Myers-Briggs Thread: F types can eat a dick edition

You know the drill.

Why is being ENTJ so amazing?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Why is being ENTJ so amazing?
It means you don't share Hitler's type.

Was Hitler INTJ?

>tfw ISFJ master race

wtf Sup Forums who am i?

Can we all agree the worst type is ESFJ?

Apparently INTP. I don't give a shit.

I'm either intp or entj. I don't get the differences between the functions even though I've tried understanding them. I just know I lead with T


He fits both descriptions but the internet says he's INFJ and the internet is never wrong.


ESTP Masterrace reporting in.

I find it fascinating that INTJ seems to be the most prevalent on pol. I also found it interesting that both my best friend and wife had the "guardian" personality type (can't remember which it was).

INTP is best


don't fall for this jew shit

>heavy INTJ type
>ask roommate if he's take a test
>no, him and his girlfriend both take them
>he's ESFJ and she's ENFP
living with them did not go well

he was an INFP

Don't fall for this Sup Forums shit. This board is satiré.

INTJ reporting in


Why do you guys follow this pop-science garbage literally propogated by 2 dumb women (Mayers-briggs) who followed the theory of a fraud (Jung) ?

I never meet you guys

though introverted/extroverted are VERY close as are assertive vs turbulent I could see this test being different on a different day of the week.

Your entire country is INTP

I thought you Americans see us from time to time.

INTJ here both my friends INTP


>tfw mid of infp & intp

ENTP, i can get along with almost anyone, even if i don't like them

Unfortunately not.

ENTJ master race. Basically the asshole assertive people who try to mock everyone else.

It's not. Assertive v. turbulent is needless--go to celebrity types dot com (don't let the name fool you) and read about functional analysis and the difference between the Ne of an INTP vs the Ni of an INTJ, or Se vs Si, etc.. Personality Junkie is really good to learn theory too.

INTJ. I don't really care about this sort of stuff but I hate INTJ faggots who think they are le edgy masterminds.

Yeah that's just a skill not a personality trait

I always think of ENTJs as the people responsible for the alcoholic/miscreant Mensa member stereotype, for some reason. Very, very seldom meet this type.

ISTJ-T Logistician

Never really understood the exact difference between sensing and intuition, but based on the description it basically boils down to simpleton vs. fedora, heh.

I scored ISTP and INTP on different tests, and after having read about the topic a little bit I think I really do share quite a few traits with INTP's.
I'm a pretty day dreaming person who loves to read useless stuff but was never really into maths or physics, the kind of things that are usually associated with the personality type in question.

ENTP here. Most people hate me.

Situational Schizoid

I wish i had my own fucking personality.
Rather... I wish my own personality wasn't so illegal/frowned upon/openly mocked.

I've always seen the Sensor types as being far more about sciences and maths than intuitive types.

More like "Accountant". Although ISTJs are by far the most successful introverted type--pic related

I was close friends with a guy who is similar to the little i read on ENTJ, he was awesome to hang with, but got fucked up on drugs

Lets see who holds the most power on Sup Forums.

test is bullshit

INFJ. wadap

I'm INTP as well.

Be happy, its master racist tier.

Reminder, these are Borg, not people.

I'm a weak pussy

ENTJs will be happy to see this. Stats are a bit old, but likely still check out. I'd hypothesize most NEETs to be INFP.

ISTJs still representing introverts extremely well. Too bad you guys are most likely to wed The Gold Digger (ESFJ).



We're basically schizoids senpai.

>donald trump is an eStp

how dare you slander our god like that mr fedora

Same here, everyone at work used to call me the "swiss army knife", whatever job I needed to do I got done. I could be a part-time manager, or I could keep my head down and shut up and be a grunt and I'd never complain in either. Socially I'm a chameleon and fit into all groups and no groups at the same time. It truly is the master race.

It's almost nothing like Astrology. I'm sorry that it offends your sensibilities that human beings aren't all completely unique from one another, and that our personalities are pretty easily categorized.


Fuck yeah leaf, that almost perfectly describes me too

tfw INTP



>it's an intuitives self congratule themselves for being genius masterminds that lord over normies episode



>It's almost nothing like Astrology. I'm sorry that it offends your sensibilities that human beings aren't all completely unique from one another, and that our personalities are pretty easily categorized.
Doesn't offend me at all. Simply stating a fact, this is magic, not science.
A lot of what we call psychology is.

don't you have a fire to put out weedman?

I guess you can't miss imagination if you don't have one

Read the BEST Sup Forums based manga series ever

ENTP here, people hate me because I'm an argumentative cunt and I don't care.

ENTP aswell

Myers Briggs tests are fucking hokey enough as it is, but some fucking test you're going to take online?
Might as well do one to determine which animal /marvel character/ and Soul Colour you most closely associate with.
Shit's facebook tier wankery.

INTP, I get ENTP when I take the test drunk though.

>In a discussion, truth should be more important than people’s sensitivities.

>I'm a genius mastermind
>but only in my imagination

Let us know when you become a genius mastermind in real life too.

Pretty much.

Makes me feel aimless as fuck, like I can do a lot of stuff, but I can never get passionate about anything. Also that I'd have a lot of groups of friends I can jump into, but none I'd stick around with.

INTJ here.

I think you're actually missing the point a little.

It's crazy but that doesn't mean it's always wrong.


I finally have the excuse I needed to go full FACTS DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR FEELINGS on everyone.

INTJ checking in.

Gone back to studying math. Feels good.

Agreed, but this is probably more about dividing ourselves into groups so we can argue than it is about self-understanding.

Sensers really struggle with abstract info I know

Sometimes I get INTP, sometimes I get INSP

Apparently I'm smart, but I'm average IQ so what.

Hey I was going to ask /x/ but since you're here, do you have a good site like this for Indian astrology? At first all I friggin' wanted was my birth stone, but couldn't even find that and am now a little more curious. Thanks.

Interesting site. Makes me want an astrolabe.

Yeah except for mine has been verified by a real psychologist and you know what it was? A fucking computerized test with pretty much the same questions.

The same is also true with the IQ tests. The stuff is all under copyright and all anyone has to do is check it out from the library and post.

3 tests, 3 results of IXTJ

Sorry bro I don't know anything at all about Indian Astrology other than vaguely remembering it came from the same middle-eastern roots maybe?

I'd google it.

I'm an ENTP but jesus christ do I hate most of the fags that take these tests, it's basically catnip for autists
>needing a lousy test to validate your actions
You're not an ENTP mate


Yes, it's true. I am the master race.

>all these ENTP master races
feels good to be among my brothers

>it's basically catnip for autists

This is true. It's a shame really because it's a great system but it gets overrun with euphoric neckbeards.

INTP here, pretty chill

ESTJ. What does Sup Forums mean

kill me


intp like always

ENTP checking in.


It varies

America here, istp


>it's a sensor projects his insecurities onto the intuitives episode
ENTP-A here.

If you aren't INTJ-A you might as well kill yourself

>real psychologist

Trust me, I'm a certified soothsayer.

I'm the rarest one, cool

Fuckin close to ENTJ Commander master race.