>undocumented immigrants work the jobs people don't want to work
>whites work in sewage treatment planets, compost facilities, as garbage collectors, crab fisherman, crime scene cleaners, etc.
Where exactly did this meme come from?
>undocumented immigrants work the jobs people don't want to work
>whites work in sewage treatment planets, compost facilities, as garbage collectors, crab fisherman, crime scene cleaners, etc.
Where exactly did this meme come from?
Other urls found in this thread:
White people wont do the work for the wages they pay illegal aliens.
White people also expect breaks, lunches, medical coverage, and other benefits you normally give someone.
Seasonal migrate workings have always been shit on.
Globalists and anti-white racists seeking to justify the genocide of white people.
>White people wont do the work for the wages they pay illegal aliens.
No shit, why would someone work for scraps?
>White people also expect breaks, lunches, medical coverage, and other benefits you normally give someone.
Again, no shit. Any worker should expect that in a free country.
>Seasonal migrate workings have always been shit on.
How exactly are these people being shit on? They're illegally working in a country they have no legal right to be in. They're lucky to be there and pick my damn apples.
i dont know but it's bullshit im jobless and there's no work i literally pick trash up off the side of the road
It came from cities and industries that would collapse and/or be economically nonviable if they had to pay people a decent wage.
>sewage treatment planets, compost facilities, as garbage collectors, crab fisherman, crime scene cleaners, etc.
All of these make more than 3$ an hour, and are less punishing on your body than picking fruit for 16 hours in the hot sun.
More importantly, immigration is a red herring. There's plenty of other, more pressing problems that the country faces then immigrants looking for jobs. Like the corrupt government that caused this immigration crisis with it's failed economic policy.
>White people also expect breaks, lunches, medical coverage, and other benefits you normally give someone
And? This is a first world country with rights for its citizens
Liberals and Politicians.
It's one of the more rage inducing arguments i come across as a californian because its not about what jobs people WANT to do. Its about what jobs they NEED to do.
Young kids NEED garbage jobs to learn valuable skills but instead immigrants but especially mexicans are turning these kids jobs into fucking careers.
Then go stand in front of Home Depot at 4 in the morning you fucking piece of trash.
>All of these make more than 3$ an hour, and are less punishing on your body than picking fruit for 16 hours in the hot sun.
Trying to get some PTSD benefits are ya Juan? Ain't gonna happen buddy. Try working as a crab fisherman for a summer, I dare you.
Yeah, because you're REALLY going to ship your kids to the central valley to live in a shed and work 16 hour days.
You're a fucking idiot.
>and are less punishing on your body
Are you stupid?
Shouldn't that make Illegal immigration immoral to the leftists that hark on about "muh workers rights" 24/7?
That is why they are spreading this idea that white people wont do the work.
They wont, not for below minimum wage and no benefits.
Seasonal migrate workers can also be applied to Americans who followed the harvest cycles for work. They don't have to be illegal aliens. Most of this happened with dislocated peoples during the depression era, and also during the dustbowl. " Oakies " was a common insults for a migrant worker or displaced person from Oklahoma during that period.
Farmer's (Corporations that own the land) will not compromise shareholder's interests and profits until they are required to.
I'd really appreciate it if seasonal illegal immigrant workers didn't post in my thread, thanks :^)
>Where exactly did this meme come from?
it came from people who want to genocide you
This is not even relevant to the immigration/migrant worker problem you dumbass.
Citizens CANNOT work for those wages even if they wanted to
Because minimum wage and how you can get away with paying illegals nothing because they are ILLEGAL
Yeah fuck the taxpayers THINK OF THE FELONS!
You're the one comparing the working conditions of both jobs, and very poorly at that. You're an idiot Juan, and you always will be.
I come from a long line of garbage collectors and not that there are so many immigrants in this country I am unable to get a job as a garbage collector and need to live on welfare.
No YOU are
If a business can't exist without somthing close to slave labor (not actually slave labor but you get what I mean) than they should go out of business.
People like you let businesses destroy the middle class
What the fuck are you retarded? I was answering the question. It should be obvious.
The entire reason we have illegal undocumented migrant workers is because corporate farm land owners are not required to do background check or anything for these seasonal workers.
They pay for favorable legislation, like drivers licenses so they can transport their friends. They enjoy the profits from paying people less than the minimum wage and having no responsibility for them.
Confused why you are treating my comment like I am favorable towards migrants
Why haven't these physical exhausting jobs been automated yet? It's just picking fruit and vegetables, right? It sounds simple to program a machine to undertake such a repetitive task. No one will miss the work if it were entirely occupied by machines.
My dad worked Strawberry fields in Idaho until he was 19 to fund his first business.
My family literally started at strawberries. Fuck off you weak little fag.
Whites don't want work for beaner wages
We haven't reached the point where automation is viable for these types of fields, give it a few more decades.
Still going to fuck up the middle class even more. Hello basic income.
It's not a meme.
>People like you let businesses destroy the middle class
No you dumbass, politicians and business owners did this.
legal work in sewage treatment planets, compost facilities, garbage collectors, crab fisherman, crime scene cleaners, etc. pays a lot lot higher than illegally picking up fruit
whites wont do that kind of work for that kind of pay. is not really that hard, are you really that fucking stupid op?
Oh :^)
So you're telling me unemployed people refuse to work these jobs?
>They wont, not for below minimum wage and no benefits
they SHOULD NOT have to.
These companies are fucking over the middle class American
Keep sucking their cock like the good little "future millionaire" you are
>Why haven't these physical exhausting jobs been automated yet?
Why spend the money when you have Mexicans do it at slave cost?
That's completely false, they have designed robots that can pick berries already. The only thing keeping back automation is not lack of tech it's the overload of the Mexican slave force.
Don't know about Canada, but garbage collectors get payed very decently here, and make very short days.
>lol anecdotal evidence
>whites work in sewage treatment planets, compost facilities, as garbage collectors, crab fisherman, crime scene cleaners, etc.
all of these sound like pretty good hard working union style jobs, not jobs that will outright work you to the bone for a handful of bill. The question is will you work your ass off in the fields for shit pay, not will you wade through a septic tank for a reasonable working class wage.
Liberal politicians are were it comes from of course, but they dont go into the full explaination because they dont want people to question these things. They want a simple sound bite that will pander to latinos, not a philosophical argument over whether our dependance on a cheap labor force has any negative effects on our country and theiirs.
>middle class Americans work lower class jobs
You can't legally pay people lower than minimum wage to pick fruit, are YOU really that fucking stupid?
>checks flag
CEOs who want cheap labor and politicians who want CEO money.
Unemployed people can get government assistance, whereas illegals cannot, and yes lazy ass Americans work the system because they don't want to work.
it came from bosses who didn't want to hire the native population cause they cost more.
they say the same shit everywhere, while it's almost impossible to get one of these kind of jobs anymore unless you're willing to break the law
Le Strawman Argument deserves nothing more than Anecdotal evidence.
And are these farmers able to actually purchase these machines and the upkeep of them for an afoorable cost?
Probably not compared to getting Migel and Juan to do it for pennies.
Politicians, and maybe libertarians.
It's always been a dumb fucking argument.
Lots of other types of people would do the job, but they LEGALLY cannot hire LEGAL US citizens to do the job for under the minimum wage. Oh but it's okay if the farms do it with blessings from the gov.
Hispanics are not really threat to white Americans.
Automation can hardly ever compete with cheap manual labor.
>Sewage treatment planets
I hate Germany more and more with every post I see by a German.
You people are pathetic scum of the earth
>Be Florida
>Fuck yeah amazing growth season $$$$$$$$$
>So close to harvest time
>Field force now at base 0
>Panic mode engaged
>Try to hire emergency white people
>Kek, like 2 lonely mother fuckers show up
>Fruit is rotting in the fields
>FL's face when
And you defend them. So really it is you and people like you
They threaten the future demograph of this country with their breeding patterns
LOL what is your problem? I am for mass deportation and even forced felon labor.
Most farmers are not happy with slave labor from prisons, saying they do not work as fast, and cost nearly the same as Illegals.
Honestly, we need to have something like selective service for support in college and welfare. IE you work as a seasonal migrant worker for fours years in exchange for social benefits, ability to vote, ect.
The missing clause is "...for those wages." Many manufacturing jobs could be outsourced for sweatshop labour, the remaining jobs require we import the cheap labour. The final goal is to transfer every last penny from the populace to the corporations.
Well the price of automation for these areas are high because their is not a high demand for these automated machines. As soon as their is a big gap and people want automation the price will come down.
Capitalists trying to import them for slave wages. Same place all the pro-immigration bullshit comes from.
>Seasonal migrate workings have always been shit on.
H2A visas have existed for decades under various names. Even in the 40s and 50s when Truman and Eisenhower ran all the illegal immigrants out, the US had a strong guest worker program for agriculture. In those days, Cesar Chavez and his followers were strong advocates for secure borders and deporting illegal immigrants because it hurt opportunities both for legal immigrants and legal guest workers who went through the H2A visa program.
Why do leftists pretend that kicking out illegal immigrants is somehow tied to abolishing H2A visas? If there's a labor shortage caused by lack of illegal immigrant slave labor, it can be solved by increasing H2A visas.
A good majority of unemployed people don't want to be on government assistance and would kill to work one of these jobs.
If at least ONE American wants this job and can't get it due to illegal immigrants then it's a bad system that needs rectifying.
Really? So hospitals let them die in the streets?
Their anchor baby children don't get free vaccines and free schooling?
How dumb are you?
In the city they make about 18-20$ an hour, which is about 1.75 times our minimum wage. It's not amazing, but you could live off that in a small apartment.
>We'll give you .50c an hour! That's what sanchez works for!
>Expect normal people to work for such a shit price
Gee I wonder why.
My white dad worked picking melons in socal when he was a kid.
Whites and Hispanics have vastly different cultural expectations regarding home environment.
Whites would be willing to do the jobs, for higher pay. Higher pay is necessary because whites are unwilling to live in one house with 3 generations of family.
I experienced this myself as a regional director for a $3b facilities management business. My colleagues, all of whom were hispanic immigrants, were more than willing to work 60-70 hours a week for $75,000 salary plus incentives. But, as I got to know them all I realized every single one of them had 3 generations in one household. They did not have to deal with the expenses of childcare, or paying for maid services etc because their mothers or mother in laws lived with them.
pay me a little more then.
>can't make a profit
Raise the price of your fruit by 5 cents then, nobody will notice.
Rich white people who don't want to lose out on profits
Most Westerners would rather pay 5 cents less for apples than for their neighbour to have a job unfortunately.
>Unemployed people can get government assistance, whereas illegals cannot
>whereas illegals cannot
Not only can they, but they do at rates higher than natural born US citizens mostly through food stamps and Medicaid. Having children, even illegal immigrant children, makes you qualify for all sorts of welfare.
most of the time they're paid by how much they pick not by the hour
Non white babies are being born more than white babies in the US
By 2040-2050 whites WILL be a minority
Fucking hang yourself
We can invent robots for that or force criminals to do it
Of course but Hispanic overpopulation would not be a problem if we can hopefully enforce proper immigration laws under Trump. Hispanics have their problems but they don't inherently hate the white culture like the Islam fascist refugees, the Jews or the Communist Gooks. Most Hispanic men will tend to also prefer their own women over white women as well.
Beyond the differences in culture, we have to accept that immigrants both legal and illegal cause artificially low wages.
Many of my lowest level immigrant employees would ask me if they could work 50-80 hours per week off the books. Because they knew I wouldn't want to give them overtime, they would ask me to break labor laws and pay them at their regular rate beyond 40 hours.
where did the meme come from?
probably the same place the name "undocumented immigrant" did.
things are created to be politically correct for a reason: to gain power.
It came from this piece of shit.
You've never lived around Mexicans have you?
Fucking illegals man.
>Yeah lets pay upwards of 5 grand to a coyote to potentially get killed or left behind when instead for less than that amount we can enter the country legally.
No speak English
The Mexicans in California are like the niggers of the Hispanic community.... Everybody hates them.
>>undocumented immigrants work the jobs people don't want to work
the meme should really be
>illegals work the wages people don't want to work.
There you fucking have it.
minimum wage at $15 will destroy the hiring of illegals tbqh famala
Illegals work for WAGES that white people don't want to work for
Its not true and referring to fruit pickers, it comes down to wage. Most people that I have coming to me for working my orchard as a picker want to be paid under the table, tax free but still expect to get the typical treatment as anyone else when it comes to work safe and PPE. I do employ pickers, personally they are friends who just need extra cash and are on payroll but I DO NOT HIRE FROM QUEBEC OR VAGRANT WORKERS INCLUDING MEXICANS.
Yeah, you show those French fucks!
It came from capitalist politicians and construction business owners, as part of a conspiracy to artificially raise the economy's growth through an illegal labor bubble while avoiding union prices.
>How exactly are these people being shit on? They're illegally working in a country they have no legal right to be in. They're lucky to be there and pick my damn apples.
That's some amazing cluelessness you got there.
Their "luck" to be in your country picking "my damn apples" Is actually them forcing white laborors out of low-skill work because these illegal workers accept minimal pay, no benefits, and long over-time work hours (without extra pay) that whites won't, in order to pick fruit for major agricorp businesses who then launder their profits through an off-shore tax haven so they don't have to share any of it with your community or government.
How you can think they're not being shit on, and how you can think those apples belong to you, I cannot fathom.
Not only do these people take your jobs, but the companies hiring them don't even contribute back to your government or community, and instead just drain wealth out of your country.
Clueless with a capital C; that's you.
Fruit picking automatons when?
Reminder that there is literally no job in America that has over 50% illegal immigrants working it. Fruit picking, lawn mowing, painting, you name it. The majority of every single job is staffed by citizens.
Yeah well MY dad got whipped every day had to work 28 hour days, carve his way with chains on his legs through mile high snowbanks just to get to work and then had all the money taken from him at the end of the day to pay for his service to the corporation
Fuck off you weak little fag
The meme came around because people started moving out of the countryside and into towns many years ago
Affordable Personal transport and mobile communication would have solved the problem but for certain political agendas being forced through fear.
can someone do witch to press
>whites wont work on farms bad for the eco
>min wage $15 a hour be good for the eco
what i mean and someone can put it into better words
people cry well whites and other wont want to work and get ass rape when it comes to paycheaks we need people to work $1 a hour
then they say BUT WAIT WE NEED $15 A HOUR REEEEE
>im not english plz no bulliz
You clearly don't know how much illegals actually make. They make more than a lot of legal citizens. There's a reason why they also like to stay illegal, is because they get benefits. Once they become legal, all those benefits go away.
It's amazing how your daddy worked more hours a day then there are even hours in a day.
>That's some amazing cluelessness you got there.
Maybe if these illegals are getting shit on so much they should go back to their own shitholes.
>libshits want 15bux per hour
>libshits want more illegals because "they get paid less for doing jobs no one wants to do"
>cry for blacks because muh slavery
>yet want slavery for illegals
is it 1984?
>minimum wage at $15 will destroy the hiring of illegals tbqh famala
More like a minimum wage at $15 will destroy the hiring of legals.
The minimum wage doesn't apply to undocumented workers.
>Be typical cuckservative
>Bitch all day about muh immigrants
>Farmer Fred says he can start having white hard working Americans work for him BUT you have to pay 5c more per orange
>Juan will do it at current price
>Choose current price
>Bitch more about Juan taking Bills job
People will notice
>tfw illegals never work at Walmart, which is essentially grueling labor, aside from cashier.
>It pays very little
Explain this.
>Hire whites
>Pay $15/hr to pick apples
>Raise price of apples to compensate labor cost
>They make more than a lot of legal citizens.
Explain how this is in any way true.
I worked at walmarts overnights while I was in college. I literally would go on autopilot with no sleep and probably do 20% effort.
Easiest fucking job on the planet, was in NY state, so 11.50/hr
The Jews.