I'm looking for a job but have crippling social anxiety. Pls give job suggestions

I'm looking for a job but have crippling social anxiety. Pls give job suggestions.

Something you can do online. Kust meet the boss the first day and he'll tell you what to do

Lone Ranger

Walmart greeter

Back of store storework, truck driver, nightshift

See a therapist Sup Forumsro. I have really bad mental health issues that were initially diagnosed as just anxiety and so I forced myself to work and keep going like normal. Very quickly found that just trying to push through it is a pretty stupid idea if you have a long term condition, ended up making myself far worse for doing so ending in an psychiatric episode that has put me out of full time work for about 5 years now. Get your shit together first, see a doctor and work out ways of coping, and then focus on getting a job. If you have to work in spite of your mental health rather than around it, you're gonna have a bad time.

If you're able to keep working alongside getting yourself together, I'd recommend retail or some other low pressure job. Something that gives you a bit of challenge but you can leave at the door without anxiously obsessing over.

That cat looks like hila

You already suck dick so why not monetise it ?

grow a pair or get on the xanax

fuck your anxiety and work with other people. just do your own shit and eventually you get used to people around you. who knows, you might be considered as a normie.

accepting your anxiety and running away is pathetic.

This, as someone who wanted to fucking die anytime I had to answer a phone, I had to take a hosting/serving job. The week before I started I was really anxious, but when I did it I felt a lot better, you get so busy you don't have time to overthink, and when you realize that, you start feeling confident and better in other situations.

I'm in the same boat. Seeing a therapist and doing interviews, but my resume is fucked because I quit so many jobs and haven't worked ina while. With the stigma around psychological disorders, I just refer to it as a "personal medical issue" if I need to explain gaps in my work history. As for quitting in the past, I try to fudge that part or outright lie.

shit sucks

Very easy to get a misdiagnosis. If you're just dealing with anxiety exposure is probably a good idea, but forcing yourself to keep going can backfire is it turns out you're bipolar or schizo or something. Seebest thing OP can do is take his mental health seriously and not over-pace himself. Challenge himself keep going, sure, but pretending everything is fine and as easy to get around as 'fuck your anxiety' is reductionist. Learnt the hard way after trying to push through it and ending up jobless/homeless. Currently 5 years since my breakdown and I wish I'd have taken it slower before, as I'd probably be better by now if I had.

Nighshift security... easy work, most likely be alone depending on site.

Same, i owe my father 3 thousand bucks and he hates me, cant find a job

I'm Also do have to agree to know your limits, I often failed classes as a kid because I just could not do any presentations infront of a class, would often skip class or just say I didnt do the project to avoid going up, teachers would still try to force me and I would lose my ability to talk for a bit because of the stress. It needs to be on your terms and you need to know when you've had too much too, I still take days off for my mental health when I know I wont be able to handle dealing with people that day. Getting a diagnosis would be a good idea too, knowing the cause helps to know what you need to do to help yourself.

The thing is most jobs list: "works well in a team/with customers" as a requirement. As for me, while in school I was so terrible at interacting with people on a day to day basis that people thought I was autistic or something, and I never got used to being around people or understood what the fuck was going on. Definitely don't wanna risk myself coming across as retarded to any customers in a possible job I may take in future.

Warehousing, nigga. It's usually pretty chill, depending on where you work. Just repetitive, but if you're looking for entry level work with no qualifications, that's all going to be repetitive.


Warehousing is great for working alone

Yeah man, far and away my favorite low level job I ever had. Fuck pizza, groceries, retail, etc. Warehouses are what's up.