What do you have against Muslims?
>Muslim here
What do you have against Muslims?
Can you please tell me why you find it ok that Muhammad married a 6 year old, then fucked her when she was 9?
need a justifiable answer cock shit
You're all ticking timebombs waiting to be radicalized bc you don't possess the ability to think critically or logically as a result of growing up in a fishbowl ideology called Islam.
If you're a radical, you want to kill anyone who isn't like you.
If you're a moderate, you turn a blind eye to radicals and then brow-beat everyone for being islamophobic
I always find it amusing a British championing a German National Socialist.
Fun fact: Even though Muhammed didn't fuck her till she was 9, he basically still jerked off on her during those 3 years.
Look up 'thighing'....or don't.
You have a backwards political ideology that breeds violence, hate and degeneracy. And everyone seems to defend you because of reasons that wouldn't be valid if such an ideology wasn't associated with a religion.
>They are backward
>They are savage
>They are violent
>They can't integrate
>They do not believe nor respect western values, yet expect you to respect theirs
>They are self-entitled bastards
>Overall their attitude toward everyone else
But most importantly, and I cannot stress this enough, the biggest problem with muslims is their fucking religion
Listen it's hard to tell who's a terrorist and who's not don't get me wrong, but bad people are bad. don't mix them with the innocent
The penchant for First Cousin marriage has fucked up the Muslim gene pool, making most of the rest of the world genetically superior. That, and your ideology is shit.
Besides the fact that your entire culture is fanatical and bloodthirsty, even towards others of the same faith?
Well, you look disgusting and unwashed, even after bathing, you fuck animals and young boys in "sexual emergencies", your language sounds like you're gargling snot, and everyone hates you.
Hope I didn't leave anything out!
hey i blend great in american society and all.
Death cult bent on world domination, submit to Sharia or get beheaded is what Islam teaches
Your core beliefs are the literal antithesis of freedom.
You refuse to conform to the countries you move to, instead attempting to force them to conform to you.
You have zero sense of humor and become radicalized, angry apes at the slightest insult to your beloved 'religion'. And if you don't you quietly support those that do by inaction.
A knife.
it is a religion that has not been tamed by western secularism
Besides the constant murder of people simply because they believe in a different God or no God at all I would have to say how they destroy ancient art and history with no regard for the people who made it
you understand that not everyone's extreme right?
You're all fucking boring.
Seriously, as an American how am I supposed to respect people who don't listen to music, drink, ogle bit titty girls, or enjoy representative art?
You should all just leave.
You need systematic reform.
> What do you have against Muslims?
God you people are stupid.
This is probably a bait thread from somebody who wants some Muslim memes. I'm not opposed to giving them to him.
Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior. Anyone or anything else is just a false idol. You're free to believe whatever you want, but failure to accept Jesus Christ into your heart will lead to your eternal damnation. Just thought I'd warn you. Have a nice day.
Sub-Saharan African data would be interesting. Bet cousin marriage is still lower than Saud or Pakistan.
the past was fucked and it was regular to marry young
but that's over man
>mfw this is a bait thread
Nothing, you will kill all of the liberals.
The KKK and Conservatives will convert to continue holding onto their traditions, and not get bitched at by liberals.
The liberals will be executed, because liberalism/communism/Marxism/feminism is un-Islamic.
You think you are superior to us and will kill me if i criticize you.
i'm ahmadi
IIRC, Eritrea is at least as bad as the Pakis.
>listens to music
>respects women
>the hell are you talking about with art
So you're a kafir to your own religion. Congrats, you are one of a tiny minority.
Exactly, it will destroy liberalism!
>you understand that not everyone's extreme right?
It depends on your definition of an extremist. If blowing shit up is being an extremist then sure, there aren't that many. But if you consider someone who believes in the sharia law an extremist then you have already more than half of the muslim population. If cutting peoples hand for stealing, stoning people for adultery, honour killing and beheading is not extremism, then I don't know what is. And it happens that most muslim support those kind of things, either directly, or indirectly (by their inactions). Every muslims I've ever met thought the sharia law should be instated in Canada, even though they are the immigrants here and they should be the one integrating to our society, not the other way around. BTW, I'm an iranian, I've seen what muslims have done in my home country. I had to flee those savages twice so far, and with le weed man, I might have to flee again when you savages end up comming here en masse.
Nothing, if they stayed in their countries. Everyone should have a home, but Europe, Australia, North America, and NZ shouldn't be everyone's home.
Sorry, decorative tile work just doesn't do it for me.
a dog
just like extremists are a tiny minority
And the problem is your core belief system not the radicals/terrorists.
>your people are disgusting
>your culture is disgusting
>your countries are disgusting
Fucking kill yourself OP.
Your religion of death and hate.
You hate Jews.
The Quran is backwards and barbaric, but the exact same can be said about the Bible and Torah
Honestly, I have no problem with muslims as long as they don't demand special treatment, force their beliefs onto others or infringe on the rights of others
mostly the rape and the genital mutilations.
Ahmadi again so not every one in islam is a religious nut
The "Muslims" that are innocents are very secular, westernized Muslims, aka they aren't Muslims. Islam abhors westernized culture and its people. You need to stop watching msnbc
You=mudslime, a vile cancer that has added nothing to the advancement of humanity, nor ever will, you're freeloading parasites clinging to one of the most backward savage periods of humanity in the middle of a fucking desert.
Mo was a pedophile, a horrible cunt you admire. Allah is dead, his not some space dad watching over you, its all in your head but you're too retarded to realise it. You waste your life by following a book whose spoken word has as much meaning as my farts. We just want you all to fuck off to some place you'll turn into a shithole so you can murder each other away from actual civilised countries and people.
>Honestly, I have no problem with muslims as long as they don't demand special treatment, force their beliefs onto others or infringe on the rights of others
And when have you ever seen that happen, precisely?
They kill non-Muslims
>how are we disgusting
>how is our culture disgusting
>those countries are fucked not gonna lie
no i don't
>but that's over man
except it isn't
Justify this pls
Why don't you live in a muslim country?
I hope you're ready for the Tenth Crusade.
>pol calling Islam full of death and hate
eat pig and die you disgusting subhuman goatfucker
you also forgot to add at least two other sex slaves in the drawing
>not every one in islam is a religious nut
what I just heard:
That's not how it works dipshit, you either follow the religion and its rules, or you don't.
...makes you think..
Except the "majority moderates" support radicals by saying, "Oh I'M not a radical but he his. You should probably convert or he'll kill you!" instead of telling the radical to calm the fuck down and let everyone live. You're literally too fucking scared to call out anyone else in your religion because if you do you'll be perceived as being less pious and therefore less worthy in the eyes of God. It's disgusting.
>discover most people outside the ME have first contact with Islam through Ahmadiyyans
So you're a gateway, an infiltrator. Your taqiya is strong.
>Ahmad claimed that he was the awaited Messiah and Mahdi prophesized by Prophet Muhammad
You're not really Muslims if you don't believe Muhammad was the final Prophet of Islam, you guys are just heretics and absolutely haram
"some" kill non Muslims
don't group people together
You=mudslime, a vile cancer that has added nothing to the advancement of humanity, nor ever will, you're freeloading parasites clinging to one of the most backward savage periods of humanity in the middle of a fucking desert.
Mo was a pedophile, a horrible cunt you admire. Allah is dead, his not some space dad watching over you, its all in your head but you're too retarded to realise it. You waste your life by following a book whose spoken word has as much meaning as my farts. We just want you all to fuck off to some place you'll turn into a shithole so you can murder each other away from actual civilised countries and people.
You are not my family, you are not my community, you are not my race, you are not even my culture.
You are the enemy.
So fuck off back to the desert.
Islam is simply a net loss for society
There are some good things about it, I like that Islam despises degeneracy and promotes the family. However, the religion was founded by a psychopathic man and most societies run by Muslims are complete disasters.
If I find a Muslim on the street, I'm not gonna fucking assault him because I am not a Muslim, therefore I don't attack people who believe different things than I do. However, if Islam was magically wiped off of the face of the earth, I think society would vastly improve.
>select construction vehicles
Anyone remember that incident in Mecca?
listen i can't prove the innocence of the guilty
some people are just gross
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>defending people who would gladly kill you for being an apostate
is there anyone in this backwards religion who isn't retarded
if you practice your religion without bothering anyone, nothing. in fact i feel sorry for you, islam is being used for one of the biggest shitstorm of this century i can feel it.
Well, until you all start wearing tags to differentiate the moderates from the radicals, I'm afraid we're going to have to group you all together.
those countries are fucked man
Answer my question please, OP.
I have to group them together, because I can't pick out "some" from the rest of them?
You are a fucking plague, and everybody is getting tired of your fucking shit, so enjoy while you can
where you born in america or in derkaderkastan?
Back then, they didn't roam our streets, trying to rape and murder everything that moves though.
Harsh but fair, lol.
i have no problems with muslims but with islam in general. I think islam is a severe threat to our society and will probably fuck up everythink. Plus muslims tend to be less intelligent but more criminal and violent.. am i a racist now? ups sorry not sorry
nice empty threat m8 shaking in my boots
Muslim Americans? For the most part not much. I don't agree with their religion, but if they keep to themselves and not chimp out then great. What I have a problem is shipping 3rd world Muslims into Europe and USA, as they tend to be much more violent and fanatic, and their culture is almost a total opposite of the western one
Yeah you're right.
Just because some Muslims are good, we shouldn't assume they all are. #notallmuslims
This one? Been a few.
Blowing yourself up in crowd isn't blending, Ahmed.
Oh sure.
As long as you either convert or die, I'm sure you shitskin faggots are regular old pacifists.
doing my part
read about ahmadis then get back to me
But they are raping Marxist whores though.
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Islam is the garden where evil grows. "Don't blame the garden"?