Why tf do mine hang so low?

why tf do mine hang so low?

I'm not even 30 yet. Why mother nature? Why have you cursed me?

Front view

jesus christ and i thought my balls hung low

i like low hangers but yours may hang a little TOO low

Back-up camera

Stop tugging on them

lol you have granpa balls

Retard nads always hang low.

you know from experience dont ya faggot

>why tf do mine hang so low?

Because you're a faggot.

Don't post dick pics on Sup Forums. Just fuck off.

have a nude, then.

Ayyy el mio mis costados salieron de órbita

Do your balls hang low?
Do they wobble to and fro?
Can you tie them in a knot?
Can you tie them in a bow?
Can you throw 'em o'er your shoulder
Like a continental soldier?
Do your balls hang low?

Also, /thread

ya youre right

he should spam stupid gay ass fucking retarded memes instead, good idea faggot

You were just born with a really nice ballsack just like myself. Be proud, OP.

its not that nice, it shouldnt hang that low

low is good but not that low, thats just disturbing

My are like that too op not quite that bad yet. Feelsbadman. There is surgery to lift them suckers. Not sure if I'd want to do it tho since the sack is a muscle. Seems weird to cut some out.

My balls not so much
My balls go up when they're touched
My balls sometimes when I cum they hurt so much

I wished they hung low
So they would fit in a mouth to swallow
I would love to see them in a mouth I would say so

God damn I wished I had balls that hung low

I think it's beautiful, tbqhwy

you look handsome ;)


you ever thought of knocking down buildings with those things?


what till you go to take a shit and your balls completely get sumberged in toilet water. thats when mother nature plays her best joke.
