Well, Sup Forums, how does it feel to be in control of the Republican party now? We crushed the cucks now that's all that's left to do is crush then left and power is ours. If we do that we'll be in control of the most powerful country on earth.
The Alt-Right Can Have the GOP
lol, no. As if a billionaire and his friends care about anybody here.
Reddit please go
the fire rises
>Lets destroy the cucks/traitors
That's a dangerous approach. Just warning you. You should try to cooperate with anybody you can and only fight cucks/traitors if they are immediately infringing on you.
Declaring war on every cuck/traitor in sight will only sap your resources and make you look like idiots.
we big guys now.
>Sup Forums took over the Republican party
Memes do come true
>we president now
What is up wit hthat picture? Are all slavic people like this? Seriously do they just drink straight vodka? Do they get used to it? It's hardcore, man.
Feels kek.
>only fight cucks/traitors if they are immediately infringing on you
They've taken over the Right. Simply making our dissatisfaction and true values known is perceived as a direct attack upon them, especially when it's backed-up with a vote for Trump. And it IS. We need a cleansing, and then we need filters.
You can't cooperate with sellouts who sell your culture and country for easy money. Peace was never an option.
americans dont drink straight alcohol?
t. Röhm
pol is delusional
They do. It's just that I see a lot of the thuggish kind of slavic people drink straight vodka out the bottle. Alcoholics do that around here but it's not like a normal thing in any thug culture.
Our god king is a deal maker. We must be rational and employ the tactics contained within this sacred document.
What are you talking about? The article was right, the alt-righters and such have taken over the GOP. You are in control now.
The fuck "alt-right"
d-did we make it Sup Forums?
Fuck this meme.
The people that voted for Trump are mostly traditional Republicans. They just don't understand that they have become irrelevant.
Is Trump a part of the problem in your opinion?
it is a forced meme designed to corner us and put us in a box.
It's just a label, but I don't think most people here are just going to let themselves get put into a box or blindly follow faggots like Milo
This is what alt righters actually believe. Irregardless, I'm voting hillary this election so the alt right can go to hell.
And now we get old and corrupt while we wait for next Sup Forums
90% of Sup Forums isn't alt-right. Milo isn't the alt-right and he doesn't know what it is. Most people on Sup Forums who think they are alt-right think they are because Milo told them they were, but milo is wrong
Milo has nothing to do with the alt right. He's just some gay, jew racemixer that writes for Breitbart. Alt right is the sphere of influence surrounding Richard Spencer.
Does this mean the Republican party will become a constructive force again?
Are Republicans even still capable of coming up with solutions, after being mindless policy blockers for so long?
Kevin Macdonald is the leader of the alt-right
>normies use cuck
okay, who is this cute slav
Redstate is just the saltiest bunch of fuckers aren't they? Fine fuck off, "true conservatives" my ass. Sorry that I don't want to spend 2016 fighting over trannies shitting in the wrong bathroom, sorry that I'm not a retired fuck who isn't hurt by this free trade shit, and sorry that I don't want to sit quietly by while Social Justice faggots destroy America. Also why the hell do they demand this ideological purism now? Where the fuck was this backbone when McCain was running on amnesty? When Romney met with La Raza?
Kevin Macdonald isn't a leader he's an intellectual. He's associated heavily with it though and Richard Spencer. Richard Spencer isn't even the leader even though he coined the term. He's a moderate white nationalist that various factions tend to get along well with.
How old is this girl? The face in general looks 5 years old, but that nose is too sharp and hard for a 5 year old.
>12 years old
Why do you sound like such a faggot?
>tfw I played a part in creating the greatest put down term since faggot
Mmm. Gamegate and Sup Forums left it's mark on the world.
what will happend if politically incorrect become politically correct?
will Sup Forums die?
They will do what we tell them to do when Murdoch Murdoch tells us what to tell them to do.
>I hate that I was with a party that sometimes outright refused to embrace the culture.
''True Conservatives TM'' everyone
''We totally accept every single way the left has redefined the culture, so why do people keep teasing us for not conserving anything?''
These people are utterly lost
>Look at me, I am the Republican now
It really does.
No, we just move on to being progressives for the sake of being argumentative
By great lord Kek!
Shh brother, our clever rouse will be exposed!
I'm pretty sure you're thinking about Ronald McDonald
When are we changing the gop symbol from the elephant to pepe?
Praise Kek
BAWS Leader Here.
To Quote The Next President of the United States, we are Under Budget and Ahead of Schedule.
We'll progress toward a white only ethnostate.
Well we can use political correctness for our own ends once we control the zeitgeist. Like if someone talks about expanding the welfare state we'll just call them anti white and get them fired for being anti white. You know how racism is viewed as morally pure evil? We'll do the same thing except anti white will be morally pure evil and the consequence of being anti white will have social ramifications.