Women only want bad boys


So women only date "fuckbois" are bad boys now. They are finally admitting it now pol. How do you feel knowing that womeb admttied they only want the top 30% of men. Chads and bbc.

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Black men get laid 3x as much as white men. Why are considered the most sexiest race? We get cheated on the most, have the most dry spells. Many of us are virgins even. What is going on? We cant even make a woman cum?

How many women have you been with pol?

Not you again . Same faggot that started the last cuck thread

Well I already knew women only wanted chad and bbc in highschool. The guys on the football and basketball team got all the girls while we got shit. One black dude had 4 gfs and they all knew about eachother and even sat together in lunch. Im like he isn't even gonna go pro!!!

There was cuck thread today? All i saw was nigger hate all blacks are crimmials threads.

Virigin here. I will probably never get laid since i have a tiny whitboi cock. But I couldn't care less anyways because all women cheat and want to be in a cuck realthionship. Forget about it.

Every day I lurk here I sees em everywhere.
Wew lad

The bbc thing is literally just memes, I am pretty sure. Back in the 60s or whatever it became a new, scary phenomenon when women were losing their shit over the Beatles. Pretty sure those guys were white or jewish and had bowl cuts, but they were basically considered sex gods or whatever.

All that could be said about American dindus with much more accuracy, those damn degenerates.
This is their actual culture.

Well i have only been with 3 women. Hey all cheated on me. One even fucked a bbc. She is a bbc whore now. She had fucked over 20 black men from what i heard. I wanted to marry her.

This. I never see anything but all blacks are crimmials threads as well. When in reality 9 out of ten blacks dont commit crimes and are actually pretty bro tier.

look at that straight horse mouth why would you even post this lol

>le not all blacks maymay

Women love status. Which is why the always go for bad boys Or bbc men. Many of the basketball players at my highschool had mutiple side chicks as well. I hate that women would rather all fuck one guy that cheats on them and never takes her on dates than me.

>There is not a criminal problem in the black community

Like you could fuck anything better!


Well how do I react? I bang what I can bang? I've been with 12 girls I'm 21. Sometimes they are girls that would be cute if they lost 30 lbs. and are chubby not obese sometimes they are thin with meh faces.

I plan on getting plastic surgery to looksmax.


LOL White chads dont fuck coal burners m8 and are the top tier these women want considering they all have fucking posters of James dean and old whites on their wall and go to music festivals that play exclusively white artists and their music and I am from Baltimore telling you this.

I have a fat, ugly, rich wife who loves me.

If I want to, I could rent a 2000 dollar hooker and still be A number 1 in her eyes.

>implying I dont

Im a virgin. I have never even kissed a girl. I would anything to have sex with her. I would even fuck her after 20 black men. I would lick their jizz out of her pussy just to have sex.

True. I have all my gfs 1sts except kiss and handy. Other than that I felt that sweet warm hymen break. And stood with her in the shower while she bled then fucked her again.


Was it worth it?

Generally curious.

Well how many women have you had sex with? 20% of whtie males are virgins like me. And blacks fuck 3x as many women as whites.

I would love to believe that whites were the sexiest but it cant be true if I haven't meet a white guy that has fucked 10 women. I have meet 5 black guys that are well into the 20s and they have fucked plenty of white woman as well. White woman i would wanna fuck.

Isn't this ghetto slang for a gay nigger who gets rammed in the ass?

I don't believe. Post a pic of your gf.

I have fucked 18 women.

4 were virgins

I have been fucking since I was 12

20+ but i doubt it matters.

Only thing that annoys me on women my age is that they are either childish as fuck so i cant stand them or too career oriented now so no time for dating.

Thats why i only fuck older women now and one night stands only

Yup, I recognise this shill. Don't forget to sage his threads.

Look how at what race is voted most sexiest man the most....Mostly white men m8

Women do like "bad boys" AKA Chad Thundercock.

I find it weird that ever since 2013, if you said that on the Internet, people would post fedora memes and call you an edgy neckbeard virgin.

Women even admit themselves they only want Chad Thundercock. So why get so mad when a guy points that out? Lets all just grow some balls and face reality, faggots.

It is you ..

It means a lot. It used to mean that. It also means a loser lameass. Now it means player. Because men that fuck tons of women are not being shamed. But at the same time these same women complain about always fucking them?????

You look dopey as fuck, and if I saw someone that looked like you on the street, I would assume that they were a stoner.

You aren't Chad.
Not in the slightest.

Look how at what race is voted most sexiest man the most....Mostly white men m8

Blacks dont fuck 3 times as many white women considering white women race mix the least of all races in America according to Wikipedia sorry they fuck their own as they are a K type society

Why dont you ever sage nigger hate threads? Or multicultural threads?

t. mexican

Sorry m8 post your picture until then your blown out as I already know I am above average

Just 2.
My mind has been on building a family, was very close to marriage with the last one

>his waifu is a man

Your missing my point clearly. Yes white men are the sexiest. But why cant we fuck as many women as bbc? I mean MOST white guys have fucked 5 or less women.

German italian

Every black man you will talk to had had white pussy.

Trust a snake before a jew, a jew before a greek, but never trust a chick with a long face.

>One of the most Jewish jews to ever be

Anti-white is code for anti-jew
Anti-racist is code for anti-white

did we end up in 1984 future?

I think you are overestimating your looks, entirely.

Also you're a massive attention seeking faggot that should probably kill himself.

Because we have a different society m8 other women fuck more men than whites because they have a different society. there is nothing hard to understand black will fuck many black women in their lives recklessly its that simple m8

show me a Back page where even a prostitute says no whites m8

I thought that feminists were "sex-positive" or whatever and all about promiscuity? Just another feminist hypocrisy?

That's a fucboi

Fucboi =\= Fuckboi

Sorry m8 that is not a fact you can show with sources.

What happened did she cheat with bbc?

I have fucked more women with my 9 inch cock than I can remember. This is most likely because I work at Wendy's and make $156,000 a year.

all white pussy is not created equal

>black men get anything but brown pussy meme





You will not find a analog for this for white men

kek sorry m8 your blown out.

post them English teeth

I live in a region without hook out culture and women here only open themselves after you become their official boyfriends

Feels good living in a conservative place

You're right, OP. I wanted a bad boy. So I started dating an alt-right Sup Forumstard.

seeBlacks cant even pay white pussy to fuck them in significant numbers

Bragging about paying for sex......


LOL niggers get more than brown pussy rite guys?

I'm not claiming to be particularly good looking and I couldn't care less what strangers on the internet think regardless.

You're a dumb attention seeking faggot.

Yea m8 the point that the lowest of white women who will fuck anyone for money making a distinction against black men says nothing about their ability to gain a females desire..keke
>dat damage control

Feels like shit

I dated a super fucking gorgeous girl. Was a fucking ditz in the brain I admit.

She played the nice innocent girl act really God damn well. Made everyone in her life as cruel tyrant and I was her white knight with a fat cock.

I find out that she was still seeing her "ex" aka, I was her fuckboi while she kept the other guy for money. She told me he even knew about me but still spent his parents college fund in her to compete with me

In essence. Nobody gets a girl to themselves. Girls are now public property and you purchase them as fuck dolls if you entertain them and play psychiatrist and feed into their ego or you spend your life savings in them to feed into their ego. Neither of which will get you the full story of her psychotic life story because she is a broken in whore.

Yes I hate women, I've grow up and seen the absolute worst a woman can possibly become, I grew up on a military base. And I will still keep sleeping with them and eventually settle down to find a child incubator. Because I need children at some point. I need to pass on the line and raise a pure girl, a strong boy and a have them survive.

This is kinda true. Blacks have huge dicks and every woman wants them. Black are also not afraid to cheat. Both of my black friends have never been faithful to any gf they ever had. One bbc dated a girl for 5 years and had 3 affairs a year. She was white and his side hoes typically were black. She was hot too idk why he would cheat???

Man you guys bum me out about women. I love women and have had great experiences with them.

Idk what kind of women y'all are chasing but you should go after the shy average looking girls. They've always been kind, loving, and loyal to me. Avoid party sluts like the plague.

It can also mean douche bag

If you stop responding to the shills, they will stop.

He doesn't have one. Most white guys cant get laid. I know because I haven't had sex in like 4 years.

Yeah women like guys with status, money, strong personalities, bold, confident, good looking, and lots of masculine energy. Women are just as superficial as us dudes are. Some chicks just aren't into you, bro.

You're pissing into the ocean m8.

No m8 if you followed the thread a cuck posted a horse faces white girl and i pointed this out and he accused me of not being able to get better so i posted my none horse face the one I use while I fuck my non horse faced girlfriend

and if we are being honest we see you got triggered and are in some weird argument with me over it lol

Are you serious? Do you really think that she is some sort of high price gal?

Black men fuck sheboons 3x as much maybe. It's estimated close to 50% of black women have herpies. This is no accident and they certainly don't get it from fucking white guys.

Women are just so proud to admit how sexually broken they are it's laughable.

>Blacks have huge dicks and every woman wants them

Try harder m8 or I am leaving

I lost count in the 30s, coulda been a lot more, but i hate the current generation, it's almost not worth it for the sake of saving my sanity
oh and sage.

Who do you say bbc. A black men aren't synonymous with big Wangs.

Probably over 30... I've lost count. Don't do it though anons, being promiscuous fucks up the way you view relationships.

that's bullshit.

Who is this samefagging cuck?

Jew spreading demoralization on white national spaces. that's all Sup Forums is, you fucking idiots.

Maybe not. But blacks do get a ton if white poon. I see bbc/wf couples all the time. And my friends all brag about those few one nighters with white sluts.

That's what I've been saying. He is the same cuck op from the last black bois cucked me thread

Because pol loves those. But they hate to hear the truth. They hate to hear bbc is taking the women.

Sorry m8 white women race mix the least of all women according to wikipedia... i wonder why that is

where do you live m8 I live in Baltimore md and white women laugh at niggers and coal burners behind their backs even here.

I just see you keep repeating yourself with no evidence the only evinced i see is they cant even get white prostitutes to fuck them regularly enough to go online and cry about it

And what is different about men? Don't men also have trouble lowering their standards? Are you all angry, ugly virgins? Not ad hominem I just want to figure out your motivation

t. daquan tyronius





niggers are not desirable even to women being paid to act like they are



thread theme

This whole thread is just losers trying to justify their failures with women




Why do niggers have such a hard time getting white whores to fuck them so much so they cry about it online?

Women who only date those kind of guys aren't worth shit anyway.

Blacks dont need to pay for sex. They get laid all the time without paying for it. Because women want to try to use their huge dicks.

Again you have no evidence of this m8

you are simply blown out with this evidence it will ruin every cuck thread you post m8 as its undebatable.

You cant even rely on paying a women to fake desire for a nigger lol

>caring at all about what strange women want

Niggers are literally crying online that they cant even pay a white women to fuck them lol

its over son