Based OK: Babykillers BTFO

>state legislature has passed a bill that would criminalize abortion procedures in the state.
>According to the language of the bill, anyone who is found to have performed an abortion -- except in instances to save the life of the mother -- will be found guilty of a felony and can receive up to three years in prison.

That said, if I lived in Oklahoma I'd probably wanna kill myself in addition to the baby.

>Now more niggers can reproduce

Awesome job conservashits.

There should also be exceptions where the baby is the product of miscegenation or if it's a downer.

Christianity is dysgenic

>more poor, unwanted babies is a good thing

please kill yourself OP

those dumbass slags will flush them down the toilet or toss them in the river. those types of women dont give two shits about babies

I'm against abortion too, but you ought to see the trash around here getting knocked up. We kind of rely on abortions in Oklahoma.

>I have no actual experience with women


Why are you against abortion then?

> inb4 Christianity

that jewish cult is dysgenic, promising the Earth to the meek and wretched, and declaring that the strong shall fall.

But even then Jesus said shit about abortion

Why do you fags have that little strip of land? Why doesn't Texas just cuck you guys and take it?

Oh no! there are going to be consequences for my actions?!


Consequences for your action? hell no

Consequences for a society and the tax payer that will have to finance the existance of low-IQ children of whores

I'm an atheist. Life begins at conception and a woman doesn't have the right to kill it just because it's inside her. But I don't think it should be legislated because it's going to happen anyway.

Hell if I know. No one lives over there anyway.

True, the abortion should come with mandatory sterilisation, especially for minorities.

> atheist
> doesn't have the right to

You would think an atheist would be aware that rights are a social construct

Heck, parents had a right to sell unwanted children into slavery in Roman Law, and in China a woman does not HAVE the right to have more than 1 child in the overpopulated cities

"Rights" are really non-argument

Good on them, it's always disgusted me that doctors who are paid to help people instead focus on being paid to murder babies.

>atheists can't have a sense of morality
Okay buddy. Murder is acceptable because there is no God and we're all just clumps of cells whose actions are dictated by a series of electric exchanges in the neurons of our brains.

That better?

Why should a creature that not even the ones responsible for its creation loved be allowed to exist?

Talk about spreading human mysery!

>paid to murder babies

why are anti-abortion people so dramatic?

>wanting more nigger babies
Just admit that you're a degenerate kike

> Murder is acceptable
> acceptable

ur doing it again m8

anyways I am derailing the thread kek

>no exceptions for rape and deformities
into the trash it goes

>Sub-humans will now reproduce at a greater rate than before
>Responsible whites will just use condoms and plan B


They're a Christian-conservative version of SJWs. Their entire strategy consists of shrill whining and crying until people get tired and go away.

>yfw the babies that the mom wanted to abort always turn into degenerate human slag, not the next Mozart

>also something something black people

Have fun with your new nignogs op.

>Getting rid of the most efficient and unnerving nigger killer society has
Looks like we are going to build a wall around you fucks as well

Great another "issue" to distract the American people for 3 months while the government continues fucking us in the ass.

Are you retarded? Trump proposed prosecuting those who have abortions and then changed to just those giving this law proposes. You don't even know your own candidates stance on abortion. But keep up that Build Wall meme.

Trump probably does not care about the issue at all.

The only issue where he has been consistent and seems to care is trade deficit with China. For everything else he has been in both sides of every issue, sometimes at the same time

>Pass laws making it impossible, even criminal, to get an abortion, causing more and more poor women to give birth to kids they can't afford to support
>Throw a never-ending tantrum about "welfare queens" leeching off the system to support their kids

Rethuglican """"""""logic""""""""

Oklahoman here.
This is the worst fucking state in the nation. I'll be moving out of this shithole as soon as my education is finished.

First of all, this place is full of wiggers, niggers and those fucking Indians that collect Obamabucks and build casinos. Abortions help keep this trash to a minimum, or at least reduce it. But those dumb fucking cuckservitives that run this shit heap don't see it that way.

Fuck this place, fuck the bible belt and fuck it's shitty weather.

Does it not have provisions for if it's a downie/other fuck up?

>Niggers are too stupid to go on the pill, use condoms, get the coil or get the injection
>This is white people's fault

The easiest way is to take responsibility for yourself. Asking a liberal/leftist/nigger/millennial to take responsibility though is like asking them to use a fact based argument, it would never happen and they would resort to their emotionally driven argument. In the same way you have.

>not fact-based

Got some bad news, Nigel.

What does that have to do with anything?

>anyone who is found to have performed an abortion -- except in instances to save the life of the mother -- will be found guilty of a felony and can receive up to three years in prison.
I'm no christian, but this is just common sense.
Abortions are not birth control, they're far more expensive than birth control and have severe side effects for aborting mid pregnancy, they can try not being promiscuous whores.