Forget your pro-Trump feelings for a second and just listen

Forget your pro-Trump feelings for a second and just listen

The world is coming to a very important crossroads. We have the refugee crisis, the Syrian civil war, ISIS spreading their terror globally, clashes in the South China Sea and many more

In these trying times who do you want as a commander in chief? A woman, who you may not like, but is very experienced, proven to be capable of navigating the complex political crises and deliver a result? Or a man with ZERO experience, little if any class and ability to negotiate, a crudity beyond anything see in American high politics and very radical ideas?

You can choose what you want, but the world can NOT afford a Trump presidency. He will dismantle NATO. He will heat Syria up to a raging fire that will consume Europe and the rest of the Middle East. He will kow tow to the enemies of America such as Russia. He will damage our relations with important economic and regional allies. He will destroy America's prestige, standing and reputation.

Hillary isn't just the right choice. She's the ONLY choice

Other urls found in this thread:

Cuh cuh cuh cuh KEK

>In these trying times who do you want as a commander in chief?

I want a person that isn't afraid to kill muslims in defense of Christianity.


>black hawk down

Quit hitting the womynz

You're right. I am now a #HillfireMissile

You do this everyday and you are making people hate her more

Is that your objective?

All problem Clinton created

kek. I am never, ever going to vote for a woman. Get the fuck outta here with that nonsense.


She's the only right choice if you want your troops killed. She will then lie and say it wasn't her that sent out those troops. All she will do is bend over for Muslims and let them do what they want.

>proven to be capable of navigating the complex political crises and deliver a result?

This is bait.

>America gets attacked
>millions of people get slaugthered
>army waits for a sign of President Shillary
>she couldn't answer the phone cause she was "asleep"

Considering how bad the world is these days you should vote for the person who will maintain the status quo that brought us to the brink instead of supporting change


I'm unironically voting Hillary

>leafposting this hard

Postmenopausal women who need a nap every four hours make great leaders as I've found

Here's why

>Leonardo da Vinci took multiple naps a day and slept less at night.

>The French Emperor Napoleon was not shy about taking naps. He indulged daily.

>Physicist Albert Einstein napped each day—on top of getting ten hours of sleep each night.

>Though Thomas Edison was embarrassed about his napping habit, he also practiced his ritual daily.

>Eleanor Roosevelt, the wife of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, used to boost her energy by napping before speaking engagements.

Therefor, Hillary Clinton can solve all our problems, she's creative like da Vinci, she's brave like Napoleon, she's a brilliant physicist like Einstein, she is full of fresh ideas like Edison and she's a strong woman like Eleanor

That's why I #standwithher and carry a #womanscard

>Who do you want?
>A person who promises a solution to the refugee crisis?
>Or the person who caused it?
Hillary can die in a fire

fucks sake go outside and get some fresh air leaf

That's it, I'm a #Cruzmissile now

> very experienced
There is the nicest guy that says hello at wall Mart. He's retarded, but they give him a job.
No one wants him running the store though, because he's not capable.

She can't handle two email accounts, she's retarded and no one should let her run a lemonade stand, let alone a country.

She's a bought child rapist enabler.


wow now im voting for hillary tahnks

Shut the fuck up faggot! You're only making us look bad!
Fucking pathetic shill.

>directly responsible for Libya
>wanted to dismantle Syria

Wow you're right we need a warmonger in charge.

She's only experienced in being a failure.

Russia reset: failure
Libya: failure
2am phone call regarding Benghazi: failure

She's not the right choice you trolling buffoon. But if you actually believe the drivel you wrote you need to keep your opinion confined to Redmonton or Moronto, whichever of the two you're probably from.


Who will cause the most chaos, instability and upset amongst world orders?

>Forget your pro-Trump feelings

>wrote a best-selling book on how to make deals
>little ability to negotiate
god damn it, I know this is bait but I'm still mad because someone actually believes it

Found the anti-hillary shills

>but is very experienced, proven to be capable of navigating the complex political crises and deliver a result?


>wanting someone that could be killed in one punch from the average guy in charge of a superpower

Women can't rule shit. They are afraid of trudeau's elbow for fuck sake.



get the fuck out of here.


What did he mean by this

Literally this. I love women, am married, wouldn't even vote for my wife if she was running. Women lack the emotional fortitude, stoicism, and logic to be able to run a country. Women can't even make a decision on where they want to eat.

>fucked up in Libya so bad that she had to run away from SecState before she ruined her reputation and shot at President beyond any amount of media spinning and doctoring

go away you retarded shill.

>In these trying times who do you want as a commander in chief?
I want the person whose plan going forward isn't "this is all perfectly fine, in fact we should do more of it"

Clinton wants to emulate Merkel's approach to dealing with refugees from Africa and the Middle East
Clinton has been saber rattling against China and Russia for years
Clinton would destabilize other countries the same way Syria was

NONE of these are qualities I want in a president right now.

>We have the refugee crisis, the Syrian civil war, ISIS spreading their terror globally

She is LITERALLY responsible for all this.


>posting trump memes outside of the containment thread


>0.25$ have been deposited in to your account.

Shut up Raphael. Monica Lewinsky's Ex-Boyfriends Wife is responsible for most of that Crap. Shouldn't you be Suing National Enquirer instead of Shit posting?

You're right. I'm now a #GuacHillMissileMomentum

>A woman, who you may not like, but is very experienced, proven to be capable of navigating the complex political crises and deliver a result?
>capable of navigating the complex political crises and deliver a result
Such as fucking up her email account?

>Not spreading his greatness

user I got no words!

>Mrs. President, China has declared war and has threatened nuclear action if we don't give in to their demands. Do we make a preemptive strike?
>"I dunno, I don't mind. Pick what you want."

Why the fuck do we want the same stupid bitch that helped start all this bullshit to be president?

It's literally autism to even think that's a good idea in any capacity.

What the Fuck is with my fellow Leafs shitting on Trump?



*shilling begins*
*begins lying*

Didn't read it OP.

Get paid to shill for your own country leaf.

She got her experience creating all of those problems. She should hang, not run

I'm 100% confident that she voted trudump.

We have the refugee crisis
the Syrian civil war
ISIS spreading their terror globally
clashes in the South China Sea
and many more

>A woman, who you may not like, but is very experienced, proven to be capable of navigating the complex political crises and deliver a result?

Her track record proves the opposite.


>Its ANOTHER ironic liberal shilling thread

Just nuke this fucking board

I am genuinely excited for the prospects of a global war on Islam. I will fight, and die if I must.


> A woman, who you may not like, but is very experienced, proven to be capable of navigating the complex political crises and deliver a result?

YEAH, let's fucking elect a woman who is senile and "OFTEN CONFUSED," according to her own top aide.

>“Have you been going over calls with her for tomorrow?” Abedin asked Hanley. “So she knows [then-Indian Prime Minister Manmohan] singh is at 8?”

>“She was in bed for a nap by the time I heard that she had an 8am call,” Hanley responded. “Will go over with her.”

>“Very imp to do that,” Abedin said in response.

>“She’s often confused.”
>“She’s often confused.”
>“She’s often confused.”
>“She’s often confused.”
>“She’s often confused.”
>“She’s often confused.”

Why are 90% of lefty shitposters Canadian?

>A woman, who you may not like, but is very experienced, proven to be capable of navigating the complex political crises and deliver a result?

>under federal review
>possible traitor

Let's make her the president! At least that way, all the fucked up things she does won't be unexpected.


voting trudeau.


She is under FBI investigation for not following basic security protocols, her "competence" is highly questionable.

You really are fucking pathetic.

Kek, this will never happen.
Hungary is too based for Canada.

You fool you blind fool.

I mean starting a war in syria because "Israel" is pretty bad.

"Washington should start by expressing its willingness to work with regional allies like Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar to organize, train and arm Syrian rebel forces." are us politicans addicted to this shit? How many times does it need to go wrong?
"The best way to help Israel deal with Iran's growing nuclear capability is to help the people of Syria overthrow the regime of Bashar Assad."
"Bringing down Assad would not only be a massive boon to Israel's security, it would also ease Israel's understandable fear of losing its nuclear monopoly."
"With his life and his family at risk, only the threat or use of force will change the Syrian dictator Bashar Assad's mind."
"All these strategic benefits and the prospect of saving thousands of civilians from murder at the hands of the Assad regime (10,000 have already been killed in this first year of civil war). "

Its "nice" to know that your politicians are just as shortsighted and borderline dangerously idiotic as the EU "Politicans".

Fuck off you retard.

I want a leader who will support our own nation and race over some "international community".


me too bro, I loved Trump so much, but this new info has totally thrown me for a six

definitely a crudmissile

>In these trying times who do you want as a commander in chief? A woman


That's it I'm rubiot now

bleep bloop *sips*

Some really great posts in this thread by fellow #HillBros. For the sake of America itself and the rest of the world, I truly hope Drumpf supporters read them and change their minds. There is only one true path forward and it's #WithHer


Fuck off shillbitch

Is the same problem !

>proven to be capable


Probably because she was pro USA's Middle East Invasion. It can very well be argued that ISIS rise is a result of this invasion. It was not the only factor, but it was one.

No need to explain how refugee crisis and syrian war is related to ISIS.

It can't be possible to fuck up that badly, now I'm more scared of her running a country because I'M NORTH OF THE DAMN US!

Trump will make America great again and totally throw a wrench into white genocide, pretty much saving the west.

Hillary will power the establishment and would trigger or create WW3 or a huge "happening".

Alberta is more likely to join America with Trump.
Consider that, a province, a bridge to Alaska

Shes got a hand in the destabilizing of the middle east and therefore the refugee crisis.

Shes a crook and globalist who panders to minority and women, voting her in would be disastrous for this nation.

It'll be the final nail in the coffin for our National Identity, plain and simple shes a Whore for the Jews and Globalists, its so obvious you fucker, just look at who donates to most to her, how can you be so blind

Fuck your feelings globalist pig.


You mean a corrupt politician who directly was involved in just about every single one of these problems. The refugee crisis could be argued was directly caused by her arms deals in the Middle East. Not to mention the fact that she wouldn't even have beat a communist for the nomination if that Jew Debbie Wasserman-Schultz hadn't rigged the system or if stupid niggers in the south weren't all "Massa Clinton be for da people".

TL;dr fuck off shill

She supported the war in Iraq and bombing of Libya as well as the 'moderate rebels' in Syria

All this is how we get ISIS and the refugee crisis

>Found the anti-hillary shills
>quack quack quack
Get the fuck out reddit, have an upvote on the way out.

>anti-hillary shills
You're not very smart are you?

She also had a fall so serious she got a blood clot in the brain. She called it a minor concussion. She never released how serious the fall was, but concussions aneurysms cause permanent brain damage.

I dont want a mentally handicapped old bag as pres.

its Trump vs Hillary globo-cunt...and Trump comes up within a few words.

>opinions of
>a fucking leaf
>about wolrd politics

Stfu trudeau fag, keep not killing your enemies you cucks


Hillary is literally the worst choice for all of those, a fucking orangutan could do a better job.