Since whites are the best race on this planet, the only question is - who is the best among us?

Since whites are the best race on this planet, the only question is - who is the best among us?
Personally I'd say

Other urls found in this thread:

Anglos are the ugliest.
Germanics and Nordics are the worst (degenerate).
Mediterraneans and the Irish are the best.
Slavs in the middle.

Germanic != German (but that too)


Degeneracy is not a measure of good race, slavic Tsars were degenerate too.

Well Germanic and Nordic are the feminine, beta version of whites

Russians are the alpha version, manlier, tougher

History proved that when manlet Hitler god pussy whipped and BTFO by superior Russia

My IQ tested in the mid 150s in an in-person screening when I was young. I red-pilled myself and have all the answers to all of user's questions. I've served in combat in multiple wars as an evac pilot saving lives since I don't kill for Israel. I'm in excellent physical shape, harnessing the power of the rowing machine and free-weights. I'm an entrepreneur with patents and my own businesses. My undergrad was in nuclear engineering and my masters is also in energy engineering.

There is no best race among whites. I'm a mix of German and Scottish, with about 1/16 Irish and about 1/32 French, and I meet equals but I don't meet superiors.

There is only your personal decision to seek the truth wherever it takes you and be the best you can be, help other people including whites and fight the good fight because life is short and boring otherwise.

Fight the parasitical international octopus, that's what matters. Start a family as well, or its all for naught. It helps if you are Traditional Catholic (ie SSPX) since they are redpilled, but user will never accept the complete truth.



>ugly snow niggers being delusional
Oh you

Daily reminder:

Have you mixed races today Sup Forums? Are you trying to make humanity great again?


West slavs/finns

You lost the war against Russia, and you're a Russian rapebaby yourself as a result :^)

History is objective, it's not an opinion

East slavs are below meds, but above Balkanshits


Same tbqh

Nodrics have done nothing but look pretty

where do west slavs lay

Oh you.

Castizo is white master race

>whipped and BTFO by the human wave
Next you'll say the Chinese had a superior military or are a superior people because they pushed us away from the border in the Korean War. Retarded logic

>be mud Anglo mix
>at the bottom of the list
>says there is no best race among whites

Of course you would say that.

lol nords. I don't know why anyone rate them best. A people known historically for eating raw fish and raiding other people in boats. Nords have not acomplished ANYTHING in worth. Even in athletic competitions they are awful if you excuse roids.

You only occupied the north east of Germany, you sad ugly Slav.

this is bait meant to divide the whites

I'm a 6'8 man working at Wendy's with a 9 inch cock making $130,000 a year, and I say your milquetoast spiel about fighting the 'good fight' for simple excitement sets a bad example to all the other 6'8 men working at Wendy's that populate this board.

So let the reddit shills chat among themselves and move on to True Pol thread.

go fuck yourself yourapenis

>Be German
>Lose war twice to "inferior" Anglos

Awww you're mad.

There is no pure ethnic German as Germanic tribes interbred, raped and were raped by surrounding groups for centuries (to include the Russians who literally raped your assholes and all your women in WWII).

And if I'm at the bottom, why do I surpass you in literally every measurable metric?

But the only metric that really matters is how far down the rabbit hole you make it. The rest is noise. You haven't made it far my friend.

The Soviets won because the US (mostly Germanic back then) sent them ten thousand fighter jets, trucks, trains etc.

How do the Germanics, Celts, and Anglo-Saxons feel that they were the Niggers of the Roman Empire while people from The Middle East and North Africa were civilized?

>all degenerates of this planet had to unite to stop us
Anglos are still inferior.

Wouldn't even have been a war without anglos...

The blue bloods.


>IQ of 150
>buttblasted so easily
sure whatever you say Anglo


They didn't lose to them. They lost it themselves. Anglos had nothing to do with it either.

False. Germany was fucked the moment the "mud-Anglos" decided to build the atomic bomb. They could have occupied all of Europe and fortified for years, would not have made any difference in the medium-term. It's the thinking that you "almost won" that got your entire country raped by Russian hordes.

I'm all for throwing the banks off our backs and ending the parasitical Jews. But your delusion as exhibited here prevents you from having any hope of victory, which is ultimately why your people got fucked so hard last century and are getting fucked right now thanks to your Merkel and associated cucks. Well done, master race. Well done.

That seems about right. I assume "anglos" is a bait, they couldn't possible go lower than 3rd and, given anglo achievements in science, math, and literature, 1st would be warranted.


Every time till you accept it. European does not equal white.

why do latin wiminz have the best bodies? pic related, it's fernanda sierra marquez


That's why Europe needs some INTRARACIAL BREEDING GROUNDS

b r e h s


Pick one and only one user

This looks fucking disgusting

Nice memes master race.

Clearly the race most on the brink of extinction is also the most masterful. How's your migrant invasion going?

You're so easy that I almost feel bad for posting here. If your delusion makes the death of your people and race (and recent anal rape by Russia) more bearable then have at it, masterful one.

>whites are the best race on this planet
>yet they are subjugated to Jews
Is this the white equivalent of WE?


>the moment the "mud-Anglos" decided to build the atomic bomb
>mainly succeeded because of german scientists

>helping design technology used to subjugate you
nothing ever changes

Ranking by cuck status I see
Anglos should be below Germanics

The elite Anglos are the best and should take over the world

Remember when you say Brits are ugly you are naming the lower class scum

>That poo on India

anglos are germanic.

Italians, easily.

>Remember when you say Brits are ugly

>pls only pay attention to like 15% of our population that isn't ugly

You are the same cunt from /r9k/, aren't you?

Slavs are the ugliest.

I'd say




Also anyone who lives in Slovenia is ugly

Tsars were German not Russian. They had Russian names to fool the peasants.

STFU pussy feminine inferior dumbass, slavs are inferior history proved this.

Ugly non-snownigger alert. Snowniggers have more money LOL


The uglies should be executed but I think they are only 15% of the population actually (take it from someone who lives here).

But the Anglo elite have dominated the world and should do it again with some SS reproduction regime

eww upper-class Brits are scum and disgusting.

Where would Germans be tho?

are you a homo?
you keep posting men

>Krauts build a big army in world war 2
>need Germanic people to lead it

sure totally

>I'm so mad I just made this in paint
holy shit

Maybe germanics on top.

American white mutts

Any relevant list of recent (1776-present) achievements is dominated by Americans, who are mostly whites with multiple ethnicities

Slavs are the niggers of Europe. All others are fine.

>Germanics are le Masterrace

meanwhile Bavaria has the most East European migrants and is the richest part of Germany.

Trump is mainly pure Germanic. Although he has a bit of German in him on his dads side.

Anglos are objectively the best because they accomplished the most.

Nords are the best looking.

Scandinavians are considered the best looking actually.

Welp at least the kikes are evolving their divide and conquer shit into more subtle forms.
3/10 good job Shlomo.


>all whites are good but some are better
>divide and conquer

>UK tard alert.

Best fighters
Sovereign Leaders
Weird Hair
Possibly the most degenerate and the Gentlest
Best Innovators

What are you doing on the Internet Father Jack


What about Scandinavians? Why does everyone forget us.

Can I being of white if have white skin, but am not of europoor countries since many moon ago?

>Anglos are objectively the best because they accomplished the most.
>Spreading your down syndrome looking people around the globe means you accomplished anything
Germanics made the most contributions to science, engineering, literature and political systems than anyone else. You are welcome.


Actually Germans and Austrians have, nice try.

Nord means "North" in scandinavian, so that refers to anybody from Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark.

No, Nordic people are the Anglos, Saxons, Jutes, Normans, and a few others I forget though. Madison Grant explains it.

nords have never achieved a fucking thing hans. they went from snownigger barbarian rapists to absolute cucks with only a short period of civilization in between.

Feels good to be Nordic.

all of the royalty of europe was no single discernible race, they were all mixed together especially after victoria.

Made up 5% of Soviet material
when is this meme going to end?

He's half Scottish you idiot, his mother was born in Scotland.

French are considered what? Germanic in the north and Mediterranean in the south?