How much money u have Sup Forums answer truthfully and in detail... investments count

how much money u have Sup Forums answer truthfully and in detail... investments count

200 checking
600 cash in sock drawer
13,500 retirement

Around $290 in the bank
Like $20 in wallet

Around 5k in savings / cash

bymp need more participants

I even can proof the cash part of my laughable wealth...

565$ in the bank, aaand thats it. i have bills coming up so that number is gonna drop pretty soon

bump come on lurkers

Nobody wanna participate?

Probably $10 in an overcharged credit card. Can sell some things this month for rent. But fucking can't get a job to save my life.

converting from Polish currency:
around 5.500$ cash/bank
around 23.000$ dumped in an appartment my ex lives in now.

feels medicore


I got you covered. Here have this fortune.


Ggs. Wish I could have taken note from your life. That's a comfy pillow to rest on. Figuratively.

17 cents in bank account

£110,000 in various investments, no debt. I'm 23.

Still a fucking virgin though.

I think I have about 2$ left in my bank account... Not mentioning my investments though, that's a secret just for me.

thanks, but I've actually made a bit of a mess of my life lol

I'm in my mid-thirties, don't own property, and used to earn six figures (my best year was $150k, but it took a significant amount of overtime to get that much)

I should have more. But oh well, you're right, it's a comfortable amount for now.

About 30k I'm bank (saving for house) 50k in retirement.


The sum of my life is $600.

Car insurance bill is going to be $1200.

That's just ONE bill.

Obviously I can't pay that. It would appear my time to leave this party is approaching.

What are you insuring that is 1200?

Just drive without insurance

$1200 per year.

It's an old dodge ram 2500, I'm just considered high risk due to my age. The thing couldn't break 85 MPH if it wanted too, the gears don't go that high.

Too many bored small-town cops around here for that.

Damn.... that's a lot of money man. Just pay monthly

550k assets, mostly from the house, 200k debt, again mostly from the house.

It's good to own land. Stop eating avocado toast.

Paying monthly would be neat, if I could muster enough surplus money per month to do that.

At least I cleared it last year, but I've known this was coming for a while now. Watching a net decline gets depressing.

about 900 in liquid cash

8100 in digital assets

but then -4000 in credit card debt that's going down by about 300 bucks a month and next month, hopefully 1600, so then by april/may next year i'll be debt free

Psh 180, had 200 but now I have alcohol. So now I have 180 and happiness.

A bad time to ask. I just raided my savings to buy a new car as my old one died.

$3000 in current account.

Owe about $1000 on cards.

Maybe $60,000 of equity in house, but that's not exactly a liquid asset.

I do have an old sports car that is worth $25 - $35k depending on market conditions.

About 3.5k in cash. Another 4k in checking account. 0 in savings account. About 25k in non liquid investments. Somewhere between 600-700k in crypto, mostly ETH, XRP and XTZ. Shit literally fluctuates by up to 100k up or down on a daily basis. I used to panic a lot when my investment would go down by 50k in 30 minutes but I got used to it. Not cashing out until I got at least 3 million.

Part time at a failing business blows

812,487 plus own house 175,00

roughly 6k in the bank, and about 500 in cash strewn about my house for me to dig into when i need it.

Damn my homie. Atleast you've got a job.

That's true. Keeps the drugs coming

Amen. I want to be on mushies right now but could only afford alcohol.

I would love some shrooms or acid but I got kratom and dabs tonight. Would have bought some alcohol but that privilege is still a year away.

Shrooms are great. I take them a few times a year to combat depression

I've only taken them 3 times this year. Still depressed like a mad cunt.

$100 in wallet, couple hundred in checking, about $140,000 in a trust fund for when I turn 25

Fucking same. They just work for me I guess I'm lucky. I know a shroom dealer who deals psychedelic cactus I may be keen but it sounds INTENSE. Anyone have any experience w/ that?

~60k Cash/Savings
~25k Robinhood play
~230k Retirement

$37.23 left

Paid my shit
Still got booze money


I'm assuming you're talking about the San Pedro cactus. I haven't had any experience but I believe it has the same chemical in it as peyote if you're familiar with that. Mescaline I think it was?

RM50 on hand
RM30 in savings
That's like $20 total
Mom and Dad took my money to pay debts

I have been living from savings I made working in Denmark, travelling for around a year and a half, I must have in the account around 1000 $ so I might start thinking on working again soon, sucks

>cash strewn about my house for me to dig into when i need it.
This user unironically has life skills.

Yeah wasn't that was Sokka drank in Avatar The Last Airbender? that guy was tripping balls. I haven't had either, I've only had experience with LSD, Marijuana, 25i, Mushrooms, methamphetamine and Alcohol. Keen for DMT sometime though

I know your feels my man! Booze money the best money.

I have literally no money. I'm posting from Norwegian jail

£112,062, happened to have just counted over the weekend. Earn approx £50k/yr through salary and other incomes. No major assets.

How do you get internet, let alone Sup Forums in jail?

Using a nintendo 3DS to post

Actually pretty comfy

£14k savings
£3k debit
£600 cash

Saving for something but I don't know what

Dang that's dope can you post screenshots?

I would but I'm a pussy

I'm not supposed to be using the internet, it's someone's WiFi (they live nearby the prison). Don't want to get myself in trouble, sorry

Haha all good man I totally understand. Although, if they found out you could dob on them aswell :P

about 50 dollars in my mattress and 20 in my wallet. i have a really hard time holding on to my allowance

Heres mine. A bit behind, 35 years old.

Doesnt mean anything, the true failure in my life is being single never married with no kids.

£24k cash. Maybe £500 crypto. Wanna get into crypto more maybe wait for next big crash? What do u think?

What'ya work as man? I'm not planning on having kids or a wife either I like money.

Not richfag here. You could work any job and still have a lot of money as long you put in the hard work.

Anders Breivik, is that you?

13 grand wage slave want to invest but no knowledge of it at all no debts bought first car cash sold it 2nd car cash too
Young aus still at home

not a lot of debt listed here. not a single -100k for mortgage or -10k for remaining car financing. remember fags if its on credit the bank owns it not you

2k in checking
5k in one savings account
15k in second savings account
1.5k in Roth IRA, with 3/4 invested

Truth. What generation are you from?

$6000 savings, few hundred cash/discretionary, $2500 in crypto, $2500 real investments, $3000 super/401k (in murrican). Would be about $10k better off if I didn't just travel and then get smashed with a year's worth of bills at once, but what can you do.

This guy had sex with a lot of hookers
