Govt: BBC must have 10% LGBT staff

>At least 10 percent of BBC employees should be Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transsexual (LGBT), a government policy paper has said.

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Everyone under 50 at the BBC already is a faggot.

Must be nice to have all that gay privilege.

Lel the population isn't even that fucking gay.

Is this replacing or in addition to their paedophile quota?

>country has less than 1% actual LGBT
>NO WE HAVE TO HAVE AT LEAST 10% despite there not being enough to saturate it

Oh fuck I just noticed they're using kitties in their propaganda. It's over.

They got a cat meme, guess they won :^)

who stacked all those ham sandwiches together and leaned signs on them and why?

Also must be 50% Muslim to prepare for future TV audience demographics

10% of staff come out as bi
problem solved

A faggot or a leftist piece of shit. I stopped going to BBC and listening to them. Just awful now.

Can't wait for:

a total feminization of young british.

a consequential extremist position of the MUSLIMS in UK

the closing of BBC


(meanwhile Queen dies)


Where are all the good looking white gay guys doing this kind of protesting? It's always ugly lesbians.

register to vote for the eu ref lads do a postal vote if you can't be arsed turning out

Kek and they'll do it too, then when nothing changes there will be angry articles in the new statesman about the bigoted British people hating LGBT

They're all boyfuckers anyway, doesn't that make up for it?

>"I am well qualified for this position in the BBC why was I turned down old chap"
>"Sorry m8 but we need more transsexual gayniggers from outer space to fill the forced diversity quota".
>"Old bean an education isn't necessary for this job but diversity is".

Diversity is officially more of a priority than proficiency and efficiency. This is wrong.

No suprise really.

That's what I'm thinking! Is that even physically possible?! It's funny how these "minorities" and the people who think they're fighting for them don't even seem to understand what the word means.

UK is the gayest nation in Europe and every gay guy I know goes there after cock what else could you ask for

Only like 3% of the population is gay or whatever.

This is what i mean with that leaving the EU wont fix things. The problems go far deeper

This is the smartest idea. They wouldn't challenge you for fear of being homophobic

Capitalism my ass.

You'd think this picture was taking using this angle because of the sign, but we all know it's because there's no second row of protesters. Nice try, Charles.

Can't brits just pretend to be gay and get hired? I mean they already sound like fags when they talk.

Do they actually ask if you are gay at the interview then? What if you are gay and don't feel like coming out to get a job? What they are saying is 10% needs to be openly flamboyantly a flaming faggot. Why wouldn't everyone applying say they are at least bisexual?

Don't forget to pay your TV tax!

Money well spent!

The best investment for the modern white male in the west would be a photoshop of him sucking dick. Send it in instead of your CV and you probably get a job quicker than doing it the regular way


And another 10% should be hung black men
>turn on the BBC
>not a BBC in sight

They don't ask on hiring. This will be about having gay friendly policies to encourage recruitment. Fuck knows what that would be though. Free meth and HIV testing; who knows?

Still you're totally right about the benefits. I've registered as gay on my work's HR system. There's no downside. Nobody I work with has to know but but it bullet proofs me against false sexual harassment claims, gives me an opportunity to claim discrimination if management ever try to bullshit me and allows me to benefit from the occasional special opportunity or development thing they aim at protected groups.

So many women will lie about being bisexual to get in.

>hi there I'm a gay transwoman queer demi-fluid male
>I'm here for the director general job

Can we actually give score multipliers to the amount of prefixes in someone's gender?

Like, is it possible to quantify how many points someone accumulates for being the gender they identify with?

Gay, Lesbian are only 1.1x score multipliers, but shit like demiqueer is 4.3x your gender score

The higher your gender score, the more oppressed you are and the more coddling you get.

Who is a good drawfag and can make some random multipliers for these dumbass prefixes?

How would they even go about verifying that anyway?

>I'm gay lol, hire me

Why the fuck is it ANY of their business who the BBC employs?

because it's the current year

because BBC also stands for British Broadcasting Corporation. theyre government funded

>At least 10% of dudes working for us should be into sucking dick. This is obviously a relevant qualifier for employment."

So when are they firing 15% to get down to the 10% quota?

Fuck that's a good idea, I'm going to do that.

Your sex or sexual orientation isn't meant for public knowledge.

Keep that in the bedroom.

>i pay my fucking tv licence for this

Just end it.

People should just pretend to be faggots to get jobs at the BBC and then do a 180 to fuck with their dog shit propaganda machine.


I know a few people who have done this as being harrassed by women at work.

I also know both men and women who have done this as they were living in a defacto relationship to get around benefit fraud etc.

Good, I hope it kills the bbc

i don't see the problem with this, it'll actually decrease the number of homos if strictly followed

This is the most fucking retarded thing I've ever heard.

They don't call it the BBC for nothing.

Lol fucking what. Why would an employer even ask you your sexual orientation? LGBT people aren't even 10% of the population? Why would they turn something that is 100% non-discriminatory and turn it into something that is, by requiring potential employees to BE CATEGORIZED DIFFERENTLY BASED ON THEIR SEXUAL ORIENTATION?

Fuck me.


There aren't even 10% fags in real life.
The studies vary, but it's from 1% to AT MOST 5% (and that's counting every degenerate ponyfucker in existence).

Why is this blatant discrimination against hetero people allowed? It's /literally/ sexual discrimination.

BBC ? The radio of the WW2 ?

A gay radio now ?




>i'm actually bisexual
there a free job

I did this in college. There was zero downside. Girls think you're open minded and shit. Get to say faggot it has complete impunity. Convenient access to victim complex. I would definitely do it all again.

nein, nein, nein, nein

10% of Jews are fags

From a Jewish perspective, it's perfectly proportional

>say you're gay
>5 times more likely to get hired than if you said you were straight

that's fucking depressing to think of

How do you bring that up naturally during the interview process?

>tfw "i'm gay" replaces "my biggest failing is that i work too hard" as best job interview fib

Same way they do on TV and in video games. Abruptly mention your boyfriend/husband as an aside in the middle of a conversation without prompting.

Offer to suck the hiring manager's dick

If I worked at BBC I would just say I was gay, easy position for the rest of my life, work 1/4th as hard and cant get fired because that would be bigotry.

If they're enforcing a 10% gay hiring process, I'd imagine that it's on the job application.

There are enough genders and sexualities that I am willing to bet you can find one that permits you to still bang the opposite sex like a normal human being while at the same time appeasing the SJW overlords

>1% of the population should represent 10% of the BBC
That's how the Jews do it.

>mfw the future of England is BBJazeria broadcasting beta Brit bois getting their daily estrogen tampon insertion and faithfully cleansing the sperm from the local imam's sword of Allah after plowing it through a playground

hmm. you know, that sounds a bit like discrimination

"we think you'd be great for the job, but we cant hire you because you're straight and we have too many straight people"