How does Sup Forums feel about graffiti?
Is there any graffiti where you live?
Do you like it?
I personally think graffiti is the Sup Forums equivalent in art, its an irl community of trolls making people mad.
Let's talk about graffiti
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i agree they want to make people angry, that still doesn't justify it and they're still headed to prison for defacing national monuments
Much like any other art, when done well it can be quite beautiful.
Unfortunately, it's not done well 99% of the time.
People that do these things should be hung or burned alive.
When I start seeing graffiti on buildings as I'm driving by/riding in a train I take it as a sign that I'm entering a ghetto.
Move to Greece then m8, it's absolutely everywhere. Everywhere.
Most of it is ugly and shit. I guess you could call it art, it's just really awful art that people should be ashamed of.
Shit interests me too. Hell I leave replies on bathroom stalls.
This desu. Niggers should have their skulls bashed into the concrete that they tagged.
I'm okay with graffiti like that. Cities are mostly different shades of gray so it's nice to have some color. Tagging like pic related is just trashy though.
Only nice on designated graffiti walls really.
I think it looks like fucking shit; and niggerfies any area it's in.
Most graffiti is ugly as fuck,but some are ok
We have some interesting shit in my city
This little wall they put up when they closed the street off has some. And the concrete thing on the drainage ditch too. Is pretty neat.
This is art m8.
Lots of good stuff around my area Puget Sound). I can't stand the shit stuff little teenagers and people who can't draw throw up.
This is what it's supposed to be like.
If they'd worked around the windows instead of over them and painted something that wasn't a name it'd be acceptable. Otherwise, like this and , it's bathroom-stall tier garbage.
Only after they've been forced to scrub the surfaces clean of that shit.
that's like your opinion, man
there is plenty of graffiti in my city. and i love it. i used to paint graffiti myself for almost 18 years.
Share more graffiti from your cities goys
Depends on where they doing it.
On trains or trainstations i acctualy like it.
On historical or private building I hate it.
If you can't tell the difference you should stick a fucking spray can in your ass.
I never realized how much i like this until this thread
Some is art tier, some is autistic scribblings. I'd rather see a painted wall mural instead of run down brick building
Streetart is okay if it's done in coordination with the local authorities.
Graffiti is nigger tier.
Not graffiti, every writer would be ashamed of this.
Slab City has some cool graffiti there, and the atmosphere is very welcoming of new art.
just throw a bucket of paint over it
There are some very rare cases where graffiti is done well enough that it can genuinely be considered art. Most of the time, however, it's nothing more than nigger scribbles.
Graffiti is petty vandalism and destruction of private property. Faggots that spray is should receive fines and a substantial beating.
That's particular tag is gang graffiti you dolt. It's not supposed to pretty. It's letting their rivals know that they are there. See how it's blue and the "b" has an x through it? That means that that person is a crip.
Sometimes the art is kinda cool looking but it usually is a blight on the sides of buisnesses who pay good money to attract potential customers into their establishments. When you go to buy hardware equipment or whatever and there's pot leaves, gang affiliations and cocks spraypainted all over the side of the place, it looks shitty. The Bansky-esque dudes out there kind of made this more socially acceptable due to trendy bullshit and I don't think it's respectful, and its shitty to people who actually have jobs and need to be presentable.
It's retarded
Literally nobody gives a shit.
One of my fav walls.
Good old Blitzhuset
Graffiti is dope as fuck.
But you have to adhere to a set of rules.
No private property, stores, churches, etc.
Basically only paint something if it will make it look better. Cover up toys or used up walls, shit like that.
It should be decriminalized desu
Yeah. And most of it is ugly as fuck and/or leftist antifa shit.
There are some exceptions where the artist actually creates a work with determination and craft in accordance with the ownner of the property and gets paid for it. But that's not exactly "grafiti anti-culture" I think.
The algarve is covered in fucking graffiti mate, like i've never so many shitty tags in my life.
I feel that tagging should always be illegal, but I think that actual artists should be allowed certain areas in cities where they can display their art.
The only graffiti that looks half decent are sticker artists. They put a lot of time and effort into their work unlike the nigger scribbles you can't even read let alone enjoy.
At the end of the day it's still vandalism and if you're still doing this shit into your late 20s you need to grow the fuck up and get a real hobby.
There is no graffiti whatsoever in my town in Florida but it's all over the place in my home town in philly and it looks like shit.
Taki 183 keepin it old school.
"Haus der Juden"
Am I reading that right?
I think it reads Haus der Jugend
daim, ces..
that picture is so old...
I spray graffiti myself. I am usually very high when I do it which makes it possible to fully become one with the graffiti while I spray it. Combine that with good rap music and I am in heaven for a couple of hours per night.
hurr durr
how fucking dare people deface private property with their shit "art" and "political statements". they have no right. it's just wrong.
Show your work
post your top 10 writers lads mine personally are
1) Saber
2) Kacao 77
3) Bates
4) Seen
5) Cope
6) Zeus
7) Smash
9) Rime
10) Great
Like all art, it can be either amazing or absolute garbage.
en gang jeg fiser og det foltes som en boks med maling kommer fra min rumpe hullet.
Berlin scene literally god tier graffiti.
Even nigger art is criminal.
Weak taste desu.
Some of my fav artists are local so no point of list without pics.
Pic related
I've never seen graffiti.. I also don't live near minority lowlifes.
>not reconizing Saber as the greatest writer to ever live
Yes, Haus der Jugend, not Juden
LA writers themselves are the best
how can NYC even compete?
10 10FOOT
your dude is a garbage sellout that stopped writing graffiti 10 years ago
dis be our turffs... nun of us ownz anyfing do
doesn't matter he had some absolutely god tier style while he was style writing
hamburg has some serious graffiti writers too
Trippy mane
Learn a thing or two underage faggot.
graffity is art, tagging is a crime
ive never seen a graffiti guy against this though, they know its illegal and they don't try to bullshit their way out of it unless they are wannabes
Äpfel und Birnen, etc.
They're "turf" makes them a lot of money. So much so that they're willing to die or go to prison for it.
Salty used to have some very nice blackbook pieces
t. german turkroaches
lel, 3 of these fuckers got flattened by a train the other day
this is not graffiti, is muralism
based poet
>nigger's doing vandalism
what happened to you Sup Forums?
there is a good amount of grafitti in germany.
they are even here
they got killed?
btw how many of you know that ABB did graffiti and was very much into hiphop
It can be art... but when it is performed on public property or something not actually owned by the 'artist,' then it is just degenerate.
Depends on where it is, and what it is
I seen (good) graffiti being used to color some ugly ass buildings, but these were done under special and state-sanctioned events