Sup Forums BTFO

Sup Forums BTFO

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You again?
I hope those doctors read the Quran in Arabic. Or they will never get it.


>and account for 10% of us doctors
100% false

American Muslims confirmed for master race.

>actually caring about Muslim terrorism or beta fag mass shootings while most white countries are turning brown
Nice priorities you've got there potato nigger.

forgot my source
they are 2.7% of us physicians, not 10%. Op is fucking retarded

B-but how could you be so cruel. Whew I thought God was dead but now that I know he has a Twitter account
> I'm a Muslim rocket now!

Holy shit Sup Forums BTFO Drumpf BTFO




shitskins are doctors in america, lol

>mass shootings
>measure of Islamic barbarism

Rather hard to do after you've set off your suicide vest

Did you not see the picture?

>lowest crime
Sweden rape/murder rate is higher than the UE average but OK :)

> The word of God is infallible
Except on Twitter
God is rethinking the whole plan in 140 characters

Everything's is cool until you insult Muhammad.

>accepting high educated muslims in little numbers is not problematoc
>so we should accept millions of uneducated poor people without skill and without any intention to work



these people, i swer on me mum, m8

>Atack white man, protect coloure people
Normal liberal propaganda. I'm just curious when this all lefist shiet just blow up, what will happen when shitskins become most of population? Second West Roman Empire?

how many layers of facebook has this image been through?

He's not retarded, he's lying. Muslims do it all the time to outsiders, it's called taqqiyah.

Muslim men make up 3% of our population, but account for a minimum of 30% of all rapes, some police sources claim the figure to be as high as 90%. Irish Mudshit BTFO.

He's literally not even a Christian himself.

Hindu master race. Fuck these muslim terrorists.

Not believing images with caps lock white text with black outline in 2016...


ffs, this is so fucking retarded...

alternate counter signal meme

>rape capital of the world
>white population is completely inhibited, takes copious amounts of anti-depressants, and constantly drinks

"Render therefore unto Trump the things that are Trump's, and unto God the things that are Gods"