>It's one of them threads.
It's one of them threads
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Why are there seven countries in the UK?
Wait. How is Sweden cucks and not cucked?
Big Cities must be cleansed, and rebuild from the ground
desu I liked all the European countries I visited, the people as well (in general)
>Czech republic
Hell even Turkey wasn't too bad (only visited Istanbul)
Remember roach, there are two million Turks living in Germany.
I've had some experiences.
shoo shoo!
nice try roach. The irony is that even the roaches from the north here hate you for turning them into third world palestine 2.0
>all of yurop red except glorious czech
doesnt matter.
why russia red ?
Plane go boom boom.
I'm genuinely disgusted.
its a mistake.We must apologize to them.Russia isnt bad guy.The real bad guy europe and murica
so you're a morrocan who was born in france and then moved to the usa?
Europe and America are the only ones accepting ur kind.
>actually falling for it
Scottish Nationalist reporting in.
We try :C
Because communism
Hold up
Read the BEST Sup Forums based manga series ever
you love Norway and Denmark because you think they are related to you right?
fuck everything below the equator except for argentina and israel
double fuck australia and sweden
Do us all a favour and kill yourself
Oh fuck off already you incest-obsessed autist.
Haha, sorry to see the end of your shitty union so soon? It's only a matter of time.
Certain areas of the UK are more cucked than others. Like London is more cucked than Northern England
Do you have mixed feelings towards us because we have Muslims or because of the Holocaust?
you need to brush up on your capital cities.
pretty sure isreal is above the equator anyway
I know paris is kind of right but I had no idea about london
I'll forgive you for the shoah if you give me more submarines
fuck off bong
Any other Scots here that aren't SNP, lefty cucks that have a stick up their arse about England?
Praha > literally every other city
>Loves Iceland
Someone forgets history
*Forgot San Marino.
They are Nordic purity. The only problem with them is that they are cunts when it comes to fishing and they're leftist.
gtfo Ahmed.
Someone should average these up.
Any good app to edit pics like this for Android?
Fucking parasite
> inb4 hurr durr jooz r parasites
No. Get money and buy a computer you poor fuck
Where in Yorkshire do you live, OP?
>hating/wanting to nuke Lithuania/baltic states
I bet you can't find a single legit reason for your hate.
East near hull
Fuck off kike, some people just like shit posting before bed or on the toilet
>Disliked by a "Syrian"/basement dweller
Feels good man
lol so mad
How does it feel to have your airports culturally enriched?
almost as good as gassing 6 gorillion of your ancestors
My thoughts on current yurop
you filthy monkey, juan
>implying Israel isn't being culturally enriched on a daily base
hopefully moving back this summer
america is really nice except for niggers
>The UK
>Not homeland
Why us
>likes belgium
>hates norway and switzerland
dude do you even know which countries you marked? are you high or something?
belgium is the most pathetic non state in the world and our people, aside from some flemish, are spineless cucks
The country as a whole, not the people. I have heard that you guys are nationalistic af
Oh, I almost forgot! Never forghetti. Thanks for the money, Hans
No. Our borders are shut tight, unlike yours
>Implying i have an opinion on every single country
>Implying most arent just neutral
Mine is the only realistic one on this thread