Who here lives in a country where they are cautious with what they write on Sup Forums because their government might be spying on them?
Who here lives in a country where they are cautious with what they write on Sup Forums because their government might...
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All of us who possess a modicum of common sense.
Never. Don't be afraid you silly cow
My police can't even afford real equipment or paying their own men, I can't even imagine them spying on some stupid edgy pardos and their white nationalist posts
Shitskin, don't you know that this isn't tumblr?
Everyone, though some are unaware/don't care.
nobody. nobody cares about Sup Forums or takes it seriously
I hope the government is spying on me
What the fuck are they gonna do
50 % of my posts are calls for genocide the other 50 % are pro refugee liberal agenda posts
I honestly don't care if someones watching my activity here, but I don't think they are
The Holocaust is a UN sponsored lie to keep us from finding out our true leaders; the Jews.
I could care less. What are they gonna do? Lock me up and pay for all my expenses?
Obama is a nigger with nigger ties someone should kill THE ABSOLUTE MADMAN
I am. Not that I would write anything racist or sexist though ofcourse.
>implying my government is sufficiently efficient to spy on me
lel. To anyone reading this: RENZI MERDA, VATTENE A CASA
I don't give a fuck. I understand how our legal system works, and if the NSA is going to use what I write on Sup Forums against me, they lose any argument that they're spying on me for national security, I get to sue and they're going to fucking hate my discovery requests.
If the gvumint was watching my connection it would be to ice my family and me to protect their corrupt interests, not because I shat on niggers on a scottish bagpipe discussion forum
I am the government.
Not me because I live in the freest country on earth, founded upon the the most perfect document known to man.
Our government is so stupid they won't be even able to understand this post
It's just funposting bro.
We've been monitoring your behaviour, Sven. It appears that you are still not tolerant enough. Back to the gulag for you!
My government is not spying on me. Against the constitution and we dont have a large enough government.
Sup Forums is the board of peace
Isn't your government just like the one guy who is the best friend with the local polar bear gang and then some alcoholized pseudo policemen to enforce the 'law'?
There are definitely some things I would never write here. its nothing new that internet posts have gotten people in trouble wouldnt want to get SWATed
Arh... Just in case they are actually spying, right?
I am going to bomb the Irish president. The prime minister too.
Our policemen are pretty sober, some get caught in dealing the hash they've seized, but our politicians often get caught in spending tax money on mini-bars and taxi when they travel. Which I might add, they pay for their family trip with. I can't even tell if the voters are stupid, or politicians anymore. Maybe they go hand in hand.
whenever i get drunk and write ludicrous things on here that could get me in trouble if misconstrued, I just thank god I live third world alabama
The only reason your "country" still stands is thanks to the DKK 2 billion you get in gibs me dats every year
Your government is an illusion
I do. It's unlikely because Sup Forums isn't fucking facebook but in the UK, I could be charged with one of our draconian laws for posting a comment that they don't like.
I was calling a russian on dota an "inside out nigger" over and over and basically going apeshit at him while drunk as fuck.
That made me worry a little that the company that owns Dota would come after me.
You should write what you want to say on a textfile, screenshot it. Then write something next to it like 'oy vey look what a bad goy wrote' in your post.
They only want to suppress messages they dont like. As long as you say it in a place that cant "go viral" they dont give a fuck. Prosecuting you would only draw more attention to what you said.
Its not about right or wrong. Its about maintaining their power.
I didn't knew about that brand of potatoes.
Isn't it only actually racist comments written with an intention to discriminate that are criminalized? Or how is hate speech defined in UK Criminal Code?
Why do you have a Pokémon flag?
The best potatoes are the blight resistant variety. Word to the wise.
Oy vey, free speech is really getting out of hand, pic related
I hope I remain faithful to the teachings of the Talmud and never say something like, pic related
Just post "everything i put on Sup Forums.org/pol is satire" the meme will back it up.
I'm not even joking, things like this go so far in court.
Except I actually would sue the NSA if they tried to use something I posted on Sup Forums against me. The NSA is already being used for domestic law enforcement:
>One current federal prosecutor learned how agents were using SOD tips after a drug agent misled him, the prosecutor told Reuters. In a Florida drug case he was handling, the prosecutor said, a DEA agent told him the investigation of a U.S. citizen began with a tip from an informant. When the prosecutor pressed for more information, he said, a DEA supervisor intervened and revealed that the tip had actually come through the SOD and from an NSA intercept.
I fully expect that they do monitor all of Sup Forums, along with every social media site, and I bet that most of that monitoring is not done by humans. It probably is done based on keywords.
Pressure cooker, bomb, backpack, airport security, white house, capitol hill.
>As long as you say it in a place that cant "go viral" they dont give a fuck
I know that but they fact that they could if they wanted to is bad enough.
>Or how is hate speech defined in UK Criminal Code?
Very, very loosely. You can pretty much be just be charged with causing offence, there doesn't have to be any intent behind it.
And yours isn't? We get them because you take minerals and make corporate deals with America and other countires. It's not like we get them for no reason.
It always makes me chuckle when irrelevant countries know shit about us. Makes me feel like the US.
or screencap a lot of the shit other people say and just claim you were doing a social experiment to see how hate speech would be received in a forum like Sup Forums ... for the good of the liberal cause, of course...
I was pretty saddened by the guy getting prosecuted over his twitter about the bin lorry crashing into people.
That was genuinely funny. The real message of the event was "we will get you if you step out of line".
Around whites. The time is right.
Obama is a Kenyan Muslim nigger
In honor of our cousins, and whaling partners
You got the right to all your minerals long time ago and instead of trying to make a deal with Denmark you went on and invited Chinese corporations instead... you're not even able to extract those minerals yourself
>not redpilling your government spy agencies by posting on Sup Forums all day
This ones for you, Agent Xing Pong.
Your nation makes great porn. Pic related
The thought crossed my mind when I found work that required a Canadian government level 3 top secret security clearance where they sent investigators to prod around my past.
Got the job so I know they don't check.
We should gas muslims and jews in the same chamber and watch them fight before the zyklon B gets them before.
Actually, we've only got the rights not so long ago, yet we want to extract them with you, because like it or not, we have a history together, and we could learn a lot from you guys. You guys know what you're doing.
Has Sup Forums ever actually been used in relation to some happening, like a shooting or terrorrist attack?
I've seen some posts with a compilation of pictures implying Sup Forums involvement in some shootings but they all turned out to be fabricated memes
Eat your heart out, CSIS
Sup Forums stopped a shooting once when some retard posted that he was going to do it.
damn, aren't there like ten people in greenland? how come do you have corruption?
I don't care. True free speech goes very far in America as opposed to Euro countries. Just take the fictitious holohoax for example.
honestly if the gov spy on me i dont care. id rather say whatever i want and be jailed/fined for it or whatever. at least ive been free for a while while i did
That Swede who killed two Turkroaches with a sword posted on here.
If there's no wind flow the gas won't move around fast enough for the people in the chamber NOT to inhale the gas
the fact that small US gas chambers were fully isolated doesn't mean that others with less isolation weren't efficient
Like 25% of the Isle of Man population were charged with pedophilia once. They don't let kids go there anymore.
I'll let others handle that question. It's more of a matter of you don't build a giant data center in Bluffdale, Utah that uses something like 65MW of power and a million or so gallons of water per day with 100,000 ft^2 of space for servers unless you are hoovering up a shitload of data. The NSA did this, and it made it obvious that they were doing a lot more than the US Constitution allowed even before Snowden leaked the documents.
your flag looks weird
no jews were gassed. deal with it cuz.
Not exactly, just stupid people. It takes some level of intelligence to be corrupt so I wouldn't classify it as such.
I do.
stfu silly silly.
stfu pardo you are stupid.
No one
Everyone cares about Sup Forums and takes it seriously and you know it.
Aren't you thinking of the Pitcairn Islands?
i trust in the absolute incompetence of the spanish government
One night I was ranting about how much I hate spics and how they should be killed then I kept getting getting warned for dibs posting. Figured someone was trying to warn me.
Paco deserves to live I guess.
Would 4chains, hypothetically, comply to information requests from european police departments? N-n-not that I'm worried, everything I write is only satire, of course
Do you think Hiroshima gives a damn? He's comfy in Japan.
the NSA wont know what I stand for since I have argued every single point of view on all major issues in an ironic post racial manner
This is why the 'Sup Forums is satire' meme exists.
No, put the bong down m8.
I never restrain myself on Sup Forums, the alphabet soup agencies need to know we know the truth