White "Genocide" Does Not Exist

>White people are not being mass murdered.
>White people are not being prevented from reproducing.
>White people are not being forced segregated.
>White people are not being forced assimilated.
>White children are not being kidnapped and forced assimilated.
>White people are not prevented from marrying other white people.
>White people are not denied public accommodations.
>White people are not equated with animals, vermin, insects or diseases.
>White people are not forced to marry non whites.
>White people are not called racist for marrying other white people.
>White people are not being forcefully relocated to make room for non whites.

White "genocide" is a total fabrication from a white nationalist with a victim complex.

Prove me wrong, Sup Forums.

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>checks flag
Go back to the shed.

Nice argument, stormfag

Righty then.
I'll send you to Isreal, and whilst you're being kicked to death by the long noses you'll realise what we mean.


Genocide doesn't have to involve violent, forceful actions. The simple "diversity" meme in only white countries while simultaneously promoting race mixing and an anti white male narrative is all it takes.

>In 1950, whites were 28 percent of world population and Africans 9 percent, a ratio of three-to-one. In 2060, the ratio will remain the same. But the colors will be reversed. People of African ancestry will be 25 percent of the world`s population. People of European descent will have fallen to 9.8 percent.

>More arresting is that the white population is shrinking not only in relative but in absolute terms. Two hundred million white people, one in every six on earth—a number equal to the entire population of France, Britain, Holland and Germany—will vanish by 2060.

this is the race that contributed every major scientific and engineering feat of human history. the race that is vanishing with idiots like you denying and celebrating the fact.

White people are actually being mass murdered in South Africa.

Stop reposting this pasta

Look up the UN definition of genocide, shill.

The thing is, diversity is ONLY forced on white countries and white people had no say in the matter.

In Africa there is definitely white genocide, even by your retarded definition.

I wouldn't trust these statistics at all, it doesn't come from a good source.

>Liberals talk about how happy they are there will be no white people in the future
>White genocide doesn't exist you're just all paranoid racists

>taking maymays from a thai animu image board this seriously

It's White Suicide
not White Genocide

Prove me wrong.

>L-liberals never use proper arguments and resort to ad hominem!
Deliberateness is an integral concept in the idea of 'genocide'. There is nobody behind declining birthrates of whites and migration other than the natural flow and ebb of society; whites are choosing to have no kids or 1 kids for financial reasons, and realise that importing less educated labour would benefit them unless they are directly competing, which they aren't

I fucking despise assholes like you, lumping ALL white people into one, amorphous group. Italians had greater penchant for visual art, Germans for philosophy and music, French for novel literature, the English for science and poetry, and moreover, Innovation isn't exclusive to 'us'. The reason ancient Rome stagnated technologically was because they were so asymmetrically powerful to all the shit munchers around them, which is also the phenomenon China and India (to an extent) experienced, before that they were all strong innovators. However I agree in that niggers and latinos are inferior
Except it's much easier to immigrate as an ordinary white to a non-white country than as a highly educated non-white to a white country. The reason you see so much (who for the notice, are still marginal amounts), is simply because non-whites account for a much larger amount of the worlds population

>White people are not called racist for marrying other white people.

Actually, they are. In sex ed classes they usually say that it's abnormal to not consider other races attractive.

>White people are not being forcefully relocated to make room for non whites.
Happening in suburbs all around the world to "enrich" white neighborhoods.

>White people are not equated with animals, vermin, insects or diseases.
I am blamed for all manner of genocide just for my race.

>White people are not denied public accommodations.
I was denied a college scholarship when they found out my race.

>White people are not being mass murdered.
Except, you know, they are.

>>White people are not equated with animals, vermin, insects or diseases.
>I am blamed for all manner of genocide just for my race.
Those are nowhere near congruent.

Sounds like you just have a victim complex. How sad!



i'm already on the anger stage myself

White people have internalized the commands of Jews. So its still the Jews doing it.

canadian tier post there austracuck

>White people have internalized the commands of Jews
If whites could be subverted this easily and this readily by the jewish "race", then I don't think you literal cuckolds deserve the title of "master race" anymore.

>inb4 the "w-well whites were able to get subverted and brainwashed because we're so gosh-darn altruistic!"

That just makes you sound like an even bigger gaggle of cuckolds.

Holy motherfucking shit I can smell the shit stench of your victim complex from over the pacific ocean

In sex ed classes, at least in liberal Australia, every depiction and actor/actress in those shitty educational documentaries were white. There is nothing saying you can't marry whites, and as much as Sup Forums hates to think it, hollywood still humanises whites beyond proportion to the world and to america's population compared with every other race except niggers who are basically director pets

The entire socioeconomic premise of America is a melting pot, if migration was suddenly halted and birthrates were somehow high, the lower dwelling suburbs would be a little less dangerous but still dangerous, mainly because your criminals are niggers

Who blames you for that shit? More people defend us against the marginal to nonexistent strawman of the angry Tumblerina

You were denied college scholarship because you're obviously a fucking retard

Nice arguments burger

You need to pay more attention the news, and not just from approved German MSM. We're called racist if we want to only date whites and live in white areas, this isn't a meme, it comes down right from the top authorities. I suppose you call the systematic rape and trafficking of literally thousands of white women and girls right here in Europe and the rate of rape they have to endure at the hands of blacks in America, as a mere coincidence or 'white man's fault?' At the moment we're still the majority in our nations, but that number is falling, what will you say ten years from now when it's almost too late to reverse?

This post best post.

Importing less educated labor does not help anyone, we have uneducated labor already present in our nation


Please tell me which relevant person has explicitly or implicitly told whites that we are racist for wanting to date our own race

Also if you haven't noticed, white women are overwhelmingly the most loyal, only second to nigger women

What the fuck are you actually on about with the trafficking shit lmao? You do realise most sex traffickers are white and most their clients are white and most the trafficked stock are nonwhite?

Man if thats a shitpost tho you've hit the nail on the head for Sup Forums and its hardweenie for selective bias

>repeating the very meme (cuck) that Sup Forums uses to criticize white behavior
Nigga tell us something we don't know...

And your second statement refutes the first. White people didn't get subverted because they are dumb but because they are nice.

I'm not denying anything but bunk statistics. Make sure you're citing good sources or nobody's going to take you seriously. Additionally, those shitty African countries may have high birth rates, but they also have infant mortality rates that are thousands of percents higher than in Europe, along with much lower life expectancy.

*tips fedora*

Either Jews or race traitors.

Either way, you'll get what's coming to you on the day of the rope.

That's because white people usually have little reason to emigrate to other countries. Not as many of them live in shitholes as non-whites do. so they don't want to move out

user is right, it's not genocide, it's suicide

many white people are like OP, they let themselves be corrupted and they are destroying the society they live in

they would rather see a multicultural society, they WILL be treated fairly poorly in such a society when shitskins finally take over

and this is in a way, a good thing

the old and rotten should crumble and die to give space to the new and healthy

all people, who care about each other on a national, on a communal level, will have a huge advantage against isolated and bitter liberals, who will be betrayed by their pet minorities once they become strong enough to turn on their "masters" and immunity against the corruption that serves the underlying scheme, the enslavement of humanity

white solidarity is to help whites, but only those, who are able to help themselves and will be strong allies to return the favor

wow epikkkkk meme you really showed him man, I'll make sure to post this on /r/Sup Forums later

>White genocide does not exist
straight from the UN website, no stormfront tier bullshit

>everything about modern life has been designed by european civilization
>da azzens an da indans be cibilibsd to yo

Turk denying the Armenian genocide and being silent about invading and occupying Cyrpus - lecturing free men about genocide.

There is basically one refugee housing (about 30-50 people) in every swedish town or "densely populated area"

If you wanna get rich buy a place in Sweden and house migrants, the state gives you about 8.5k per refugee/month
>society isn't falling

so, do you understand the simple fact that population projections are that by 2060 the world european population will be under 10% and have diminised by 200 million?


If you can back up that claim with a reliable study I'd be happy to understand that.

sit on you
>the state pays me money to house invaders
>totally not a corrupt cuck and i'll die a childless rich man

>mass murder
Depends on what you call mass, but plenty of people getting murdered by the numbers.

>prevented from reproducing
Remember Sarkozy's words.

We wish we were. But we would call it apartheid, and we all know how the world feels about that.

Political correctness and the social justice bullshit being forced upon can be seen as forced assimilation.


>Prevented marriying other whites
see #2

>Denied public accomodations
Not that I know of no

>Equations with lesser beasts
Pretty sure there are some talmudic texts or something calling goyim insects or something

>Force to marry non-whites
See #2

>Called racist for marrying whites.
Not sure how that would merit such a response, but the word racist has lost it's meaning pretty much.

>Forcefully relocated
Tell that to people who had to move to make room for shitskin invaders.

And I'm not even convinced of white genocide.

>and realise that importing less educated labour would benefit them unless they are directly competing, which they aren't

Tell me who importing unskilled shitskins will benefit? There is millions of people on welfare in this country, force them to do the shit jobs.

20% Of Australians are underemployed or unemployed but we still let 300K Immigrate here every year. Housing prices have increased 5x and wages have only doubled in the same time period. Don't forget all the extra crime multiculturalism brings with it as well.

Go drive through Western Sydney and tell me that letting in third worlders will be of any benefit to anyone.

Oh no Hans, you haven't sucked Mutti's Muslim cock quota today!

>White people are not being mass murdered.
Getting murdered by dindus and spics at disproportional rate

>White people are not being prevented from reproducing.
No, our women are being trained to fuck niggers.
>White people are not being forced segregated.
It's called a "safe space" for now.

>White people are not being forced assimilated.
Trannys?! In my bathroom? Jimmy Olsen is a ripped nigger?!

>White children are not being kidnapped and forced assimilated.
It's called public school run by liberals.

>White people are not prevented from marrying other white people.
OK, you got me

>White people are not denied public accommodations.
Just you wait.

>White people are not equated with animals, vermin, insects or diseases.
Some one hasn't been on tumblr

>White people are not forced to marry non whites.
No, just societal pressure to integrate poor refugess, otherwise you are a racist.

>White people are not called racist for marrying other white people.

>White people are not being forcefully relocated to make room for non whites.
Do you even live in Germany?

No, no one is doing it at the gunpoint, frankly, because whites are the best gunslingers in the world. No, instead it's a cancer. Eating us from the inside, as sheep who are glued to public opinion on their coveted social media.

Jesus German, wake up. Your women are being served up to the stinkiest and most depraved people this side of a missouri nigger, and you think importing a million arabs won't destroy your formerly proud nation.


Atleast you didn't use that faggot protip meme.

>pic related, from UN charta

(c) fits well considering the diversity propaganda (only in white countries) together with mass immigration.

Fucking white genocide promoting kike detected.

If it was that hard for highly educated non-whites to immigrate to white countries the brain drain phenomena wouldn't exist.

The fact whites are a minority in the world is even more motive to preserve what we have.

I find it amazing there are only 100,000 kikes in Australia and there's still the few of them that like to spread their propaganda on Sup Forums.

It's not our problem to cater to the problems of the third world.

Sure we can be nice and give them some sort of aid in their countries, but importing them in mass into our countries is a horrible idea.

Rapefugee's log Day 87

I have recently arrived in the filthy western country of germany, the fools give me their money, lives and women with a smile, Mister Soros was not lying in his guidebook, i even managed to ficki ficki a white german 19 year old one day after i was given my luxurious room in an old castle 10 minutes walking distance from berlin, these kuffars havee the nerve to make me walk that long? By Allah and his Prophet (peace be upon him) i deserve so much better.

Added note, i nearly forgot to go to this site mister Soros instructed me to and violently shitpost, i bet my pay will come in the mail tomorrow.

Kill yourself you fucking kike. Save us the trouble of having to round you up a second time to finish the job.

The Jew that literally invented the word even describes what's happening to whites as genocide.

Literally everything you listed is actually happening. Also get out cuck. Sick and tired of you decadent Germans fucking with Europe. The Slavs should have gassed you.

>White people are bombarded with propaganda from birth that they're inferior
>White people are having what few remnants of their culture demolished.
>White people are having their children indoctrinated into a system of belief that places them at the very bottom
>White people are having scores of outsiders introduced into their native populations en masse
>White people are being discriminated against both economically and socially.

What will Germany think of next?