What comes first to your mind when you look at this map?
What comes first to your mind when you look at this map?
Other urls found in this thread:
Puckered anus.
Scam Microsoft calls
poo in loo
greedy as jews but useless
A revered and ancient civilization that is best known for whatever Hollywood pretends it is instead of the festering diseased hellhole it really is
Rightfully ours.
poo in loo
also loo witches
Literally this.
It triggers me that I will never be a colonial vice-roy in the Raj.
that dumb bitch from tech support at work
also floating corpses in the ganges, kek
The state of Hyderabad which India annexed
Over populated poor people covered in shit.
A big stinking anus.
i'm thinking about going backpacking around india. i've heard its a great experience. anyone here ever done it before?
Better posters than Mexico
If you're white or look like you were bought up in a first world country it's best you don't go lol
the smell
why? i see lots of videos on youtube of white people, even some single white females who have done it and haven't heard anything bad. i'm a pretty well built big guy, i doubt i'd have trouble despite my blonde hair and blue eyes making me stick out.
check out the beach, maybe take a swim
doesn't bother me to be honest. i won't touch the ganges, but seeing that sort of shit doesn't phase me. plus being able to shit on the street seems like it would be liberating.
those are actually white people, took them 30 seconds to get that filthy
>great experience
If experiencing the most violent shits imaginable is great then yes.
I'm not even kidding. You will get sick.
I'm fairly travelled so I hope I don't sound bigoted when i say that hygiene really isn't part of their culture.
Indians will prepare food after shitting without washing heir hands. They rarely wash their utensils and when they do it's often with dirty water. Their streets double as sewers and begging is seen as an honourable profession over there.
I would only go 'backpacking' across India as a slightly less extreme alternative to suicide.
Hint: it starts with the letter P
Shitting in the streets I'll formed economic growth half autistic programmers and hacker's worse then Mexicans as far as I'm gonna have 40 people live in a 1000 Sq ft home pollution on a scale so massive I'm surprised the UN hasn't enforced sanctions
>itt butthurt white people
I guess you guys are in the Laughing phase. Don't worry, we'll meet you at the Fight phase when you grow out of the poop jokes phase. :)
A small minority of their women are incredibly beautiful, but rare to find. The more south you go, the more barbarous, ape-like and darkskinned they get.
Golden State Warriors
Forgot pic
Considering i live in an area infested with illegal mexicans/central americans who prepare literally all the food in restaurants and have absolute shit tier hygiene, i'm not too worried about that either. seriously, the mexishits here toss their shitty diahrea covered toilet paper on the floor here because they don't know you can flush it. theres no way they actually wash their hands before cooking the food either. i've had some serious bouts of shit and i'm prepared for that.
The heat, the smell, and feeling a surge of misanthropy
elephants and curry
Well I'm sure if they had toilets or toilet paper in India they'd do the same thing.
But running water is a prerequisite for those things so you should be alright.
you will catch many stomach bactriea and viruses like colorea. Plus a chance of death for being white. If you go visit the rat shit temples for me, the rats won't bite if you don't piss them off. Also one more thing buy this steripen.com
its a portable ultra violet purifier for water.
On the topic of restaurants, most Indians are vegetarians so I hope you aren't a meat lover.
At best you will find chicken is the most common meat. Eating beef is very heavily frowned upon and pork is virtually inedible to Indians
This is all due to their '''''''culture''''''
> I would only go 'backpacking' across India as a slightly less extreme alternative to suicide.
Its better you killed yourself you muslim degenerate. I will never step inside the muslim ghetto that is UK.
You are correct.
There are 'superbugs' which are becoming more and more common.
These bacteria are immune to antibiotics.
Ugly borders
Ugly people
Ugly food
Ugly culture
Timestamped loo with flipping the bird to a maplenigger or abo by a raging poo in loo.
Actually the one thing i will not do there is visit a rat temple. thats too much even for me. if i can find a group of people over there to go with i'd like to tour a slum or two though.
>receives UK aid
>invests in space program
>Pajeet dies in poverty at age 12
you should have left india to be a tea plantation, it was better off
Zimbabwe with slightly more logic.
atleast buy the steri pen, it will treat the water. and possibly the curry if you put it in it. On amazon you can find a pen for faster shipping but bigger the cost.
Fucking kek are you actually retarded? Let me guess I'm a butt hurt white person fucking kek really pajeet those sources fucking hahaha
People shitting in the streets like its the shitpocalypse
> I would only go 'backpacking' across India as a slightly less extreme alternative to suicide.
Its better you killed yourself you muslim degenerate. I will never step inside the muslim ghetto that is UK.
Ι hate insults that are based on facts. I really feel sorry for the countrymen. Yeah turkroach is there but no one. except maybe kafka, takes it literally. Romanian-gypsy , indian-poo insults have basis on reality which makes it worse.
I feel bad for them, at least turkey deserves its reputation, due to erdogans mad ramblings and its retarded diaspora.
ayy lmao you literally got btfo by a old senile man with a stick
>receive free billions of $ of aid and then cuck you with the rafale deal
>we found water on moon nigga we gonna poo on moon now
>"moderate muslim" muhammed gets blown up before that
That's Detroit.
Don't listen to retarded brit muslim cucks. India is a great place to visit to experience different culture. We have great architecture, music and ethnic dances to experience. Kerala and kashmir are literally heaven on earth itself. So many different places and every states language and culture is completely different. Just don't spend too much time in the north. Most of the retards live in the north. South India is a chill place to be with incredible culture.
Every Poo in Loo I've worked with has been downright shit at their job.
turn image 90% to the left then mirror the image
[spoiler]it's a jew[/spoiler]
I traveled/studied there for about a year back in 2013. As long as you stay away from the megacities and the cow belt it's quite a nice country. It takes a while to get over the pollution/litter, but once you get used to the atmosphere it's a great tourist destination.
At the very least, the food and sightseeing are top-tier.
Your shitty 300 million was peanuts to us. Your prime minister begged us to take the money because it was insulting that india was refusing. I will watch the degenerate pakis take your country apart. HAHAHAHAHAH
Failed potential.
If the British had stayed, the place would have been wonderous
But now, instead, you have people that literally get killed and raped over there for being "different ethnicities" despite them all literally looking the same.
Not to mention the designated streets.
poo colored people living in a poo covered country breathing poo scented air.
I recently found out they don't have streetview
Like australians aren't brain dead bogans.
You austistic basement dwelling ameriburgers. Keep america Ignorant again.
It used to be four-armed ladies, but now it's just poop.
Even swedcuks are talking. Get raped by muslims you fucks.
>being this butthurt
>saving thumbnails
Lmao retarded currynigger
I've been to your shit smelling country fuck you shit covered pajeet
>Ugly food
>Ugly culture
As if americans have food or culture.
Land of free shit.
You're really mad dude,this is why the poo jokes don't stop
Because even the swedes are better than you pajeet
a plate of curry-caked shit isn't food, Pajeet
They have toilets.
Am I seriously the only one who only thought "Indians" while looking at this map?
>Shitty country insulting a lesser shitty country.
Nice try essay.
Scam callers, change electric companies, have a virus etc. and food that looks and smells like poo?
As if you don't copy our culture fucking autist
You asian nigger. We own all your foods at upscale, organic, artisan restaurants with top chefs.
>ugly culture
Our music and entertainment take the biggest shit in your streets. You literally embraced us with Bollyshit.
>What comes first to your mind when you look at this map?
affeminate beta Méxicans that can't into hygiene and are thirsty as fuck, also rapey creepy and very stinky.
Source, i used to rent videos from one.
Dude, relax. Don't mind the memes.
Just close your eyes like you do while shitting outside my gate every single morning.
No need to close the nose though :)
"How'd that beaner get Internet?"
Bet pajeet gets quiet all the sudden. Fucking kek
>being this butthurt
Before Sup Forums? those temples with lewd art.
After Sup Forums: pajeet my son
>What comes first to your mind when you look at this map?
Manlet filled subcontinent with a people that has smaller cocks than the average pinky finger in Sweden.
Also they have no clue what a toilet is.
That girl is not Indian.
For the love of everything holy don't go anywhere near India.
The stereotypes are true. That place is the most unhygienic shithole you will ever see.
Even in wealthier areas there are mountains of feces, garbage and dead things.
The smell will get in your pores and you will stink like the shit covered dead for weeks after you leave.
You've been warned.
Go to Thailand instead.
It's relatively clean, qt chicks that will bang you just because you're white, great food, low stench.
Now Sup Forums will face ban in India because of the map
Butthurt indian's mad they can't compete with a bunch of drunk degenerates.
Are you curry niggers even trying?
of course not, she's good looking unlike your fucking mutants.
>No need to close the nose
They have phrases revolving around this degenerate behavior! So ingrained into the """"""culture""""""
>raining shit
>pooliticians swiming in shit
>people bathing in a river full of corpses and shit
>red point
>Based goddess Kali (save us from the mudshits pls)
Where is she from,Pedro? Beyond the wall?