There is clearly a massive issue in western countries. People are getting stupider.
The rise of gender studies and shit is also very worrisome.
There is clearly a massive issue in western countries. People are getting stupider.
The rise of gender studies and shit is also very worrisome.
Make it free.
When you smell roasted french
Abolish the department of education and remove federal funding from schools. State governments should be responsible for education.
Education is free here. People are still stupid.
I feel like schools teach students how to pass tests rather than actually teaching them knowledge.
Abolish the DoE and get federal money out of it. Our education would quickly become the best in the world again if the money that went to pay for the DoE never left people's pockets to begin with.
Why? What is the department of education doing wrong?
This image is determined to give me a rage aneurysm
Trained Social Studies teacher here:
These type of activities - activities where you devalue the subject with dumb antics to 'buy' student's attention - are all the rage at the moment.
>Social Studies
Revoke Standardized state-issued testing and allow teachers to teach students instead of demanding they spend 75% of their year preparing for a test the students are fully expected to do badly on anyway.
Better question is what they do right.
They have turned our school system into a for-prophet bureaucrat-run cesspool of propaganda and misinformation. Collages here literally complain every fucking year about how dumb high school students are, they have to constantly teach the fuckers how to write properly and basic history and science just to get them started.
Rare flag
Today John lost his life to mustard gas. I was lucky to make it out, food rations are low and we do not have long left #TRENCHFOOT
I am a living example of it and I'm ok with that
Anyone know if Is this a britbong or ameriburger school?
The problem lies within the media. TV consumption in general is entirely degenerate, as it creates a response of pleasure without the viewer having to put in any effort whatsoever. It also simultaneously feeds people the view that possessions and consumptive lifestyle hold a higher intrinsic value than academic achievement. Multiple studies have found that children are far more vulnerable to this than adults, meaning that with each generation, and with each advance in the technology used to distribute these messages (for example, VR), the decline of intelligence continues. When the kids do finally get to school (to be taught by people who were unsuccessful at finding a job in the field that they studied, which is why they became teachers in the first place), the education they receive is lacklustre and sub-par. The children who do well are the ones who are willing to put in effort at home, or the naturally gifted (though even then, being gifted only gets you so far).
The best education you could have is by actually spending time with people who have succeeded in their respective fields (for something like biology, you could have a senior doctor or surgeon as a guest speaker), and being encouraged to work hard in your own time rather than let your mind rot away. School is essentially glorified babysitting nowadays unless you shell out for ultra high end private schools (or at least, that's how it is over here).
extreme fucking rare
Existing. The federal government has zero legal authority to be involved in education, only states and county districts are supposed to have a say. America set the standard of math and science before the 1970's when we got the DoE. It's been slipping ever since.
High school should teach you actual fucking skills, shop class, how your government works, cooking, balancing a budget, NEVER USE A CREDIT CARD, basic how to take care of yourself skills. With higher education covering all the irrelevant bullshit school teaches now.
Also, in 18 years of education I was never once taught the laws of the country.
This is what people want you to pay for when they say 'free college'.