropriate.
Except for the fact that atheism is at its highest percentage of the population in the western world it has ever been.
I wish Michael Moore would make a weight loss documentary.
It's almost a blessing in disguise. Ever since the atheism plus movement came about and exposed the sjw atheists, it also made some of the other prominent atheists go far to the anti-sjw, anti-feminist side. Just look at people like armored skeptic, and my personal favorite thunderfoot, a guy I always considered extremely far left, now makes the majority of his videos anti-feminist, anti-sjw ones, and has gone as far as to admit if he was still eligible to vote in the last UK election, he would have voted UKIP.
I personally wouldn't say Atheist is a religion, but what would i know, i'm a Christian. The weird thing is, especially on the internet, Atheists are acting WORSE than religious members. Always trying to attract followers to their cause and stuff like that.
I don't want to support atheists though. Of course everyone is arrogant, people in all ideologies and are selfish and cringy.
But I cannot forget how nasty atheists were to me on the Internet. I can never support them again for that. I've fought with all groups, but atheists annoyed me even more for their extreme leftist stance. They were all just very weird and bitter people.
> I believe he doesn't exist
> I believe he does
both require faith.
I don't worship the state if that's what you're implying. Calm down burger boy.
I wasn't referring to any of the posters, I just meant that in general.
You do know you are posting on Sup Forums a pro-statist board?
Fair enough. I respect that you have had different experiences with it than I have, and I won't judge you for not believing in atheism because of that, because I think freedom of religion is important. But as a general sentiment, never compromise any belief you have because it's edgy or cool to ride along with. Always try to believe what you really believe in.
and what have christians muslims jews and hindus done for religion?