if refugees were Christians you guyd wont have a prob opening your borders
If refugees were Christians you guyd wont have a prob opening your borders
There is no god but Kek.
If refugees were Christians they'd act like tolerable human beings, leaf
No then the liberals would be turning them away.
they would still be shitskins. Make them white Christians and I would welcome them with open arms
Second post best post
I wouldn't have to worry about bombings so no
these are christians
what do?
Obviously. White Christians are wonderful people. My problem is that Islam is cancer to western civilization and the niggers and sandniggers are subhuman scum.
Are they committing mass sexual assaults, bombing airport terminals, or shooting up concert halls?
If they were white you mean. And so?
Yeah no fucking shit.
They would have the same religion and we would get along, you absolute retard.
christians dont rape and blow up shit as much as muslims. christians also work.
As long as they are not niggers.
Actually I would because we have way too many fucking immigrants regardless
of course, if they were white
A true christian knows the ways of the new testament, has at least been baptized and attends service on a regular basis.
I can tell you for certain that Arab Christians are among the most devotees in the world.
Probably because Christianity doesn't have instances of religious violence even close to the scale of Islam. Islam has been about conquest and war since it's inception
Yes, I would. Fuck all of them.
>if peoples beliefs weren't diametrically opposed to the foundational tenets of your society, you would be more willing to accept them into your society
yes, you're right
I want all religions to fuck off - starting with Islam
le hat meme does not change my stance.
Do you want a society of relativism?
Feel free to take them all, christcuck.
Christians don't strap bombs to their chest. Or marry small children. Or behead people. Go kill yourself leafy
We take even less Christians than we do mudslimes
Its not a religion issue, its a "reshaping the demographics of an entire country in the span of months" issue
>water is wet
I hate christians anyway so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
If Nazis were girl scouts you'd allow them to enter your country as well.
Say that to Spain
Salty Christcunt. Remeber you worship a kike on a stick
They're good for culture. You won't find Middle Eastern Christians dragging down your standard of living or committing rapes.
Pic is of the Libya Martyrs, Christians who refused to renounce their faith and were put to death
Like I said, take them all. Mongrel country America isn't salvageable anyway. Muddy up.
Not true. Still don't want to drive down wages, now fuck off leaf.
First four posts best posts
If the refugees were Christian, the EU wouldn't let them in because they wouldn't be diverse enough.
If they were Christians they wouldn't have fucked up their part of the world and be trying to fuck up ours.
Untrue, all the Ukranians refugees are being turned away at a 99% ratio.
>A Christian brother and sister from Syria felt blessed to have been among the dozen refugees selected to start a new life in Italy — but now say their savior, Pope Francis, abandoned them on a Greek island, according to a report.
>Their dreams were shattered, though, when they were informed the following day that they would not be traveling to Rome. Instead, three Muslim families were taken.
Thats not true, we would only accept the young women and children. The so called refugees are overwhelmingly men. If they were Christian men i'd support helping them to run their homeland peacefully.
None of that can happen with the muslims. They are all cowardly scum.
Told you so.
Christians are not flying planes into buildings, Levy.
Sure, these law abiding women and children look exactly like the type to assimilate into Europe.
Depends on their skin color. A sand nig christian is only slightly favorable to an islamic one.
Christians don't riot when someone hurts their feelings, rape when they see a woman's shoulders, or bomb airports (at least nowhere near as much).
if the refugees were only women between 14 and 23, i wouldnt have problem.
unless they were dindus/abos.