How big of an asshole am i if i knowingly fucked a girl with a boyfriend?

how big of an asshole am i if i knowingly fucked a girl with a boyfriend?

less of an asshole than she is. banged my best friends girl once but she was being super manipulative and i was like beta fag af back then. we both blame that cunt and say bros before hoes

I done that plenty of times. And you're not an asshole. Just the alpha

boyfriend is not a disease, you should be OK

Evryone does it
somebody will do it to you
might as well do it to them.

Not an asshole just a whore but you know you can live with that

not asshole at all, if she is willing then they will never last anyway. take all the pussy you can.

fucking your "best Friends" girlfriend. yeah your an asshole.

You're an asshole and she's a whore.

Don't blame all the stuff on the girl, you are both a bunch of crap

Christ man, that bush though?

Op i hope you don't go too fast cus ur gonna set the entirety of planet earth on fire with that forest down there

If you don't know the guy then it's not as bad but you're still a dick. She's a bigger cunt though

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Takes two to tango. She knew she had a boyfriend when she let you in, you get the reward.

Pictured: She has been thinking about breaking up with her boyfriend of a year and wanted 'encouragement' that there are other people out there who want her.

fucking KEK

well she was lying to me about how he beats her and wants to leave him. yeah im an asshole for being taken advantage of i feel bad about it daily but our friendship goes beyond such trivial matters. he was also fucking other girls while with her...

I've banged a girl while she was on the phone with her boyfriend

I've also banged a girl while webcamming with my at the time girlfriend, my camera off. Girlfriend was fucking herself with a dildo while I was banging another chick who also had a boyfriend.

All in all you're good OP

>banged my best friends girl
>bros before hoes

Pick one.

hoes before bros
at the end of the day you sleep with a girl, and not a boy goddamnit

Yes you're a fucking asshole if you cheat. She's just as much of an asshole. I seriously feel like I'm one of the only human beings who's in a truly monogamous, cheating-free relationship.

>inb4 liar
>inb4 "women always cheat she's doing it behind your back"
We go to the same college and we live in the same household now, it would be hard for either one of us to suddenly go behind our backs.

You are one of the lowest forms of life on earth.

Guys only bring up "bro code" and guilt trip when its their girl getting fucked, when their fucking yours theres always a convenient laundry list of why they don't feel bad. Basic rule of humanity:Being nice is nice but never lose sight of the fact that its every man for themself and respecting others does not mean they will also be decent human beings. We only act in self interest, nothing is sacred, if someone wants something and youre in the way they will throw you under the bus or sell you down the river... people who disagree with cynical viewpoints only do so because they can't handle reality or they just want to have a cleaner "caring" image for social gain. Most people are just greedy fake facades.

i think you missed the part where i said she was super manipulative

In what way did she manipulate you? You knew she was your best friends gf.
Don't make excuses, you made the choise.


Ehh, if the boyfriend was your friend, then you're a cunt, but you don't owe some "brocode" or whatever to some random guy. She made the choise