Feels thread

Feels thread

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I accidentally said "I love you" and then you stopped talking to me







Ok lad
Here's a tough one

It happens my man, im here if you want to vent







I wish I can say that someone love me like this girl love this guy, I've have something with a girl but like it always do when I'm involved it all went to hell.





And here my dump ends
I have promised myself I wont interact ever again with bawposters because last time I did this happened and it really fucked me up

First comment on it says it all

But nonetheless, I will leave you with some advice

I'm looking for a screen cap where user says why he lifts and it ends with something along the lines of "I lift because the weight is real". If any of you anons have it and post it I would be very grateful.

And if you cant figure out other people, may you lead lives that satisfy yourselves

Anonymus dumper out

This is for you user, I love you

I've never found love between me and a woman. As the years have gone by, I've started to shut down. If i didn't have my family such as my father, grandmother, or grandfather, i would have started to drink to take this pain away. I cry sometime just thinking about how lonely I really feel. No one around me ever understands the pain. I just want to find someone so badly.

> Be me 21 y/o dude
> Never been much of a talker, never actually wanted to even talk to anyone else
> Some girls even came at me stating that they really liked me/wanted to fuck with me and simply rejected all those
> I felt AND feel like I really don't need any of that shit
> Being a loner my whole life
> Tho I had a great friend some years ago
> A friend that I could actually talk to and he would understand or just enjoy my rambling
> His name was Charlie
> I was in school when all this happened btw
> Charlie grew up to be the kind of guy that I would give my damn life to
> No other human being was more deserving of it
> There was a point in my life with him that I really live solely for him (no homo, really)
> He was plain and simple the most interesting and awesome person I've met
> I thought everyday of how ironic it was that I was someone that loved to be by himself and yet I really enjoy every damn second being next to Charlie
> After some years of know one another he died in a car accident
> The odd thing about it is that I did not cry at the moment I found out about it
> Even at his burial I barely cried
> I was still pretty down about it tho
> Some weeks later, Charlie's mother contacted me
> She said she wanted to give me something that Charlie left for me and only for me
> It was an envelope
> I opened it until I got home
> It was a letter from Charlie stating that his death was not an accident, he was in fact killing himself
> He said that I was his only friend in his life
> Nobody like him at all
> He was planning on killing himself for a very long time
> However he stayed alive for some more time because he felt like he not only made himself a little happier from being with me but he noticed he made ME happy as well
> At the bottom of the letter he placed:
> I don't know if you'll be mad or sad about all this and the truth is that I am truly sorry, I love you man, please keep on living instead of being a dimwit like me and never change

Good thing is, if you will never have a girlfriend, you will never be dumped

It may be better that way user, look how love that went bad can fuck you up.
Hit the gym, go out and have a party, begin with a hobby, live your life

I'm sorry for your loss.
I too have lost some good people in my life.
To me, I would have accepted at least one of those girls. All I've ever wanted my whole life is to have someone to hold. One of my female friends killed herself with an overdose. I planned on that day to invite her to dinner and tell her how i felt. I never got the chance.

> He wrote down at the end that he wanted to keep this secret since it could really hurt his mother the fact that he killed himself
> He also wanted me to burn the letter

In the end I started as a lone wolf and I remain as one. I still feel the same tho. All I need is me. If I find friends along the way that take me in as I am fine, if not, fine.

Either way, I live and die alone but at least I'm happy that in the bitter end. I will die with the memory of great person with me and that someone will remember about me even after I die.

Peace out anons, you don't let people tell you what to do, don't let them tell you how you feel and don't let them tell you what you are.

> You are your own person

P.S I still visit his grave at least 3 times a week. Pic relatable

That is the dilemma, is better having someone to love and had it ended or not having anyone at all?
I've got no answer but I'm pretty sure it hurts like a bitch being in the first option, fuck I miss her so much

better to have been loved. i have not. im so afraid that i'll never be loved the way i wish for, dream for.

I know what you are saying my man, but I know by experience that when you love someone and I mean you really love this person, it can eat you from the inside when they don't love you in return, it is shit

God damn it man, that is sad

Stop killing yourselves anyway

It's so weird. Life, that is.
Everyday I wake up feeling like I'd be better off dead. I have no one really here for me, no one who loves me, no one who cares.
And yet I put on a fake smile and go through my day. I make people smile. I make them laugh. Compliment people and make them feel good about themselves. I'm kind of a popular guy, and I have lots of friends. But what's that worth?

What's it worth having all these people around you if all of them would leave the moment they knew how you felt inside? What's the point of having all these "friends," but having nothing more than that? Not being particularly close to anybody, and not having anybody who loves me or cares.

It's pointless. And yet I force myself to keep this image and demeanour of a happy and friendly man, even if it is for nothing. I force myself to be seen as a fun person, even if I know in the end it won't matter.

And it's sad to have to go through this, and to do this, knowing that while people jump at you the moment they need to talk to someone, the moment they're sad, but nobody would ever do the same for you. It makes me feel even more empty and alone. Even more depressed than I already am. It's so damn weird how you can be seen as that cheery, happy man when you're in fact the suicidal mess you are.




Think of all the people lurking this thread because they are lonely. All these lonely people staring at an illuminated screen, feeling miserable. Think how we could all be friends, and look out for each other, help and love one another.

But we won't. The thread will die, and we'll all go back to being miserable, alone, and waiting for the next feels thread where we'll start it all over again.

Why do we do it, anons?


We should made a Feels or Baw discord/any website chat.

not really feels per se, but is there something you can think about that makes you feel nauseous? not even something gross or morbid, just a thought or a memory that you can't really lay a finger on as to where it came from. something that can just kinda break you down if youre not careful and make it impossible for you to do anything else. happens to me alot, would like to know if anyone shares this and what that thought is for you

Op here, I started the thread for this reason, so we can have a moment to share everything with fellow anons.
I'm still here to you anons

There's a reason for the cycle. Even if it helps but one person get out of the cycle and help themselves, then we have done our part.

Should I?

I can relate, not exactly a memory but a image from my imagination.
Sometimes I imagine her with another man and it never fails to make me feel really nauseous and weak, don't know how or why but thinking this fuck me up really good, I guess is because I love her more than myself

I know that feeling. I told my girlfriend I loved her. We dated for 6 months without saying it, and I decided it was time. She didn't say it back. She said she cared about me and wanted to say it but couldn't because she would be a "Liar" then she decided we should call it off so she could focus on work. Found out today she's dating online. It's like it never happened at all. Slipped right through my fingers.


Op here, don't have discord but you can go ahead and make one if you like, let me know so I can join too, godspeed user

i know that too well. however i would love to just once be in a relationship.

Kay, will post perma invite in a while

Well you guys did it. All them feels man.

The whole idea of the feel thread is that it comes and goes
It comes from necessity
And gathers in those who need it

And there is no need to be permanent

I'm gonna wait for the link user

Don't join if you don't want user, I know what you mean but it may be nice to have a more lasting chat with our fellow men

Yeah, this is a thing you have to experience yourself to really know what is about

To be honest, the fact she refused to say "I love you" for six months should probably have been a warning sign.

Here's a poem Sup Forums

>As a child I ran on a summer afternoon,
>Through the fields of bastard wheat,
>Along I went, brother in stride towards a cabin
>Toward an elderly man, who’s stories we sought
>tales of age
>Tales of old
>Tales of adventure,

>The summer sun burned our faces
>We knocked upon his door
>His cabin home was strewn with antiques,
>We rushed inside and took a seat,

>He asked if we wanted a drink
>We said no
>He asked if we had heard about that time when…
>We said no

>We sat for hours, listening to his tales
>Occasionally pitching in, with our childish grins
>Asking questions
>Again and again

>As I get older I realize, he is probably dead,
>In the earth, leaving nothing but memories behind
>No more adventures
>No more summers
>No more time
>But that isn’t the worst part. The worst part is,

>I forgot them all.

We both were getting out of long term relationships when we found each other. We didn't say it because we were scared of it. She didn't say it, I didn't say it. Then one day a few months ago I just...looked at her. The light was just right, and I felt it, so I said it. And that was that.

Pretty good user, have more?

Sure. They're buried in my desk somewhere. Writing poetry is a newer hobby of mine, so it doesn't exactly have a "place" yet.

>Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
>Do you see your wife?
>Do you see your Kids?
>Do you see your House?
>Do you see your Car?
>Do you see your Job?
>Do you see yourself in the mirror?
>Do you see your hands shaking in anger?
>Do you see the sweat on your brow?
>Do you see the tears that well up inside of you, pushing their way out of your eyes?
>Do you see that you’re a miserable failure, who’s achieved nothing but the bare minimum standards of life?
>Can you feel it?
>Can you feel your stomach twist as you gag at the perverts, the terrorists, and the unfaithful?
>Can you feel your mind going insane, numbed only by the screaming of your unrelenting addictions?
>Can you feel the wrinkles that burrow into your skin as you begin to melt, and become a man you never perceived you would be, making choices you didn’t know you would make, hating people you didn’t know you would hate?
>How do you feel yourself in 5 years?

I really like it, I like the way you beautifully build the scene and have a real message. Post more if you can, keep the good work flowing my man

ok be this is my story

>7 years ago 12 at the time
>parents are divorced so i go back and forth between households
>mom is the loving caring parent that never said no well she never said no to anyone
>dad was strict chores and shit owned businesses and yelled all the time
>one day mom drops me off from school and i get called down to the office
>i wonder what it could be about last time it was my grandma passing away
>this time it was my mom brain hemorrhage
>she was in the hospital for about a week in a coma without any chance of recovery
>so we pulled the plug and i stood there and watched as she choked on her own tongue and died
>from that moment on i have never loved anyone and have never felt emotion
>i used to cry all the time now i barely even tear up
>all my friends left me because i was depressed and they didnt want to hang out
>never made any new ones never thought i could
>so now i sit alone browsing hoping for something to come back

I like the other one more but this is more powerful, mind if a cap this for further feel threads?

First time In a long time that I cried.

It get better user, keep going no matter what and find your purpose in this earth, make your remaining days worth.
I love you and im proud of you

>Addiction of mine, please take me home.
>Distract me not from the speed of the road, and pass my time.
>Give me the vision, addiction.
>Give me the sight through the eyes of others that tells me I am wanted in this world.

>Addiction of mine, please entertain me.
>Show me the dancing man you know how he makes me laugh.
>I know I have seen it before, but I want to see it again. Just one more time, and I promise I will never ask again.
>Feed my hunger with the liquid flow of creativity, produced synthetically by the never ending stream of new content.

>Addiction of mine, keep your secrets.
>I care not for where the entertainment comes from.
>I care not for where the feeling is created.
>Just give it to me, once more, as I ready to lower myself into society so that we might all lift each other with our spirits divine, and convince ourselves that we are not alone.

>Addiction of mine, I am getting tired.
>Please, help me sleep.
>One more hit before I close my eyes, overcome with your brilliance.
>It’s getting dark.
>Show me what my eyes can no longer see and illuminate my fears so that, together, we may overcome them.

>Addiction of mine, lie to me.
>I care as little for your truth as I do your purpose.
>I have control over you, not you over me.
>We are not a team we are partners.
>This addiction of mine, we will travel to new and exotic places together, to view the wonders of the world and embellish our own self-worth to others so that they may feel your magic in all it’s might and glory as we slide backwards and forwards though time aching for the one feeling and addicting others just as we have ourselves with one goal in mind.
>The magic.

>Addiction of mine, I cannot afford you.
>When we are together money worries me not.
>I care less for the life span of the innocent dollar so long as it gets me my fix.
>I will dedicate my time, my life, and my knowledge to you so that you may grace me once more with your warm light that expels the darkness, loneliness, and evil that is in this world.
>Together we will battle it until you take my life.

>Addiction of mine, my life is yours.
I> can feel the end coming, just as you promised me it was.
>Allow me that feeling.
>The feeling of a twisting and winding road, sitting next to my love, top down, allowing the wind of life to blow through my receding hair.
>I give to you, myself.
>Dedicated and addicted for life to the trip around the rosies.

>Addiction of mine, floor it.
>Go as fast as you can, and take me with you. Together we will travel into the ever painted landscape before us, attracting those that agree with us and who are willing to get addicted just as I have.
>Take me off the mountain and over the edge so that we might meet in person, and show our love and affection to whomever might find our body, And let them deny it.

>Addiction of mine, this is one hell of a ride.

Okay, here it is:
discord dot gg slash MyTZJV

Go right ahead. What's the point of writing something, if it's not going to be shared?

Well I picked up poetry because I hated how illusive it was. I wanted to write poetry that was more...on the nose and in your face, you know?

This is the last poem I'll post tonight, so I'll pick a nice one.

>What makes a garden?

>Is it the flowers that grow in it?

>Is it the spring when all the plants begin to bud?

>Is it the summer when they bloom, and bring vibrant, exciting color to the world?

>Is it the fall when they die, not to live again until the following spring, when the snow is gone, and the world has returned to its less hostile state of being?

>Is it the sound of the bees as they carry pollen from one flower into another?

>Is it the scent of the fruits and vegetables that are going to keep food on our tables?
>No. It’s none of those things.

>A garden is a window.
>A window that faces the sun, and brings light into your life once a day as you care for another living creature in mutual respect.

>We are all growing our gardens. Somebody plants the seeds inside of us, and we water them and let them grow because they give us a warm, and sunny feeling.

>Sometimes, we feel warm and sunny in hate.

>Sometimes, we feel warm and sunny in love.

>But we continue to grow and to plant these seeds.

>Get rid of the hate. Let those plants die. Build your greenhouse with nothing but the finest of flowers. The ones that people will buy for mothers day. The ones that the bees will pollinate. Get rid of the weeds inside of you that poison and exhaust your garden.

>Take the time. Put in a fan. Get near a window. Let the creatures inside and grow your garden. But it’s your garden. You grow it. Other people plant it.

>Grow your garden. Build it big and strong.

>What makes a garden?

>You do.

Thanks bro

I feel the same, but I don't write anything because I think I wouldn't write anything good enough, how do you began to write?

Thank you user, this was so beautiful.
Keep writing no matter what, you have serious talent here my man, keep filling this world with beautiful words

you type words on a keyboard. You're already doing it. You just wrote 24 words.

Writing is the easiest thing to do, and the hardest at the same time. It's easy, because it happens in spite of us. In 2017 it's hard not to write. It's difficult because you have to write what other people want to read? Or do you?

I think...fuck other people. I'm going to write what I want to read. I'm going to write what I am feeling. I'm going to say the words, the way I would say them and that's that. If people like it, they like it. If they don't, they don't. It was never for them anyways. They aren't the one sitting at home, alone, with words bursting from their chests. They're wasting their time binge watching TV shows, and taking pictures at the club to convince others they are happy. I am the one being tortured with words. I am the one who writes them.

Write for yourself first. If people dig it, then edit it to fit them. But always write for yourself first. Editing comes second for a reason.

Gonna join now

I might try it sometime, who knows I might be a hell of a writer

Not if you don't write. ;)

>people are strange in the way we operate

>where some have joy some simply accept their fate

>people are strange for the way we innteract

>some people talk to others and get very close while others simply stay alone accepting it as fact

>people are strange in the way we perceive love

>some of us find the one they where searching for while others wallow in their pain hoping to be found

>people are strange its all i have to say for as long as you watch you will never see the same

saw poem anons poems and decided to write this masta piece


Poemanon here. I like it, it's really good. Especially the last line. Much more of it was "Free-verse" instead of rhyming. Don't force rhymes. Just speak from your heart. It clearly has something to say.

i have this beat in my head i was trying to follow like boom bat boom bat bat boom

Okay, if you're following a beat then look at the number of syllables. As long as they line up, you'll be fine. A Thesaurus is your best friend.

I still love:
"as long as you watch you will never see the same"

That's a fantastic line. Write it down, use it in public and conversation when needed, and make it YOUR quote. It's a good one. As you write you'll get more.

One of mine is:
"The two most important things in life are time and knowledge. Because nobody can give your time back, and they can't take your knowledge away."

i need to talk
>be me
>be 14
>be sad about how im about to start high school and how i will be let behind
>everyone would go to parties, have fun, drink
>and i would stay home
fast forward to fall of freshman yeat
>i always was attractive, if i was an asshole i could be a chad
>somehow get her, the girl of my dreams
>she was perfect
>kind of shy, but a great personality and was absolutely stunning
>we did everything together
>hung out all the time, would go on proper dates sometimes, and sometimes just cuddled and watched movies until we fell asleep together
>we hung out with our mutual friends, we went to football games, we layed on her roof and kissed under the stars
>she completed me
>all of sudden, she stops talking to me
>grows more and more distant
>keep texting her but she never responds
>confusion turns to anger
>start bashing her despite how i still loved her
>i wish i could've never said those words
>she ends it
fast forward to spring of freshman year
>i fix myself and she opens back up
>its like we rediscovered each other, i loved her so much
>be hanging out with friends and her and her friends
>talking about funny stories from when we were kids
>talk about how i have a scar on my wrist from punching a window
>she says she has a scar there too
>not from a window
>trying to hold back tears
>i hug her and kiss her in front of my friends
>i didnt care
>later i realized that she tried to kill herself
>because of me
>because she loved me, and i hated her

im sorry


yeah i have a shit ton of those like
"everyone is hiding waiting to be found" because we all hide behind personas and masks only hoping to reveal ourselves and have someone accept us


People, especially young are stupid. Both of you were, it's normal. I destroyed my relationship because I was stubborn and didn't want to talk to my partner. So did you. Now you know that if there is a problem you say:
>Yeah, I know there is a problem and if we don't talk it won't go away, it will almost always go worse.
This way decisions will be made faster and with less negative emotions and keeping stuff of you chest will keep you sane.

How did the story end though, user? Are you together, did you grow apart, did your life paths just split off?

It's better to feel pain, than nothing at all

Love it. I have a poem called "The mask" about that very subject. Very few people are astute enough to notice it. :)

just watched gran torino for the first time, was sad in the end