Will he do it?


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No, he's too cucky.

He promised to back Hillary anyway and said he'll only support the Democrats.

What kind of a revolution is that then?

His supporters are collecting signatures to get him on the ballots before the deadlines. They might force him into running seeing as he can't say no.

It's a scam. What has Bernie sacrificed during his campaign so far?

He sacrificed a life without wealth.

Someone's got to start a #WriteHimIn campaign. You know, #SendAMessage #BernieInstead.

I really do think these idiots would do it out of spite at this point. It doesn't matter who he endorses, if you tell them they can spite Hillary by writing in Bernie they will.

Considering he's gonna be too old in 4-8 years probably.

lol, what hernie makes in the senate is plenty of money, and his wife got a 200k severance package (golden parachute) for bankrupting a college in Vermont.

the guy is a hypocrite.

Yeah. He already looks like he's knocking at Death's door. No way he'll run again in 2020.

He won't do it. We all know he licks hilldogs asshole even when he talks tough. This was just about getting the DNC to acknowledge their more radical wing and get sheckles for his parasite family members who work his campaign

Run Bernie, run!

The Democratic Party has been real mean to you, by not letting you be the nominee just because you have thus far received over three million fewer votes than Mrs. Bill Clinton.

no, he won't.

He won't run an independent campaign, but he probably won't endorse Hillary, either. He's been an independent his entire political career, he doesn't have any loyalty to the Democratic party.

He is already talking about unity to defeat to trump and telling his supporters to calm down. I would bet heavily that he would endorse her

Also he was never a indepedent that was just some bullshit he said to look good. He voted with his party 96% of the time esspecially when it came to funding wars



I'd love to see Bernie run third party, but he's too much of a cuck to actually do it.

>if demo force him to run against trumps it'll split vote, even if he drops out it'll make other demo sour toward hillary resulting in the emperors win


It's fine dude. Just wait a month when he loses cali

Also I can't find a article about it but he just made a speech saying they needed to unite against trump like 2 days ago

Also lets be real, he needs to give a little bit of lip service to justifying even running. He will say shit like the article you linked and tell his supporters to calm down in denver and not cause a ruckus at the convention. He will say hillary is not fit one day yet refuse to attack any of her legitimate weak points. He isn't serious. Sure maybe he wants to preisdent and hopes that 1% chance the DNC will pick him for the bit of voter euthisam they got this year but I know he is not that delusional. If he wanted to rock the boat he could easily, he just doesen't want to.

Bernie voters are already split between hillary and trump. They HATE Hillary for beating bernie and being part of the establishment. It won't really change much as long as bernie doesn't win.

God I hope so.

How fucking delicious would it be to see a Trump-Clinton-Sanders three way battle royale this election?

He might pretend he will, but in the end he's going to fall in line and do what he's told.

This, he's a massive pussy who thanks people for fucking him over.

If you went back in time one year and predicted the best possible circumstances for Donald Trump Presidential run, would you have changed a single thing from what has actually occurred?

Fucking traitorous rat.

He's too old four year ago


The Bernie fans are in the perfect position for it. They hate Trump but they also hate their own party right now too and are fanatic over the idea of revolutionary change. They could view going third party as the start of a movement.

He's controlled opposition to Hillary, so this won't ever happen. He was meant to be the only candidate running against Hillary, so that she could sweep through the primaries, but he unexpectedly was a lot more competitive than the party elites hoped he would be.

Their votes are already all over the place
Most to hillary
Some to trump
Some to abstain
Some for jill stein or even Gary Johnson
It's glorious

You should be more worried about a third party run against Trump, whether its Romney or someone else. Some Republicans would rather see four years of Hillary than four years of Trump.

When is this kike gonna to die?

Romney already gave up atleast for the time being. They will all bend knee in the end or be part of the new cuckservative frindge

run bernie run


>party first

He couldn't care less about the people when it comes to the party's success. This is what his supporters don't understand.

Nope. He's doing more for a third party by exposing the ugly party apparatus than he would actually running as a third party candidate.

No new party will ever be meaningful until the current two are torn down from the inside.

>It’s Clinton’s job to ask my backers to support her

> But when faced with a follow-up question about the political implications of not supporting Clinton, Sanders immediately suggested he wasn’t ruling anything out.

> “I will do everything in my power to make sure that no Republican gets into the White House in this election,” he told moderator Chris Hayes at an MSNBC town hall event in Philadelphia.

L M A O.

Sanders is a pathetic cuck and possibly a scam artist. I'd be prepared to wager my right arm on the fact that he will endorse Shillary, and most Bernouts will fall in line like the good little beta cucks they are.

So once again just mild lip service. What the fuck is he suppose to say?
>Vote for hillary but ima keep running lmao
It's just like when he walked out of the interview for asking if he would accept a VP slot and then entertained the idea a month later,

Let's hope so, split that Democratic vote

We all hope so. But we all know sanders has no real integrity

People misunderstand Bernie. He has as big an ego as Trump does. Only Bernie is actually dumb, where Trump pretends to be dumb. Bernie will run.

>30% vote for hellary
>30% vote for bernie
>40% vote trump
>America is great again.


When will Trump stop pretending to be dumb, though?

And Hillary does?

I lost quite a bit of respect for Bernie after he got cucked by BLMs and SJWs.

>And hillary does?
She isn't the one losing the Nom
She doesen't need integrity