Who should be his vice president?

Who should be his vice president?

Bernie Sanders

He'll be clintons VP.

Rand Paul.
Highly doubt it he hates Hillary because she is with the establishment.

yep Bernie he is loser that wont talk against trump and we get the burn voters. Insta win.
And since hilldog and he started to actually fight why the fuck not?

+1 for rand

Mark Cuban

it was decided to be Jim Webb months ago newfag

Jim Webb

>Former popular senator of potential swing state
>Well-liked in Rust Belt states
>Literal war hero
>Was ASOD and then SECNAV under Reagan
>Worked on behalf of vets groups for decades
>Democrat who has already spoken out against Clinton
>Abhors political correctness

He brings years of political and leadership experience to ticket, credibility to Trump's foreign policy and national security platforms, his war record, work with vets, and time in the Reagan Administration keeps Republicans from bailing on the ticket at the first sign of the word "Democrat", while his more moderate social stances and renouncing of Clinton potentially converts disgruntled Democrat voters.

The perfect candidate.

Rudy Giuliani


You clearly know absolutely nothing about Bernie

Newt. He's an absolute debate monster and hates cucks

Moonbase Newt.

Virginian here hoping, praying, and shitposting for a Jim Webb Vice Presidency.

Jesse Ventura

>he wont choose Based MoonMan

Moonman to make America bright again.

Could this work?

The meme magic didn't work. It won't be Webb. God Emperor said no Dems. It will be Moonman.

Ivanka boosts him rapidly.

Or Mike Huckabee.

Para Sailing


If that's so, why does Bernie refuse to open Clinton's closet of Skeletons?

>It will be Moonman.
If you're talking about Newt - that shit's never gonna happen.

Trump's entire shtick has been running against the era of politics that people like Clinton and Gingrich were a part of.

Fresh OC incoming. #MAGA when?


Monica lewinsky


Ben Carson

A white male.

It's going to be Kasich. Trump has already admitted he wanted him. Trump wants an establishment partner. This'll win Ohio. It'll unite the party. Trump didn't even give him a killshot nickname.