Hey Sup Forums, how do you refute THIS?
Hey Sup Forums, how do you refute THIS?
We don't le downboat people we disagree with here, we just laugh at them and tell them why they're wrong.
refute WHAT?
What are they talking about?
You don't, because you literally can't.
Missed the point
alt right kids
Telling someone they're a tard for their bad opinions is different than stopping them from expressing them.
Difference is if you don't agree with our circle jerk you don't have your post censored
Not an arguement
>implying SJW's need to keep out
no bring them, they will end up killing themselves in mass once we start throwing actual harpoons at them.
"Self-Satirical Liberal" here.
I shitpost postmodern irony all day and crash threads on the regular.
>they're starting to bitterly bicker about us keeping them out of conversations like we used to do 5 years ago
The tables have turned and it's so delicious.
idk what "alt right kids" websites they are looking at
In fact I'm pretty well convinced that the "alt-right" is statistically comprised of people who are economically conservative and socially liberal, but not "social justice warriors", just people who don't give a fuck about feelings or "true conservative" values.
>Reminder that only two generations ago, "nigger" was not a trigger to start chimpouts.
#cucklife #sorrynotsorry
You're fucking insufferable to me already
Make that 3 or 4 now.
Reddit is fucking cancer.
I have PhD in literary studies and I posted in a thread discussing a certain trope in horror fiction that happened to fall into my specialty. I've published well-received papers on the topic in academic journals, but because my take on things goes against common knowledge, I got downvoted by a few dozen people, and my comment was automatically hidden, and dismissed by another couple of users who actually bothered to write responses. I backed my point up with dozens of examples from various media, and explained my theory in depth, but that effort just earned me mockery, not even contradiction, just mockery. One of my interlocutors actually insulted me for being an academic expert on the subject, and said that my comment being "downvoted into oblivion" was proof that my thesis was wrong. Pure fucking cancer.
The format of the website makes intelligent discussion impossible. Expertise is despised. Everything is about ego. Upvotes are god. Minority or novel viewpoints are actually hidden from readers! It's unbelievable.
I guess it's a good website if you want to breed groupthink echochambers. Too bad that the truth isn't up for vote. It terrifies me what kind of minds that website is going to shape.
you don't, SJWs are free to post whatever they want here, but so are we :^)
I'm insufferable because you can't make me suffer.
Oh no!
>unironically writes up a full page report to tell us the reason why we're all here.
If you want to complain about Reddit, go to Reddit.
>Look at my 10,000th witty satirical tweet referencing an obscure French Marxist essayist parodying a contemporary social issue
I can't roll my eyes hard enough
yeah, fuck off, everyday we have thousands of threads of BTFO Sup Forums or some shit or threads namecalling the people who acess Sup Forums. so fuck off with your bullshit
Sup Forums is the same as sjw-s but with less balls
sjw-s are retarded as fuck sure buy polack mofos only make their opinions heard on an anonymous board cuz they are afraid of getting their shit kiced in by a bunch of overweight dykes
The social issue is important user.
I'm trying to make you aware you're a whiner.
That was my one and only experience with Reddit. Are you telling me that you've actually used the site more?
You can't refute anything. There's not an argument.
There's no argument. If you want to tell that person that their statement is wrong simply point them to Sup Forums where people whom come forward with incoherent points get told why they're wrong. It's a lot different than suppressing free-speech.
What are you referencing here?
There's no such thing as the "alt-right"
It's just young conservative leaning men taking the piss out of each other online.
As opposed to posting with throw away accounts on reddit? How is that different?
I've been around long enough to realize now that all mods are always fags, everywhere.
>The conversation there needs to be carefully managed
By fucking who?
we post on Sup Forums because we can't be silenced or downvoted by m*ds or other users, like you can on r*ddit.
"Self-satirical, postmodern liberal irony" twitter accounts
I don't remember leftist degenerates have their posts removed, only counter argued which is never the wrong thing to do.
on the other hand if you post the "wrong" opinion in the "mainstream" places your comment will be shut down and removed.
The problem with reddit isn't even the mods or admins (although I imagine they fit your assessment more than well). It's a fundamental problem with the way the site is meant to function. The site's toxic culture, if you'll excuse the term, grows from that. An upvote/downvote system maybe works for things like answering IT problems. But political and cultural debate? Terrible, terrible idea.
>using twittter
Leave, faggot.
You probably don't even know which posts are mine, then, because most of them aren't an attempt to be cute.
They're not even meant to be "witty". They're an attempt to blow holes in your reality tunnel.
>Sup Forums sensors trash and libtards
Then why am I reading your post?
there's literally next to no censorship on Sup Forums nigger. post whatever the fuck you want. only CP and obvious spam will get you banned
Yes, yes, I get it.
Reddit isn't the first.
All realtime internet chat rooms have this problem.
We even have whiners here that complain about memes and whatever bullshit they find offensive because it gets in the way of their armchair "intellectual musings" about the cause of transgenderism or Christfag threads or whatever other stupid little niche political topic they want to focus on in the given moment.
It's not enough that they have a "hide" feature built in to their client. They have to control it for everyone.
Mods are always fags, everywhere, whether they're official or just crybaby users.
Right-wing communities actually only arise online in places like this where there is no censorship because our ideas are superior and we don't need to worry about being fired. There are some explicitly right-wing websites like TRS, but comparing those to natural monopolies like twitter, Facebook, and YouTube is ridiculous.
I like the fucking cut of your jib brother
this, the mods aren't total niggers. only time I saw them censor ANYTHING was some stupid "Egyptian" nigger talking about bbc, pic related
Did two black generations go by in the span of time between those two posts?
We just sage ;-)
Yeah, I samefagged.
Report me.
>implying I would ever be afraid of expressing my opinion in public.
>Not using twitter
You don't know what you're missing out on
Not An Argument
thats weird when i shit on the usa for being nigger enslavers than point the fact that they have a black president as an example of ultimate cuckoldry my post always and i mean always gets deleted...
All you can do is smile and take pleasure in the fact that they were so triggered that they spammed the report button.
why do you vent on this board again rather than being a macho out on the streets ?
also youll need at least 3 or 4 magazines to take down one landwhale lesbian
theres not enough ammo in the world user
They're talking about Reddit and Zionism right?
>I wrote about a thing and said some stuff
Like what mother fucker? Can you hand us some specifics? Can you actually show us this cancerous thread, or is this just pasta?
>PhD in literary studies