What's Healthcare like in your country?

What's Healthcare like in your country?

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It's like a boiling pot of water and macaques.

Ahh a delicacy

Pretty good for emergency medicine but long wait times for none life threatening stuff.

We heal our selves through soup of exotic origin.

Seriously tho, what's it like there? Does it depend on which emirate you live under?

I feel you

In UAE it's all good, but it's expensive if you're not Emirati.

How expensive is it?

which you're probably not

It's wonderful

>Saudi Arabia

Seeing your flag gives me the shivers. Go rape and stone your sister. After you're done doing that kill yourself.

It's one of the things we're doing super great at other than the internet speeds

we literally invented public health care

>This section is based on surveys from visitors of this website.
I have a feeling that link is a bit shit?

Because you say so?

Ireland is Nigeria tier?

it's good if you enjoy dying in a waiting room

I doubt that since many poor ass countries are overrated in the chart but the rankings seem credible among the developed countries. Btw, Ireland has the worst healthcare in Europe.


It's pretty good as long as it is not an emergemcy in which case you might end up having to buy some stuff yourself
If it's for treatment or stuff, you might have to wait some time before you get appointed to a doctor
Private health care is also a thing ify you have enough money

... based on the same index. I'm just skeptical of their methodology that's all.

Really good but could be better.

We should abolish all subsidies for private health providers tbph.

way better than USA

at least you got a chance to live.
is great for 99% of the reasons you go to the hospital for, broken bones, house accidents, stitches and seasonal virus.
pretty fucking awful if you have cancer or some weird shit in you. Lucky for those lads is that private healthcare is ridiculously cheap compared to other countries and you can bribe your way up into the public healthcare system in order to get the best doctors, hospitals and drugs in the whole country.

Feels nice when your family lives in a town of 30k near the hospital and nobody has ever had a long wait even for minor issues.

It is, but it displays different results if you check the scores of each country.
I can barely find sources online about healthcare rankings of countries worldwide that are not outdated but here's the other one that places us on the top.


>Go rape [...] your sister.
Pot meet kettle.