I have watched many documentaries on what happened at Hiroshima and Nagasaki and I think everyone can agree that it was a war crime. It instantly killed a hundred thousand innocent people who had no chance to flee or take shelter. Those that survived were inflicted with debilitating injuries. Put aside your pride and apologize for what you know was a terrible act, to do so shows strength and humility, if you even have any left.
Its time for America to apologize for Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Other urls found in this thread:
lol about hte same time nips apologizes for china and korea
aka never
trips dont lie
Wait so people die in war?
>thinking less japs and Americans would have died if we didn't drop it.
Rape of Nanking and Unit 731 faggot! Look them up!
So you acknowledge that you are weak then?
This was a disgusting and horrific act, you are morally bankrupt if you don't believe an apology is owed.
When they apologize for Nanking and the abysmal treatment of POW's.
Please stop making this thread every day, it doesn't need a general.
The dubs trips of cold hard honesty.
Should have dropped a few more tee bee ecci, my relative.
They attacked us.
As they say, all's fair in love & war.
America asks that you take immediate heed of what we say on this leaflet.
We are in possession of the most destructive explosive ever devised by man. A single one of our newly developed atomic bombs is actually the equivalent in explosive power to what 2000 of our giant B-29s can carry on a single mission. This awful fact is one for you to ponder and we solemnly assure you it is grimly accurate.
We have just begun to use this weapon against your homeland. If you still have any doubt, make inquiry as to what happened to Hiroshima when just one atomic bomb fell on that city.
Before using this bomb to destroy every resource of the military by which they are prolonging this useless war, we ask that you now petition the Emperor to end the war. Our president has outlined for you the thirteen consequences of an honorable surrender. We urge that you accept these consequences and begin the work of building a new, better and peace-loving Japan.
You should take steps now to cease military resistance. Otherwise, we shall resolutely employ this bomb and all our other superior weapons to promptly and forcefully end the war.
Not the topic of discussion, do you think that Germany didn't need to apologize for the holocaust because of the rape of Berlin?
This place is full of retards actually so the answer to the above is statistically likely to be "yes"...
>apologize for literally saving countless lives
Because your military leaders have rejected the thirteen part surrender declaration, two momentous events have occurred in the last few days.
The Soviet Union, because of this rejection on the part of the military has notified your Ambassador Sato that it has declared war on your nation. Thus, all powerful countries of the world are now at war with you.
Also, because of your leaders' refusal to accept the surrender declaration that would enable Japan to honorably end this useless war, we have employed our atomic bomb.
A single one of our newly developed atomic bombs is actually the equivalent in explosive power to what 2000 of our giant B-29s could have carried on a single mission. Radio Tokyo has told you that with the first use of this weapon of total destruction, Hiroshima was virtually destroyed.
Before we use this bomb again and again to destroy every resource of the military by which they are prolonging this useless war, petition the emperor now to end the war. Our president has outlined for you the thirteen consequences of an honorable surrender. We urge that you accept these consequences and begin the work of building a new, better, and peace-loving Japan.
Act at once or we shall resolutely employ this bomb and all our other superior weapons to promptly and forcefully end the war.
>This place is full of retards
But why troll with the same thread every day? Aren't you smart enough to make something new? It has to be boring watching the same responses roll in each time.
There has never in world history been a nation which had it coming like the Japanese Empire did. Genghis Khan would look at Nanking and think they took it a bit too far.
two nukes weren't enough
Its time for Britain to apologize for the stamp act
See The Japs were warned, the innocents in China and Korea didn't get such a warning before their lives were turned into hell.
>muh american exceptionalism
Obama should apologize for Hiroshima and Nagasaki just as much as whites should apologize for slavery.
Here is one of the crew members of the Enola Gay meeting with two survivors of the Hiroshima bombing. They ask him to apologize and he refuses. The woman begins crying and he still refuses to apologize. Not only that, but he suggests that it is the Japanese who should apologize to him. And I agree.
If this great patriot will not apologize then neither will I.
(Turn on CC for subtitles.)
Japan literally doesn't even want a fucking apology, Obama recently tried to apologize for it and Japan didn't accept his apology and told him not only do they not give a shit, they also feel he shouldn't apologize for shit he didn't do.
It's time for the UK to apologize for Berlin and Dredsen. I have watched many documentaries on what happened at Berlin and Dresden and I think everyone can agree that it was a war crime. It killed a hundred thousand innocent people who had no chance to flee or take shelter. Those that survived were inflicted with debilitating injuries. Put aside your pride and apologize for what you know was a terrible act, to do so shows strength and humility, if you even have any left.
>"We're sorry we killed a few hundred thousand instead of dragging both our nations into a long drawn out ground war that would have killed tens of millions."
The narrative needs to change. If I fling enough intelligence and reason, something might stick. People here, especially Americans, need to realise that their country is not an absolute moral authority and that they aren't always "the good guys". I would hope that they can learn to be strong enough to apologize for what they likely already know deep down was a war crime and unjustifiable.
It's 1945, they're not going to get that message out fast
>armchair analysts revising historical decisions they will never have to suffer repercussion and responsibility for
But who are we apologizing to? They died. It's over with. An apology means nothing.
They did apologise. It's called Canada
I agree that it was the better of two difficult and bloody choices. It's a war crime still.
> Can't grasp the concept of historical perspective
> Other people are retards
If they had figured this out their foreign policy would be radically different.
People are starting to catch on,
Citation - Trump's success
I guess you're not going to 'break character' for this thread then, best of luck with your baffling choice of troll topics, I just wish you didn't hate this place so much that you felt the need to make it worse.
Because Japan apologized for....
Try not to cut yourself on that edge there, faggot.
>you're a commander in chief
>millions of your soldiers' lives are in your hands
>you possess a weapon that will surely end the war without risking A SINGLE LIFE of your countrymen
>all this after being in a bitter, hard-fought war the past 4 years
Just go away limey fuck. It was an easy decision for Truman and we'd make the same decision again, so would your PM. Deal with it.
How do Krauts feel about Dresden?
I'm not in character, I'm not trolling and I don't hate this place, quite the contrary, Sup Forums can be great banter but it is also a good place to have unfiltered discussion about controversial topics and talk to people with differing opinions freely without worry of things escalating or other shit happening.
That's a fancy explanation for "makes exact same thread every day". I wish you wouldn't do this, it lowers the quality of the board for everyone and you damn well know what you're doing.
You need to first apologize to us for not committing seppuku for making this thread.
No, they did it for the greater good. An invasion of Japan would have cost thousands of British, American and other allied lives as well as maybe millions of Japanese. Besides, it's the threat of nuclear war that has kept major countries from fighting each other since then.
It also sent a message to the Soviets, who were putting their own arsenal together.
Let 'em know we weren't pussies.
We're still giving out Purple Hearts that were made in preparation of the invasion of Japan. They started the war, we ended it.
No. It was that or kill them all
Plus the Soviets were totally down to invade glorious Nihon without the bombs. Would've likely had a 'Best Japan' to go with 'Best Korea'.
The atomic bombings where justified though. At the time the the US was engaged with Japan in total war. Total war means that all of Japans industry and resources where going to the production of war goods tanks, planes,bullets and shells. The destruction of which would hinder the Japanese's ability to wage war. At the time Most of Japans men where engaged in the fighting and where not able to to work in these factory's. Instead it was women and whoever they could get. By working in these factory's they where directly contributing to Japans war goals. This means that they where fair targets. An invasion of mainland Japan by the Allied forces would have had ungodly casualties for them and the Japanese. Why should the US have to apologize for shortening the war and possibly saving mainland Japan from total destruction. In total war civilians are not a thing, Total war is the absolute destruction of the enemy's ability to wage war in any way. The atomic bombings where therefore justified according to the modern rules of war, and had the added benefit of saving mainland Japan from untold destruction and loss of life.
So not at all, glad we are on the same page
Remember the rape of nanking
The bombs prevented millions of casualties
Feel what you want about it but the USSR and the US probably would've gotten into a nuclear war if we never used them.
Shit that must have taken some stones, respect.
Another choice was genocide of Japanese. Google "Operation Downfall". Estimated casualties: 500k to million of American soldiers, millions of Japanese. So no, this wasn't a war crime.
There is a difference between war casualties and killing 200 000 civilians including hospitals and schools you fucking edgelord.
Mfw normies don't know that we killed waaaaay more people in all the bombing runs we made on the Japanese mainland.
>Yokohama which is roughly the size of Cleveland was 58 % destroyed
>Tokyo which is comparable to NYC was 51 % destroyed
>Nagoya which is the equivalent of LA was 40 % destroyed
>Osaka which is the size of Chicago was 35 % destroyed
100,000 people were burned alive in the firebombing of Tokyo which was a wooden city, in a single night.
That isn't how war crimes work. You can't just say that it was the "lesser of two evils" in the eyes of the administration at the time so it isn't a war crime.
That isn't how defining a war crime works. You can't just say that because it was seen as "the lesser of two evils" by the administration at the time that it was all good.
Not until Niggers apologize for being Niggers
Is Dresden and the rest of the area bombing campaign over Germany a war crime? This isn't just a tu quoque, I want to see if you're at least consistent in that as well.
>muh poor Japanese
Kill yourself you faggot weeaboo. We would roast more Japs if we could.
Lol I laughed so much I farted
Yes, Dresden is a war crime.
I agree. Fucking savages who have done nothing to further civilisation, only to hinder it
America should also apologize for Operation Condor
>he still hasn't deleted his thread in shame
we all see you, user
I'm sorry we didn't nuke you too.
This fucking thread again? Fuck, Steve Cuckamoto back up to the plate.
The firebombings killed more people than did nukes, better a bunch of dead nips than us having to invade and lose more american lives, you fucks deserved no mercy after the savagery you committed, and if we apologized for that then we would need to apologize for the post war german genocide where we starved millions of german civilians in camps. That last point makes your pussy ass death toll look like nothing.
You lost, we won and did what we had to do to win. We do not need to apologize for just action.
On behalf of America, I would like to apologize to the world for pulling England's sorry ass out of the fire. We deeply regret keeping these homosexuals in existence when it would have been easier to just let them fry.
Make us.
Did japan apologize for nanking and korean comfort women?
Yes, Dresden was a war crime. And? Why is it that when every time American war crimes are mentioned Americans immediately deflect to one of the thousands of other war crimes committed by other states instead of acknowledging their own and agreeing that it should be apologized for? I am ashamed that no British government has apologized for Dresden yet but I am hard pressed to find an American willing to do the same about their own shameful acts in history.
I am sorry for everything my country has done to the world.
Britain needs to apologize for Australia
"Study history.Korea was japanese colony.Not belligerent country.Japan already apologised against belligerent country.And I think 911 was justic.
Yankee pigs killed 150 million civilian in Vietnam war.And yankee pigs killed 100 million Philippine in America-spanish war.Yankee pigs killed 50 million civilian in iraq.yankees said these thing were justic.
And yankees said that bombing hirosima,nagasaki,tokyo were punishment to japan.
911 was same as that.Ynkees recived punishment.I think 911 was good job.More die yankee pigs.We should bomb yankee and kill yankee pigs.
And yankees cast a ballot stupid Trump.Yankees should go to heaven."
You shouldn't be, the United States has contributed countless fantastic things to the rest of the planet. Hiroshima was not one of them though and should be apologized for. You have to take the good with the bad, no state is infallible or a perpetual "good guy" all the time.
You totally can. It is war. People die on it.
A ground invasion would have killed lots more people and it would've dragged the war out longer. On top of that, the soviets would send troops to Japan and we've seen what they did to Germany. So dropping the nuke was the best thing to do to the Japs.
You know, every single user itt could grovel about how wrong the bombings were and beg Jap posters to forgive them, and you'd still go right ahead and make this thread tomorrow. Your only purpose is trolling and it's plain as day.
You're actually right, you totally can. But you are then totally wrong and experiencing extreme cognitive dissonance when you then call the holocaust or Rwandan genocide war crimes.
Saved more lives than it cost.
It was the right move then and the right move still
Remember unit 731. Gas the japs.
Not true, if a genuine consensus was being reached and Americans started to become more open to the idea that they aren't infallible or the "heroes" all the time then I wouldn't post threads like this because they would be pointless. There is still work to be done, why don't you help me out?
Holocaust and Rwandan genocide are not war crimes.
The atomic bombs were totally unjustified. The japanese were actually not at all impressed by the nukes. The real reason they surrendered was because of the soviets.
Japan in 1945 had only 6 major cities left with a population >60.000. Most of their cities were already carped bombed and destroyed by fire. Nuking civilian areas of only 50.000 people didnt impress them. They were much more worried how to transition into the post-war time. A pending invasion by the soviets would have been a disaster. So they chose to give the americans the impression that they "lost" to the yanks when actually it was a clever "surrender" not to fall into the hands of the soviets.
>if a genuine consensus was being reached
You have no metric for that, nor are you interested in having one, you just want a blanket excuse to keep making these threads.
You are naked, user.
You're retarded
Time for the Britcucks to apologize for over taxing and all the atrocities they committed throughout history.
Also Japs love the US, they understand they fucked up when the bombed pearl harbor and now we are best buddies, dont try to push your insecurities on us faggot.
I will be waiting..........
I agree completely.
We should apologize to the Chinese for nuking Japan instead of launching a full scale invasion.
Only then could we have killed the countless millions of Japanese soldiers and civilians necessary to fully avenge their imperialist war of conquest against the peace-loving Chinese.
America must never apologize. Don't back ever down. Especially to any foreign influence.
Jesus fucking Christ why is first post always best post it's fucking meme magic
Nope, it is you who are retarded. It is one thing to wage war against other country, and entirely different thing to kill your own citizens. Germans weren't at war with Jew state - there was no Jew state.
> launching a full scale invasion against Japan
which you would have miserably lost.