No YLYL? Let's fix that

No YLYL? Let's fix that.


Got u OP keep this shit real







I lost


I may have had a small giggle


I have been on Sup Forums for more than 9 years and i still have no idea what "YLYL" mean.

Help me out here



you you you laugh you lose you lose you lose

whoops fucked it up
you you you laugh you lose laugh you lose laugh you lose


You haven't been on for 9 years, you first got on here at most 6 months ago. Get out of here redditfag

newfag alert









your mom will die in her sleep post you've been warned







fuck u

Do you guys like the photo of double asscheek insect inside my window i just took?



Thats Alosaurus tho

lol the racist comment would have typos









the fact that she publicly asked people to stop editing her comics into racist propaganda makes them all the more hilarious.







YoLandiYoLandi (it's an obscure reference to Die Antwoord)




I fucking snorted woodstock and coke because of you... thanks

still better than art









op is gay

>vintage failed memes

i feel like im in a museum


>yfw we'll never go back to those days


r u pedo thread op? who hurt u?




fuck lost



the fuck is an asscheek insect LOL

damn i lost

She's fucking hot, though.

eh, its not bad





>I can't afford getting fucked in the ass







