>Attempts by a tech correspondent at BuzzFeed to interview “fashionable and culturally-forward” Trump supporters ended in disaster as young conservatives took to social media to ridicule the reporter instead of answering his questions.
>Attempts by a tech correspondent at BuzzFeed to interview “fashionable and culturally-forward” Trump supporters ended in disaster as young conservatives took to social media to ridicule the reporter instead of answering his questions.
Everytime, a begging cucked yid.
>fashionable and culturally-forward” Trump supporters
I'm dying here.
Fucking savage
>unironically putting the word "cuck" in a major article
Is Breitbart just the Buzzfeed of the right? Every time I go to this website, their headlines are sillier and sillier, nearly to Salon levels of exaggeration and mockery.
holy shit ahahaha
>got so desperate to interview Treadwell after getting ignored multiple times
>so desperate that he literally tried to go through the guy's tattoo artist
What the fuck man. Is this one of the truest ways to distinguish who is and who isn't a liberal? By their ability to be told the word "no"?
fight fire with fire
>'I'm so sick of the media making us all out to be crazy aggressive weirdos!
>'A Reporter hoping to ask some questions? Let's ruin his career!'
I just want a news website that doesn't taint every single article with political bias of any kind.
More like Fashy-onable.
Every fucking time.
you want a website that gets no views and has no operating budget
>basement dwelling meme-lords
>social media savvy hipsters
It's weird that he thinks you can't be both at once. People who spend all of their time in the basement are generally on the internet for hours every day. What part of social media requires savvy, exactly? The ability to push the "tweet" button?
Top kek good work lads
Thou shalt not suffer a communist to live.
The ability to get digital skinnerbox rewards like upvotes, reblogs, retweets, or "favorites"
Or in Sup Forums's case, (You)s
Great to see! Journalists are scum and should be treated as such.
guess the poor cuck couldn't bear it after all
>the maturity of trump supporters
Wasn't it Bernstain?
KEK b with u
Good work. Journos are not your friends.
Use them or walk away. Don't let them benefit from you.
or achieving doubles
>Trust me If you are just really nice to the left they will be nice back
>tfw outsiders will never know the feeling of seeing your post get repeating integers attached to it
>muh presentability
I enjoy calling people a cuck and I hope that it never gets old.
hello my fellow basement-dwelling memelords
Even taxpayer funded news networks which exist for the purpose of being unbiased and less entertaining, have a lefty bias.
>Buzzfeed kike tries to bait Trump supporters into a bad faith 'interview'
>Trump supports are too smart to fall for it and call him out
smart move on their part, if they took the interview they would just be shit talked and mocked for supporting Trump
>What he says happened
Soldiers of the true swastica came, wearing kikeskin boots and jeans, beat him up, molested and emasculated him while changing germany uber alles, famous neo-nazi artist group vaginal jesus and yelling trump slogans
>What ACTUALLY happened
He tried to ask trump suppoters loaded questions to meme them, but he got MEME'D on by the best.
You know what they say...
Shill against the best, get meme'd like the rest!
>famous neo-nazi artist group vaginal jesus
>kikeskin boots and jeans
You're a fucking idiot. The article closes on reporting that hundreds of people called him a cuck on Twitter at the same time.
it's called stooping to their level
>I may never win at politics again but I least I have my principles
Omg they keep using his name and it echos so loud. The entire article is basically (((((((((((((ECHO FUCKING HARD.))))))))))
>how dare those filthy goyim use our tactics against us this is L I T E R A L L Y another holohoax
>n-no stop you need to p-play nice
triple dubs
>some asshole spits in your face
>better be be nice man and suck his dick too!
People like you are the problem
I don't know about you but since Trump started running I've shaved my neckbeard and lost 20 pounds.
Good buzzfeed is shit anyway, pretty much everyone who works there ought to be blacklisted from any media outlets to keep the cancer at bay.
it doesnt work that way, you have to fight fire with water. american education everyone
thats awesome
>some reporter tries to write a negative article on Trump/Trump voters
>gets shit on endlessly
>doesn't even know you can use fire to fight fire.
>calls others stupid.
Fucking typical european m8. I'm so le CULTURED YOU DUMB AMERICAN XDDD! Now i must go prep my wifes son for his bath time. Will retweet this to my nu-male council for approval later in the cuck shed.
nice based mocking of eurofags. will suck your based dick 4 cash.
>receive a tweet and text message
Those people are fucking retarded. I'm surprised they didn't cry rape too.
Good. We should completely neutralize the lying mainstream media. They should be unable to go for coffee. They should not be able to do anything outside an office without getting photobombed or confronted over their lies.
No one knows what Trump's policies are
They're just voting for him cause 'pc cucks'
Yet they forget that Trump wants to increase surveillance.
Oh shit, Hail to the Chief
Improve conditions for American workers by blocking illegals and rebalancing trade. Also making allies pay their share of defense.
Basically America standing up for itself.
What if those are 'suggestions'
There's guarantee he's going to do that
I am allowed to disagree with trump on an issue
like snowden
>wasted dubs
Buzzfeed doesnt hire reporters, they hire bloggers
>There's guarantee he's going to do that
nice typo. it makes you admit that trump is as good as his word
don't forest fire teams do controlled burns of areas around a spreading wild fire so that it can't spread?
There's no guarantee any candidate will do what they promise faggot.
If you haven't noticed, the younger generations are too dumb or too ADD to notice a plain headline. That's why the media of today uses 'clickbait' headers--to catch the attention of readers.
The left uses it quite well, because they've programmed generation after generation of people to respond to this. Why not use their tools against them?
In germany, you have to fight fire with acceptance and open arms.
Being nice to them worked wonders with gamergate didnt it faggot
>a leftist journalist is trying to get some testimonies that he will alter to fit his narrative that we are evil
>better play into his hands to look like the bunch of nazis he wants us to be!
Accept Obama did try to do the things he said was going to do
>try to close down guantanamo
>pull out of iraq
>help fight climate change
How do we know what Trump is going to do if he's constantly flip-flopping and calling everything he says 'suggestions'? Seems like he doesn't believe anything he says.
pure coincidence
>try to close down Guantanamo
But he didn't. He backed out.
>pull out of Iraq
That worked wonders. Now we're going back thanks to ISIS unless Russia crushes them first.
>help fight climate change
What did he do? Waste taxpayer money on companies going bankrupt?
>what is a firebreak
retarded Europeasant
Avoided my question
Trump is only giving vague descriptions of his policies and doesn't seem to have strong positions on certain key issues
Does none of that matter to you?
Is just hearing 'Make America Great Again' good enough?
I fucking love this.
>10/10 "Cuck" made my day.
>I just want a news website that doesn't taint every single article with political bias
Closest there is? antiwar.com Has been around for almost 20 years, run by a libetarian homo but they are "impartial" and do name the Jew without going into daily stormer territory.
You CAN fight fire with fire. If you still remember science, you know that fire needs fuel to consume. Something combustible/flammable. To "fight fire with fire", you use a "controlled" fire to deplete the fuel that the "hostile" fire could use. The hostile fire then burns out because of lack of fuel and keeps the rest of the other potential fuel safe from being consumed by both hostile and controlled fires. That's how you literally fight fire with fire.
The same principle could be applied in other things. Think of tools as "fire". Then think of gaining supporters as "controlled fire". Then think of people as fuel.
The goal of the figurative "fighting fire with fire" is to use your enemies' tools (using fire) against them by making sure you convince people to your side (creating controlled fire) before they could (to consume all the fuel before the other could), to keep them from supporting the enemy.
"Putting out fires with water" is a reactive measure, where it's probably too late and the hostile fire/enemy has consumed much. But by taking the more proactive "fighing fire with fire" measure, you can snuff the hostile fire/enemy before it's too late.
Yeah and lets assume Salon will write unbiased articles on the MRA movement while we're at it.
>only giving vague descriptions of his policies
Confirmed for never going to his website and actually reading
>doesn't remember truncated post numbers
What are you? Are you rare?
the fuq you doin out there senpai?
That was truly a dark time.
So there was no guarantee?
glad to see you have realized the truth
Why go if it's obvious that he probably doesn't even approve of everything that goes on there?
I'm watching some his interviews and the only thing he seems to delve into is the wall.
Lose/lose honestly. Take the interview and their words are twisted and the entire thing is done to show that at best Trump supporters are asshole trolls who want to harass everyone and make them miserable. Turn them down and you get this.
>Avoiding my question
You asked someone else, retard. I just thought I should call out your lies.
>Trump only giving vague descriptions..
He's very clear that he's going to leverage import tariffs on companies considering outsourcing and enforce currency manipulation clauses into future trade deals.
>doesn't seem to have strong positions on certain key issues
Only in your mind.
Back to your question to another user.
He will be the President. The President cannot write up, pass, and enforce legislation by himself. He has to pass bills through the House of Reps, and one of Trump's major issues with Obama is that he abuses executive orders. Trump clearly does not want to fall into that trap. The only thing he said is that it's a policy solution to current issues that he wants to implement, but he knows he doesn't have absolute authority over the federal government.
He wants to act like a statesmen, retard.
Yes, but most candidates follow through as to what they say.
Trump backing out and calling the muslim ban a 'suggestion' seems like he's not going to go through with his more 'extreme' positions(the ones that Sup Forums loves)
Rarest flag ever
Have a (you) for your informative post
If Donald Trump's legion an't ooperate with the respected journalists at Buzzfeed then I can't walk among them. So now, #ImWithHer.
>Top 15
>We did something and what happened was amazing
>This will restore your faith in humanity
>20 questions people who belong to one thing have for people on the other thing
The president can authorize the ban on aliens himself. He doesn't need approval.
No reason for him to call the ban on muslims a 'suggestion'.