Ask east-ukrainian girl anything about Sup Forums
My town is under russian forces control, but I escaped to Kiev.
Ask east-ukrainian girl anything about Sup Forums
My town is under russian forces control, but I escaped to Kiev.
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10 min
How do Ukrainians feel over giving up their nuclear arms only to see Russia invading the country 25 years later?
My family immigrated from that region 100 years ago. Can I come back?
No such thing exists.
typical russian position: we are your brothers. Now we know how russian brotherhood looks like
Why? It's pointless
>typical russian position: we are your brothers
No you're not. you are irrelevant shit that needs to go
Man you Asian countries certainly do enjoy swallowing up your neighbors don't you?
All eastern European countries are the same to the rest of the world. We don't care if you are from ukraine, bulgaria, hungary, czeck republic, whatever. You might as well all be called russians.
Wow, East Ukrainians are really shitskins.
t. Galician
why is it pointless?
Would OP lie?
>Ukraine is a very strange "fascist junta" indeed
kek I always love when the West tries to portray every country they support as come kind of inclusive multicultural wonderland
Are you willing to move away from Ukraine if it falls entirely to Russia?
Russia pls annex during eurovision.
Odessa is in awful condition, better visiot Prague or another central Europe capital.
It's my obsolete timestamp, maybe later i will made new one
Yes. I dont want to live in russian world
Pretty much this, except for based Poland
Hopefully mummy will invade soon and put you out of your misery.
You sided with the kikes, I only wish the Russians killed more of your countrymen.
Will Firelake release a new album?
your maidan "revolution" was really just a spectacle organized by George Soros and the like
Why are you such a faggot, I would fight for Russia if they invaded my country without a doubt
So this chick posts on russian 2ch and you try and pretend to be her or what?
what kind of underwear are you wearing right now?
Why would you escape to the bad hohols?
Well if you stay in Europe you'll be living in a shariah world
Sorry Cankles fucked up your country and overthrew your elected government.
Ukrainian guy always comes here and pretends to be her for (You)s.
> stealing timestamps
Cockholes are truly the worst
what you feel about the man on the picture?
>tfw Soros fucked Ukraine over
sad for you guys. One of the few immigrant groups we have which are decent
how is pripyat this time of year?
>Sup Forums claims to be nationalists
>would welcome the opportunity to assist a foreign invader
I agree, what the fuck are these cockholes even doing on Russian land pretending to be a country, they should all fuck off to Poland.
Sharia > russian world
> I would fight for Russia if they invaded my country without a doubt
So what are you waiting for, coward
This desu senpai.
Nigger can you at least post some proper fucking qts.
>I came!
Ukranians are Russians, just as croats are Serbs
They are not invading us :^)
is this true?
damn, hohols are absolute trash
i don't even like russkis, but you are without a doubt the niggers of europe
forgot in the list
"And the president of the parliament is an actual neo-nazi"
>British Empire
Opinion on pic related?
He is not a national socialist, if he were o e he would be fighting for Russia
At least we had one
Ukrainians and Belorussians are both Ruthenian in ethnicity. They are the same people. The terms Ukrainian and Belorussian were invited in 1917.
russians r legit commies, putin was a kgb agent, the whole country reeks of commie nostalgia, they fall back to the old cconnections and alliances
>everyone i don't like is a nazi
stop memeing
>russians r legit commies
Is this what Hungarians actually believe?
this attention whore is getting really desperate
just post nudes already and be done with it
>russian land
no such thing
>Soviet Union
They were nationalistic as fuck
Also I like myself, and I am a National Socialist
>Oy vey neonazis are bad they killed 6 gorillion jooz!!!!
Thank G-d Putin is a friend of Jews and Muslims
At least some gay upsy faggots got to play toy soldiers in their fancy conclaves while the majority of the population suffered*
Yeah nah
>everyone i don't like is a commie
>stolen timestamp
You guys picked your flag just right
>just as croats are Serbs
Oh boy, you should start a thread on this one, would be fun...
>They were nationalistic as fuck
No they were not you stupid commie shitskin
Germans killed a lot of Russians in the holocaust. So of course they'd hate deniers.
> kievan rus
Can you read or do you have shit smeared on your glasses?
technically he is 100% right.
I'd add if a legal possibility could exist for Ukraine and its NATO backers to sue Russia over Crimea (and the rest), it would have been done already.
>Cockhole diaspora
So when are you leaving, colonial aussie m8?
we just want to be more like europe
>sue Russia over Crimea
What about the sanctions?
Fucking hohols are subhuman.
And it's perfectly justified, people honestly give way less credit to Putin than how much is due.
While in Europe there's mounting democratically based problems which are causing internal strife and large changes of national direction possibly in the few years which will get them compromised, as well as that future potential right-leaders will still not have much power due to checks and balances in both judicial and diplomatic formats, Putin has such an iron grasp on Russia that he has (and is ranked by Forbes) as the most powerful man in the world, and can actually function the way a head of state intends to.
Also with global warming (which isn't a meme), a lot of Siberia's land will become fertile and will enable huge population boosts. Also, Russia has better diplomatic ties with China than any developed country in the world
Putin's invasion of Kiev has already proven that a lot of expected opposition in fact won't show up due to Europe's internal lack of convictional power and its' own problems
russian shilling itt
>tfw Electrical Engineer
>tfw Untermensch Ukie steals your high paying jobs in Bavaria
No such thing.
Legend. You are superior then the butt-hurt German "Anglo" guy.
Hate to break it to you Viscount Theodesius Shittlingthorpe but the average income, living conditions, life expectancy and every other measurable trait of a state on average in Australia is higher than that of the UK. Youre still better off than the majority of your former subjects tho mainly cuz india is fucking huge
>population suffered
Suffered? Compared to what? The rest of the world?
Lermayo! My face when!
Be safe from RIDF slavshits and Novorussia mongrel sub-human scum.
>Russian forces
Go back to dvach.
Russia is both a nation and an empire.
They have been decided not after Crimea, but after MH17.
That was the official reason then as they immediately jumped on "muh Putin did it"
Now, as MH17 investigation has turned into a farce, they no longer tell the sanctions were about this, but for "Russian invasion in Donbas", which is yet to be demonstrated.
>only way to sell your point is to camwhore
Never seen a more Polish post lmao
How does it feel that, Westward and inwardly, you will be faced with the progressive menace of the EU and Germany, inward with Chinese and American ""investment""", and Eastward with the eternal Russian liberator
t. Polish cuckold hailing upa
I guess the empire was a good thing after all
>dat anal devastation
Tatar turk detected
It was shit for everyone that took part in it who wasn't a sperging pom aristocrat. The reason Australia's successful is largely due to our natural resources and postwar American investment
What's the difference between a Ukrainian and a Russian?
"Holocaust" is a very specific termin for the six gorillion chosen people.
The other millions are rarely even mentioned, shunned even, for trying steal light from the "unique and most terrible tragedy"
Video to explain:
desu if I lived in a degenerate country that was importing shitskins by the thousands I'd stand with any side proposing to expel them.
Hey at least you got a country from it
Canada too
This board wouldn't be the same without you guys
Ukrainians live further West.
So basically they have no legal basis and yet everyone keeps their mouths shut and watch?
Such a lovable international community.
Can anything be done, or do we just sit and see russians getting fucked by the world until they collapse again?
what do think about ukranian heroes Bandera and Shuhevich ?