Why do people hate jews?

Why do people hate jews?

lol, they are losers who want to feel like they have figured the world out.

>blahh blahh blahh jews own banks yadda yadda yadda

Cos they raped me

This is basically the truth. Also, Jews have a poor record of retaliating against slander; unlike, say, Muslims, who will shoot you in the face or cut your head off on Youtube if you draw a cartoon of their 'prophet.'

So weaklings pick on the group least likely to hit back.

I don't. I've learned some pretty good lessons. I now have 60k in savings and make 34/hour

Jews did 911.

Massive respecta

cause they wanna fill the world with ooga boogas
(every white country, except for Israel of course)

You know why.

we got our fair share of ooga boogas
go visit beer sheva and south tel-aviv

because ((((they)))) want to destroy the hwite race

It's like racism/sexism. They learn it from their parents/peers.

Gentile (from Latin gentilis, by the French gentil, feminine: gentille, meaning of or belonging to a clan or a tribe) is an ethnonym that commonly means non-Jew. Other groups that claim Israelite heritage sometimes use the term to describe outsiders

>ooga booga stop genociding white man u jew
I love the double standards of the David Duke nuthugger degenerates, when they're calling out niggers on the same thing they themselves are guilty of when they whigne about the jews.
>stop holding us down u jew!

Because they are brainwashing white women into breeding with ooga boogas.

They are using BBC as a weapon against the white race.
BBCs will end is all, truly tragic.

why do we hate them because they have more sex than us in Sup Forums

I think it's a christian thing because jews supposedly sentenced jesus to be crucified
Or because those stories about jews always taking advantage of everything for their personal gain/profit.

Personally I only know one guy who is jewish and I don't he's a bad guy just lacks some spine. His parents dictate his life with their money and he doesn't really know how to make money on his own

I love Jews women

The real question is why the jews hate everybody else?


I english


We don't. Jews are our greatest ally. Dems are the real racists. They were the kkk n shiet.

Jews are such great people goys!


Jews are largely responsible for white peoples attitudes towards black people.

Hatred of black people is more jew brainwashing.

Fuck white people



lets all be brown and get along



Shes so progressive. She must watch a lot of that award winning show Modern Family.









>Jews are on both sides


stop being racist, there is no such thing as white genocide.

white tears smh


Daily reminder that Catholic Charities is making the most money relocating refugees from the ME and N Africa to Europe and elsewhere.

But keep blaming the Jews.


Cause we are the true master race.

You find the most hardcore pro-Israel politicians in the Republican party though.

Sup Forums frequently attack leftists with memes about illuminaty and jewish bankers, but the actual support for jews and a jewish ethno-state come from the right.

i-its not us goyim!

Check out how many dems have dual citizenship to isreal. Its creepy.

The Saudis have a great thing going. Everyone blames the Jews for things they instigate.

>jews run both sides

we know you fucking retard.





didn't they like kill jesus or something?




lefty pol is too smart for us

>weaklings pick on the group least likely to hit back.
lmao. They hit back by preventing you from ever getting a job again. Why do you think there are international agencies specifically for defending Jews from criticism?


I hate Jews because right wing radio shows like Michael Savage* tell me to.

*aka Michael Alan Weiner


Look at this evil white racist girl





Some jelly W H I T E D black people there.


WTF, are you me?
I just hit 60k net worth and I make exactly 34/hr
I have also studied the ways of the jews

Posts 62

Images 42.

Wonder whats goin on in here?


It started as a meme on Sup Forums and on Sup Forums but the Sup Forumsacks started taking it seriously for some fucking reason.

a tip of the menorah to you too


I dont hate Jews. I just think they should stop trying to control the lives of non-jews.

this could be why



why do they all look like that?


Teach me please

because they are taught to hate them