Why did traps get so popular on Sup Forums?
This shit used to be relegated to Sup Forums
Why did traps get so popular on Sup Forums?
This shit used to be relegated to Sup Forums
It was regulated to Sup Forums.
Soros pays people to post that shit on every open forum on the internet.
It's literally been a Sup Forums-wide thing since before Sup Forums was a glimmer in Moot's eye.
Non-ironic stormfaggery is newer than Sup Forums's love for traps by several years.
The whole of Sup Forums is somewhat cyclical. Some user posts something to get a rise out of other people. Other anons start posting the same things. Eventually it both starts to change certain people's stance and draw in people who were already into that thing
e.g. old tap threads where you expected a hot chick then saw a dick and got mad evolved into trap lovers.
People used to get flamed for poor spelling/grammar, then people started misspelling things on purpose to "troll", and eventually shit grammar became the norm.
Most Sup Forums fads are like this. It's an interesting phenomenon if you really look at it.
Ancientfag detected. This is exactly how this shithole works. Look at bronies. It started the same way. People started posting it on Sup Forums to troll, it created so much problems the pretenders brainwashed themselves and others into actually thinking they liked the show.
Also it's funny because we get this view of traps and trannies no one else does -- we get the truth -- that they're sexually deviant perverts, desperate for any and all attention. While the normie world is trying to pretend to be super tolerate and accepting of them and calling anyone who knows better a bigot or transphobic to still keep up the image/narrative.
>desperate for any and all attention.
thats because when trannies take estrogen they tend to become slutty for guys. Even the trannies that thought they only liked guys, after they take estrogen their sexual orientation changes towards wanting to be fucked by guys.
because of people like you making trap related thread with 1 post then go away
I hope with all my heart that you'll get a 3day ban
that makes sense
It would take a big upset to cut the cycle short
cuckolding is catching on really quickly. i used to think it was the most disgusting thing in the world. now i love it.
Anyone know what cartoon that is. Saw it years ago but cant remember the name.
Korgoth of Barbaria I think
I remember as far back as '06 on Sup Forums the 'Gay for Jun' or 'Gay for Bridget' memes about two trap characters. The term was used back then as well, but traps in general and shemales were just considered gay.
I think what happened is that internet porn as whole evolved and you eventually got bigger and bigger communities of people into traps specifically, and then shemales. But I think Sup Forums was the one who really opened that door for the rest of Sup Forums, same with loli but loli is now pretty much a Sup Forums thing.
Thanks user
For all the oversexualizing of traps and trans girls, it is the love that finally seals the deal.
No woman will love you like a trap will. And it isn't about sex, sure at first it is very important.
But a trap loves, cares, doesn't bitch, cuddles, is grateful for your care.Doesn't hurt you.
Going to Thailand and meeting my ladyboy gf(now engaged) was the best thing in my life.
Traps were always popular on Sup Forums.
No it was relegated to Sup Forums.
Learned a new work today.
Because it is gay. Gay is degenerate.
post 2008 newfag detected
Well you described how the modern white Britbong thinks. It actually disgusts me.
Sup Forums back in the day pretty much was just Sup Forums and Sup Forums. All of the other boards were slow as shit (and they moved extremely slow--almost 420chan tier).
found the newfag
post some rage comics fag
Try 05, you stupid faggot. For as long as I can remember, people have been posting "gay confession" threads and trap threads on Sup Forums. They weren't as popular as they are now, but Sup Forums always had a bit of a gay streak.
Because of MGTOWs and general hatred of women lmao
they'd rather fuck a shitty butthole than be an interesting human being that a girl would like interacting with :)
>changing your own self to appeal more to females
bruh, you're doing it wrong.
It used to be taboo like white girls fucking niggers and you know how taboo shit appeals to edgy kids
No they weren't. Back when they first started getting posted it was a lot of "here's a hot chick, oops that's a dick" type threads, but only a couple a day on Sup Forums. They slowly got more popular, and now there are multiple straight up tranny/trap threads at once. I remember a time on Sup Forums before traps and dick rate threads.
Yeah and they turn around and act just as annoying as women and start making demands of the rest of us.
A lot of Sup Forums is gay. It's basically mai stream these days.
People would still admit to fapping to it/ post shit like, "Fuck you, Sup Forums! You made me gay!"
Traps really took off when linetrap became a thing.
The little boy who started it all.
>Why are people with mental illness interested in mental illness?
That's just interracial and it's been around forever, you dumb nigger.
God why was that show cancelled. so fucking dope. something about it being to expensive to make? wouldn't be surprised, that animation was top fucking notch
post pics of your gf
And now it has moved to Sup Forums 2.0.
what the hell?
That thing about actual idiots thinking they're in good company among those pretending to be idiots.
Mike judge insisted on hand drawn animation instead of computer aided that all cartoons use (the simpsons have even switched over).
It makes the animation uniform and soulless, but cheap and easy. The writing and ambition usually follows suit.
Judge knew this and refused to switch to cgi animation, cancelling the show, but preserving its integrity.