What went so wrong for the UK?

What went so wrong for the UK?

outsourcing of labour abroad combined with a growing welfare state

abolition of grammar schools

mass immigration

some other stuff

Tony Blair

Two world wars

Let me get this straight. So, the typical lower class UK family of 1980-1990 was all men, and by extension probably gay. But this stopped all of a sudden in 2000, where UK boys finally discovered boobies. Is this about correct?

No, the women stayed at home while the men tried to become millionaires.

At least they're white.

The EU and only the EU. If you don't vote leave you should be hanged for treason.

That's not what it says on the picture.
Are you maybe projecting?

Brits seem to really like to emulate stupid television shows.

Father and 2 brothers is gay now?

>tried to become millionaires

You don't see this storyline anymore. What, pray tell, hath happened


>Father and 2 brothers is gay now?
If that's supposed to depict an "accurate representation of a lower class UK family", then by all means. Yes.

Also it's 2 fathers, and one son.

And one world cup, doo dah doo dah

Dellboy was a social climber so he was middle class. You want Bread, that's about being on the dole.

Rodney you fuckin wanka
Unc's shit himself again

polsih imigrants

Wow having your mother die makes you have gay sex with your father
The things you learn on Sup Forums

What a time to be alive! What an improvement. Just missing monster trucks and an American flag. Very unpatriotic...

>an "accurate representation of a lower class UK family"

Dismantling our industry happened.
The nation that gave the world the industrial revolution decided it didn't need to make anything but money.
The greatest naval empire the world had ever seen decided to close down it's shipyards.
The north of England - literally famed worldwide as the centre of heavy industry - is an absolute wasteland now, especially in smaller towns.
It only now dawns on them that we can't just churn money in the city and buy everything from overseas.
Can't build our own nuclear weapons or nuclear power plants.
Have to rely on the US or cooperation with other European nations for our aircraft. The French own our power stations. The Germans own some of our railways. Can't even keep our few steel mills open because we sold them to overseas companies.

Fuck Thatcherism and everything it stood for.

2/10 facetious at best

Fuck Labour.

They destroyed the country and our industries.

Left = White working class in London before wiggerization due to London turning all black

Right = White working class in Northern England as its always been

>Right = White working class in Northern England as its always been

Except they always vote Labour.


Debbie (far right).

Both parties have fucked us over, squabbling over who is more to blame whilst they continue to fuck us over isn't helping anyone.