>unlimited time for vidya and anime
>tons of money for anime and vidya
>VR coming soon
>artificial wombs coming soon
>sex bots coming soon
Why the fuck would you waste your time with a screaming shitbag?
>unlimited time for vidya and anime
>tons of money for anime and vidya
>VR coming soon
>artificial wombs coming soon
>sex bots coming soon
Why the fuck would you waste your time with a screaming shitbag?
You have no time for anything because you always need to work if you have no kid.
>you always need to work if you have no kid.
"Hitler, you do realise if we lose this war, there will be dire consequences"
>no time for anything because you always need to work if you have no kid
stop smoking weed dumbass leaf
look at flag
Govt benefits for kid care
Remove yourself from the gene pool if you don't want to contribute to your people.
> screaming shitbag
You were once a screaming shitbag, but your parents put the effort in to try and make you a decent human being out of you when you yourself was a screaming shitbag and raise you to do something for the world one day, now look at you
>You have no time for anything because you always need to work if you have no kid.
that don't make any sense
Everyone on Sup Forums is childfree because they're all virgins
You people are the worst because you squander the gift of time.
You don't hear child free people running out of new games to play or places to go when in reality this should happen in just a couple years.
They don't go comp in a video game, they don't learn an instrument, they don't become magic judges, they just idle. It is disgusting.
Me, I never have sex as well because I don't want children even though women are always trying to get into my pants. Its a pain.
>>unlimited time for vidya and anime
>>tons of money for anime and vidya
>>VR coming soon
>>artificial wombs coming soon
>>sex bots coming soon
Nother Germany who is only into pleasuring himself, what a surprise.
You are a fucking faggot and a dumb. I had sex four times already today, go blew men. I hope someone invents a time machine so that they can go give your mother a coat hanger.
Aw yeah, boy. Bring on Sword Art Online.
My wife and I are child free and proud.
We both hate screaming snot bags. We have money left over for fun things like garage kept Sports cars in addition to our daily drivers (We each have one and go fun driving together). We both have powerful computers that we play games on. We both have good cameras that we go take pictures with. We both have fully outfitted camping equipment and go on multi-day long backpacking trips inna woods. We have money for guns. Lots of guns. We have money and time to invest in our hobbies. Life is great.
My wife's sisters both have kids. Their lives suck. Their husbands are miserable and look for any excuse to stay late at work or leave the house. The kids scream. The kids pee and shit. The kids drain their income. They always look stressed and drained.
Typical leaf
Jealous much?
>work for 15 years
>make all the money I'll ever need
>quit and do what the fuck I want
That includes Dark Souls. I suppose it would help if I told you I got a few more degrees, one of them actually useful, that I will 100% never use. No kid to deal with and every time I hear something like Obama forcing shared sex bathrooms, I thank the Good Lord in Heaven who I don't even fucking believe in that I don't have kids.
I would love more than anything in this world to have kids I can call my own but the this game is so rigged beyond comprehension.
I fear for what could happen to me for starting a family.
>are you currently making excuses for why women haven't picked you to have children with anonymous?
No, I have a set of monozygotic twin boys and 1 regular boy. Start fucking and make yourself some progeny, faggot.
Hardly. My children are nearly autonomous and I like coaching.
I make enough to travel with them. I work at a school so I get summers off to do this travel.
It isn't hard to have it all. The difference is that even with opportunity, almost all of you will fail to enjoy your lives.
I used to feel pity, but now I only feel disgust.
Dark souls is a 100 hour comittment at most. You should be done in 3 weeks.
If you retire you can be done in two.
There isn't enough meaningful content unless you go competitive in multiplayer. None of you people ever do.
Based as fuck
>my wife and I
stale pasta
Child free forever, best deal
Freshly typed just now for (you)
I am. Feels good man.
>y-you'll be forgotten when you die!
Doubt it. With all of my money, I've donated a shitload to local elementary schools, libraries, etc. Even have a plaque with my name in honor.
>y-you'll regret it when y-you're old!
Oldfag here, when is this regret supposed to come?
>you've r-ruined your wife's hopes and dreams
She wanted it actually (she's a big fan of travelling)
Im not gonna risk having an autistic kid fuck that noise.
lol shit idea, raising screaming shitbags for 20 years. Stuck with witch who bore them for that time. Miss out on life too busy buying disney shit, lol no no no
>he unironically watches anime
Cool kid. I wish to have some too someday.
have fun raising your gender fluid gender queer non binary aromatic pansexual deviants
If you're watching Japanese cartoons for children I'm glad you've decided to not have any kids.
OP is counter-trolling.
He opposes everything he says here and is acting like a stereotype of it
Not really. His shit-tier anecdotal evidence and likely bs life story are not based. Anyone who lives like that shouldn't have kida because they're useless, self absorbed shit bags who would be awful parents because they equate happiness with "things".
Good kids have good parents. Happy parents have good kids. Good parents are balanced, nurturing, and able to properly discipline.
>I'm single, alone, and shitposting on social media.
>But yeah I'm totally happy guys XD.
Makes me think of that crazy bitch who runs the Hartley Hooligans blog.
The delusion is real.
>20 years
>implying I'm raising autistic manchildren like the MGTOW crowd
18, they're on their own. I figured it out and left college debt free. They will also figure it out. I honestly think all your selfishness ans childish hobbies is your bubble and safe space away from the world of responsibility around you. I think it's your way to give license to your introverted and socially retarded tendencies. You're literally blaming imaginary people for imaginary problems. Only women complain about "unreal" nonsense.
Now go be a good lad, get a woman and start shooting lumpy loads into thay sniz.
I don't see why people tell people who don't want or like kids that they should have them. It's probably better for the kids if their parents actually have a desire to have and raise them.
We homestead. You'd let other people make your choices for you and are weak enough to back down to confrontation from the board of education? Yea...you're better off abstaining from procreation.
>not raising your wife's biracial son and redpilling him
>putting a stop to your genetic heritage because you want to drive nice cars and play video games
Darwinism folks.
Having children is dumb as fuck. You're essentially giving up on your entire future just so you can take care of a screaming little shit for 10 years and deal with an angsty teen for another 10.
I'll have to work the same amount of time and end up with the same amount of money due to taxation paying for all parents in the nation. Having a child is basically free in Denmark, everything from childcare and school to money for food and clothes is provided for by the state.
Guess who pays the taxes for all this? Childless men.
A nation of cucks.
I don't think anybody who wants unlimited anime really has to worry about kids anyway
i'm perfectly happy being the fun uncle.
i'll take my niece and nephew for the weekend, and spoil the shit out of them. i'll spend maybe $150 on toys, games, and snacks each time.
i live vicariously through their joy.
I'm glad jews like you don't have kids.
Just kill yourself, jew. We have this spam every fucking day.
>w-why won't people l-l-leave me alone
>anime and vidya
nothing of value lost
the bottom left panel guy is 100% right anyone who disagrees is not presenting an argument and wants me shot
Have fun once you turn 50 and reality sets in. Reality that you will die alone and that your friends won't replace having a family by your side.
Women don't do anything with their time anyway. Taking care of children is the most useful thing they can do. How many women in their late teens and early twenties do you think reads Nietzche or news about groundbreaking technology? They don't give a shit. And I'm not talking about the girls going
>LOL, I'm such a NERD like you guys xD
>Don't tease me, silly boys ;PPP
>I'm NOT just doing this to fit in socially with a niche crowd, where I'll look ten times as attractive due to being the only girl around :DDD
Good, good German goy, don't have children, they're too much work. Instead, be a wagecuck and sacrifice your income to pay for Muhammad's 15 children instead.
Why the fuck are you even on Sup Forums if you plan on contributing to white genocide? Get out of here, find a Helga and have 5 beautiful white children. If you don't, you're a stupid fucking lazy nigger who's part of the problem.
Can't imagine having a kid these days. Especially not in America. I'd be too afraid of my son turning into a flaming faggot, and my daughter turning into either an obese feminist landwhale or a coalburning slut.
>artificial wombs
>hates kids
am i missing something here?
>that comic
What a bunch of goddamn nonsense.
I don't think everyone should have kids and I think a few extra whites having kids isn't going to be enough (by itself) to save the race anyway.
I think the childfree shit has gotten a bit fedora-y though. It used to be about saying "this is a valid life choice". It's gotten so it's about how having kids ISN'T a valid life choice and you'll hear nonstop shit about how awful kids are and how everyone who chooses to have them is destined to be miserable. Very immature.
Often their arguments boil down to "it's very difficult and requires too much commitment". Most things worth doing are difficult. And all relationships worth having involve some share of agony or at least the risk of it.
Also, this is pretty much expected but the movement is only being encouraged among white people and it's concerning because it seems to be part of a larger effort to extinguish us because of an erroneous, asinine belief that we are the source of all evil in the world.
Sort of. I wanted kids from when I first got 'redpilled' but after my wife had a miscarriage I was devastated, then eventually got over it. Since my wife can't have 'em, I figure I might as well endure the hand I've been dealt and enjoy the rest of my life being filled with pleasure and relaxation. Fuck it.
Stay at home dad here with 3 kids.
Happiest I've ever been in my life with a wife, twin boys and a daughter.
Good, no more half-chink Finns LARPing as white on Sup Forums.
>It used to be about saying "this is a valid life choice". It's gotten so it's about how having kids ISN'T a valid life choice and you'll hear nonstop shit about how awful kids are and how everyone who chooses to have them is destined to be miserable. Very immature.
That happens with every life choice people make
Some people will do it, and insist it's a valid life choice. Then others will come along and insist it's the ONLY life choice.
It was written by a woman. A coal burning, feminist woman.
Raise them right then. Keep them away from the Talmudvision and teach them morals. If Achmed can do it, you fucking can.
>Stay at home dad
inb4 70 virgins calling you a cuck
It is biologically impossible for your wife to respect you.
Not a cuck, definitely a loser.
>The white race must be strengthened with pure white genes
>Fuck having kids
I seriously hope you guys aren't this type of hypocrite.
Go find an egg donor or something then. Better than not contributing to raise the low white birthrate and let spics and sandniggers outbreed us. All whites must have at least 3 children to be considered as having made an impact on the future of the race.
I'm enjoying life.
>Stay at home dad
How do you do it? Aren't you scared of having to find work to support your family in the future and only being able to put "stay at home dad" as your work history for the past 10+ years? It's easy for women to find work but males need to have a steady line of work history with little to no hiccups to even be considered for minimum wage these days.
>A bit.
It's extremely fedora-y.
It takes a special type of fuckwit to say "huhuhuh, you want a family, how quaint."
I've never seen, in person, a childless/deadbeat man or woman over the age of 40 who's fucking happy with life, and the misery starts to take its toll on them as they age beyond that point
It's extraordinarily stupid, if you're not religious. In a world without an afterlife, the only mercy you are afforded is having your dear children gather around you as you're snuffed out of existence.
Dude just go live in a tiny suburban town where people still have values. I plan to own some farmland where I'll have like 10 neighbors spread out over 10 miles, and theres only one small school they can go to, where they teach and help a child grow mentally, and not teach marxist shit.
Small town living is pretty much the only non degenerate way of raising your kid anymore.
Oh yes whiteman, don't reproduce let sand niggers flood your country in a few decades white people will be a minority and in less than a century it will go extinct
Of course I learn things, I'm freediving, doing yoga for fun, hiking, etc.
Kid free life is awesome, my stress levels are exponentially decaying while everyone else around me is experiencing exponential growth.
>dont want kids
>looking forward to artificial wombs
We have a great relationship with mutual respect.
Why am I a loser because I want to raise my children? My wife is a urologist and I was a carpenter. We didn't want day care or a nanny to raise our children.
>I've never seen, in person, a childless/deadbeat man or woman over the age of 40 who's fucking happy with life, and the misery starts to take its toll on them as they age beyond that point
Well, the majority of those are single people who wanted families but never settled down.
I've met very few older childless couples and I can count the ones who didn't procreate by choice on one hand.
You gonna stop them from going to college?
Exactly. That's mainly all that women are good for. Having and raising children and doing repetitive, low-skill jobs for a few hours a day. Of course a few top-tier intelligent females can go on to be successful in STEM or business, but the majority just go to college for some easy faggot liberal arts degree so they can have 4 years of sleeping with nigger feetsball players all paid for by mommy and daddy in Suburbville, Pennsyltucky who cuck themselves for kike-run corporations that keep them from raising their children who are then forced to grow up without parental guidance and are raised by the Talmudvision instead which instructs them to breed with Tyrones or turn into buttsucking emo cunt niggers from early childhood onwards.
I'm planning on eventually buying a farm as well. I like the comfy feel of the countryside opposed to the headache of cities.
Deep down I would like to have son or daughter, teach them stuff like hunting and other useful skills and not let technology parent them in my place like you see so many parents do these days. I'm just a bit worried to how they will turn out.
nope.. grandson had first bday last month. he's even white
>tfw in my 20s with no kids
>tfw I have a car and a truck, both paid off
>tfw house almost paid off
Feels good. Love watching people my age struggling to support two kids with the third on the way and no dad around.
Tell me your adress and I come to help your retarded ass.
Ever heard of the book "brave new world"?
I mean did you even visit our gymnasium, a distopia is a mustread there.
Dont you dare to breed.
I am so angry right now, that someone like you is allowed to express his opinion in public.
You're a man. You SHOULD feel a genetic compulsion to work, to build, to hunt and to prepare. You did those things before your wife emasculated you to the point of taking on HER role. Make all the excuses you want, at the end of the day its not me sitting around waiting on my wife to "get home from work" when the reality of "empowered women" is that she's plunging Jamal's cock into her anus.
I'm embarrassed for you...
Here we see Germany in its full glory.
Prior to meeting my wife I was a carpenter and I still make furniture and do home repairs. I just do my job as a hobby now.
I don't have to worry about money. My wife makes well over a six figure income and we'll always be together. We're planning on having a fourth kid next year.
I am pleased to read that by a german, even on Sup Forums germans seem to be outright retarded.
Eh, yeah, nah. She can't have kids, its not her eggs. Sometimes "God" or fate or whatever sends you a cease and desist letter. Time to enjoy life.
Teach them Jew-spotting techniques, or be a bit lighter and at least just instill them with traditional values, if they go to college at all, which they don't need to do unless they're interested in pursing something useful/pragmatic. I'm in college now as a CS major and the few (((humanities))) classes that I've been forced to take have no effect on me since I am well aware of the fact that the entire curriculum is compiled by Marxist kikes. My parents accomplished this by raising me to hold right-wing values, although it's also because I've been socially awkward since childhood and have always had disdain for normie culture.
genetic dead end enjoy your minorities
>Accepting any worldview seriously
They'll drop it to fit in, in a heartbeat.
I do work. I have 3 children and a 3,000 square foot Victorian home to maintain.
My wife is also Mennonite and very religious. She was a virgin when we married and we're very in love. I have no fear of being cheated on.
>Ey gringo, don't worry, me and Guadelupe are totally not over here having 17 children that your tax dollars will be used to sustain.
>Don't worry infidel, me and Aisha are definitely not planning on having 17 children that will be used to resettle your towns and spread Islam.
>Don't worry cracka, ise definitely nots beese ova heah not usin a condom wit Shaniqua and plannin to run off and leave huh ass wit da keedz whose gonna be raised by yo tax benjamins and be forcibly bused to white skoos.
Fine, get back to "enjoying life" you hedonistic, self-serving nigger.
>stay at home dad with a wife who plays with dicks every day
Are you joshing me?
>You gonna stop them from going to college?
for what? contrary to popular belief, many jobs do not require college. Both my kids are making 25+/hr and neither went to college.
Leaf, you are a credit to the white race. Your above average breeding pattern has sent Shlomo into shock. If only the autistic NEETs in this nigger-tier garbage thread would listen to you, we'd be in a much better state.
>I have no fear of being cheated on.
not even any tiny doubt?
Killing a deer with a shotgun?
mfw canada
I'll give you one good reason to have kids IF you have a woman:
>give her a son
>even if you die or she leaves you, you cannot be cucked because if she goes with another guy, he will have to adopt You Jr., the little version of you, and the little fucker will remind him of You forever and he will be the eternal Cück
Fucking inspirational. A (You) and a firm grope of the butt to you.
Few girls need to go to college. Only the bright ones should go. Their smaller numbers would make it easier to instill Western values in them again and make them desire to have children again. Most of them should be encouraged to find a white man in their twenties and find a secretary or state job in the mean time, having a family by 30ish.