Hello we are looking for settlers in the Pitcairn island if you wish to apply you will need the following

Hello we are looking for settlers in the Pitcairn island if you wish to apply you will need the following

over 30k assests

Here is the following link for the application to pitcairn!


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What is it like there, desu?

>tfw no 30k assets

93% of the population is overweight.

hows the rape going over there

I'm 5lbs overweight by BMI but because I've been lifting for years.

We have a new child protection law and we ensure our children will be protected

Please refer to:

Please fill out our form or feel free to contact us by phone

Could you describe an actual day there? How big is it? Is rampant pedophilia still a problem?

How exactly could one make a living on an island of 56 inhabitants?

We have a striving woodwork and honey industry and the United Kingdom gives us aid.

Its only 46 people actually the rest are expats
and there is plently of place,the pedophilia is an issue of the past.




Does Pitcairn have a government?

That's quite charming, it sounds like a lovely place.

How the fuck do you get supplies to you? Who would transport things to an island inhabited by 46 people in the middle of the fucking ocean?

Yes there is a goverment in place but laws are now the same as the UK laws instead of the Pitcairn laws.

The Claymore II ship takes 4 trip to the island every year delivering supplies.

What's the deal with this sex child abuse? Explain yourself

According to the Pitcairn law sex with children were permitted as long as you did not get them pregnant,if you did your punishment is a jailtime of 100 days. Basically we did not know any better and it was part of our culture.

Whoa whoa whoa

Four trips?

Say I wanted to order a custom item online. How would I go about doing that?

>Governor is appointed by the queen
not democratic enough for me desu

Can I come and help you guys demand home rule?

>move to Pitcairn Island
>Arrive on shore with 30K
>Robbed and a shot by pirate descendants
> Mayor rapes my wife and 11 year old daughter
>Whole family boiled in pot and eaten by Tahitians
>Volcano erupts and turns our bodies into ash

How is your internet connection?
Do you have enough electricity, to run a server park?

>Basically we did not know any better and it was part of our culture.

Who introduced Islam to the Pitcairns?

what are the chances of you guys declaring independence from Britain and choosing one of your own as a king

Got any pictures of your home or the houses around?

>be Pitcairn
>high school president becomes leader of the nation when you graduate
>see the president everyday when walking to the other side to visit your mom

this. pics OP!

Because I'm a degenerate vidya fag who needs a good internet connection and short shipping commute.

Always wanted to vacation on Pitcairn, or a South pacific atoll desu.

can i just give you all my gold and sliver and live like a king over nothing.

It would be forwarded from New Zeland and when Claymore II comes delivered with a 170$ fee of delivery and handling

2mb/s for all the population and http pages usually fail to load

Sadly it is not possible as they provide us with aid

> In 1790 nine of the mutineers from the Bounty, along with the native Tahitian men and women who were with them (six men, eleven women and a baby girl), settled on Pitcairn Islands and set fire to the Bounty.

Smells like incest to me

> The UK's Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) does not currently allow their staff based on Pitcairn to be accompanied by their children.

We should nuke your island

Can I bring my Thai bride, and what will prevent the other islanders from attempting to mount her?

What are you offering? Any offshore banking/tax heaven deals?
Have over 2 millies of assets I'd be interested to move to a place like that.

How old are you? what is your job?

>Wanting to return to being ruled by Brittania
Not on your life

Can I come there on holiday?

We do not have any income tax nor have means to keep track of it.

You will be safe.

here is a normal room in Pitcairn

This. Fuck the queen and her retarded brother

>that's their plan, more "quality imports"

I do farming

im am senior chef at wendys

Yes you can people from the UK may visit the island for up to 14 days without a visa

Do you need teachers at your place?
Some time in the Future i could offer to teach english, economic and politic lessons uptil University level.
Would love to take a year abroad to a place like this.

Wait, so you are a de-jure part of Britain having access to all the EU markets and banking, but no income tax and no state control over capital?

>tfw internet speed on a remote island is better than yours

I've got dual citizenship with England, but live in America.

Would I be able to visit without a visa? Would my non-UK citizen wife?

Whats the weather like?

I am a marine engineer, with with diesel engine experience and general power generation, as well as low and high voltage knowledge.

How much money would I get for running/figuring out your electricity?

I could also do it for free for a few months, if accommodation and travel is paid for.

We currently have a teacher and do not require one.

Thats correct there is not any short of taxation or recording of any person's earning everything is kept as private and no funds will be ever removed from you for taxing purposes.

Mate, may I ask you to show me a pic of the sea sight there? Is it shit or nah?

Yes you should be able to.

Usually very hot

We already have multiple marine expats who are working on these and I do not think we are currently hiring.

Fuck. Figures I guess, must be a lot of sailors there.

“The reality is that we don’t really have any jobs to offer. Islanders used to sell stamps to raise funds but, of course, stamp collecting is not as popular as it once was.”

whats the age of consent right now

Here is an everyday look.

You might not realize this, but you're sitting on a gold mine. Anyone who is anything would dream to register a company on your island.

I'm now strongly considering moving there in a few years after the whole stock collapse blows over.

It should be 16 but no one under 18 is allowed without special permission on the island to prevent incidents

How good is you guys medical?

I'm a Navy vet, hospital Corpsman, I don't have 30k but I've got a pension and 3 years exp out of Walter Reed.

Chef and mechanical engineer. With qt waif 22. Must pay me 100k usd a year or no go.

I'm aware and I know many companies who does this but as there is no public recordings and nothing is disclosed there is nothing they can do about them.

Do you get a proper education in a good variety of fields?
Math, language(s), politics, economics, music/Art and so on?
No banter, just interested in your education System.

This is clearly a trap.

Everyone knows that only cannibals and animals come from the south pacific.

And you don't strike me as an animal.

We have 2 doctors and a hospital facility with basic first aid and 4 first aid on the island placed on different spots

I'm good at driving cars and growing dat dank kush, also I grow peaches. Can I come?

We do not have secondary education here only the very basic upward age of 13-15

Secondary school is attended in new zeland or UK

Just curious - as an inhabitant of a tiny island with an almost non-existent population, how did you find this website and board?

What kind of assets, though?

We do not have cars here as putting them on the island would be impossible,instead we use quad bikes. and yes you are welcome

I heard you have electricity only for half a day.

Referring to my settlement PDF you must upload a bank account with a balance over 30,000$ as a proof of income.


can i be a priest, and live their for free.Or do i need the 30k in assets

>and growing dat dank kush
This is it. This should be the future of OP's little island.

Oh, dollars? How unfortunate
Wish I could move there desu

I think it would gepend on your religion we are Seventh-day Adventists.

how's the prostitution game over there? I like to indulge a few times a year but the 30k isn't a problem. Also, do you have a Pitcarin national bank or something which has oversight by the British government?


Looks pretty /comfy/, 2 more questions;

Are Jews welcome?
And, do you guys know what mémés are?

There isn't any prostitution from what I know

There is no income taxes and no oversight by the british goverment all income is kept private and you do not have to report it.

What do I need the $30k for though?
How expensive is life on your Island?
Do you have space available to rent or do I need to build my own house?
How much is the rent?

Appreciate your input.
Very interesting.

We are open to any religion or race.
Some people does

no jews mate

euronesia is going to annex you in 20 years anyway

as we do not have any stable jobs it is to sustain yourself on the island until you figure out the customs of making money here.

About USD 7000$ a year

We recently built a house for rent otherwise you have to build one for yourself

about 400 NZD a month

You do realize that what you're gonna have after all this is a country with 5k 'citizens' but still only 46 people living on the island with 4954 mailboxes where all your other 'citizens' live and about 500bn in your banking system

Do you guys have tv and internet there?

Like if I bought something over amazon, would they deliver?

Why are you advertizing your island with a pepe pic?

What is the future of Pitcairn? Are you going to barely live year by year trying to lure some people to prevent island from dying or are you going to invest in infrastructure and stop being a meme country.


It is already happening on a massive scale.


amazon would have to be forwarded through New Zeland mailbox

I like that picture

>Seventh-day Adventists.
do i need to learn your nations language or do locals speak english

The future is not bright sadly only 2 settlers came in 10 years and we are bleeding people really fast I do not think we will survive for long if we can't get more settlers

Video related


Mind if I store my space ship off the coast of your island?(I park it underwater)

I might sail to your island for some supplies n shit?

Locals speak english with a bit of accent

What kind of tv shows do you have?

I'm having a hard time believing someone from Pitcairn is on Sup Forums. Are you an expat or a native?

Look some of his posts above.
Delivering costs are roughly $200.

Pepe question is quiete interesting since this one is uncommon.
Though, he may not be a old dude but as young as most of the contributers on the chan.
So well, he might picked it up by browsing.

seethat photo proves he lives their and google gives no results

New Zeland tv

I'm not a native.

>Move to Rare flag
>Free (You)s
>Only 30k assets
Who wouldn't 2bh?