Why do women have two tits when most pregnancies result in only one child?

Why do women have two tits when most pregnancies result in only one child?
Why not have one tit that goes all the way across the chest?
Seems evolution got broken somehow.

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Bumping with tits.

It's to stop bleeding and cracking around the nipple so greater chance of long term feeding. Also do can feed more than one baby even if not their own as a survival trait. Evolution is a beautiful thing.

>Seems evolution got broken somehow.
no, you're just retarded

>do you wish to increase storage? [Y/N]
>you can never have enough storage, better too much than too little.
>symmetric af


Nature is autistic about symmetry.

I suck one titty and the crying sack of shit gets the other more hairy/veiny one.

All mAmmals have twice the average litter size nipples

Evolution is never wrong

Ones a bAck up lol

Because if you were to lose one tit you would have a backup. Plus is one tit is sore from being sucked on you can switch the baby over to the other.
Plus I'm pretty sure more tits=more milk and that's why a lot of animals have many tits.

for tittyfucking obviously

Pump those suckers dry.


Because the ones with a massive tit would fall over if there was only one, and fucking hell imagine the paranoia of having a left or right one? I can see people crying on Oprah now, he left me because I had a right tit and he fucked my sister because hers was left


Because one big tit in the middle would be gross, and God wants us to appreciate nice looking titties.

Duh! Sooo easy to explain

Tittyfuck level : bacon wrapped hotdog

you are a special kind of retarded motherfucker


One hypothesis is that when we walked on all fours, the main attraction and indicator of sexual readiness was the buttocks. As we learned to walk upright there was a reproductive advantage if women replicated that cleavage with another in a more prominent position. All the monoboobs would have been bred out .


I guess it's to reduce stress on one boob by beeing able to switch around?


because one tit may not produce enough milk rapidly enough to feed the baby in the necessary internals. Therefore, they switch sides.

It's also a redundancy advantage since the ability to survive catastrophic trauma is a pretty huge evolutionary advantage. Just like eyes, ears and arms. 2 is better, but 1 is workable and so long as you can still breed, you're winning in a genetic sense.

One tit is a spare in case there's a blow-out.

kekked my boob off... good thing I have a spare!

Tit or GTFO

never said I was a woman but if you want my hairy manboob, sure thing!

2 dix

Would you fuck a one-titted girl over a two titted girl?
The one titted girls didn't have any children of their own.
Natural selection.

I like this comment.

Because if just 1 titty then no one would fit in a bra dumbass.

Most mammals have 1 tit more than average birth numbers.

Bilateral symmetry nigger. Plus, more titty.

Real answer here
Breasts and butts and meant to look alike to draw attention to the breasts. This shows the females "mating worth" along with waist size

becouse of oure embryogenesis, we are bilateral symmetric in nature

1 for husband
one for baby what the problem?



>Why do women have two tits when most pregnancies result in only one child?

Humans are suppose to live in family groups, or at least, women are suppose to live in harems and get pregnant at the same time. Women could take turns caring for each other's infant while the other rests.

Looks a bit like an arse

So one can forage while the other builds a nest.

Why do you have 2 balls instead of just 1 big ball?

2 is one and 1 is none...if you needed exactly i gallon of water to get you from a to b. Would not it be prudent to bring 2 gallons just incase something happened along the way.

bilateral symmetry genes are ancient and super important to basic body structure of most branches of animals (spanning vertebrates and invertebrates).

Because kids will eat more than one boobs worth of milk

lookup the one-half rule

Why do you have 2 balls and one penis?

Coz when you have twins you need both


>evolution got broken

you don't understand how evolution works m8. the ass is right next to the pussy brother. do you have any idea of how confusing that is?

having two glands on each side of the body is a standard for almost every verteberate and most of the invertebrate on this planet.

i belive its an evolutive strategy to avoid death if a failure occurs on one of the said gland.