Why are Americans supporting Trump? Seriously, he backpedals and contradicts himself every day and his proposals are terrible, and he is only running because he is the only person more unelectable than Hillary. Use your brain Sup Forumsacks and go support Bernie.
Why are Americans supporting Trump? Seriously...
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the same can be said about any politician really.
build it
It just got 10 feet higher, my friend.
> t. Vicente Fox
>giving anyone else commands on how to elect officials
Just enjoy the shade.
Lol thought it was just a bad meme but Trumps hands are actually tiny
Completely disregarding policy a moment Trump is a guy who appears to speak from the heart and he sounds genuine when he says that he wants to help the country, it's not like listening to Hillary's forced speeches and at the end of the day even Hillary's supporters know that Hillary doesn't give a flying fuck about anything but herself.
Because it annoys you so much.
That's the point, Trump is up there because he is the only choice worse than Hillary, he is likely together with the democrats on this, making all his outrageous statements and such.
After Bernie crashes the economy paying for Hungarian Music History masters degrees, do you think Americans will have enough money to get lawns mowedor buy drugs? Gtfo you short sighted brown manlette.
Because were sick of paying for you mexicans just because your mom hopped the border and shit you out. I like you guys and your culture desu. I just want you to take the steps to legally come here.
Deport him last, he's funny.
The media lying about what he dais isn't flip flopping.
Literally called him Hitler and now he's not Hitler enough. It's fucking bizarre!
I'm buying his tough talk on immigration. It's the number one issue that overwhelms all others. The USA would be like one giant Switzerland if it weren't for the hordes of third-rate immigrants flooding in keeping wages down and preventing investment in automation.
Maybe he's bullshit too, but he's the only one who even says what I want to hear. If the US had enforced it's laws to begin with, Trump wouldn't be where he is today.
I don't understand that meme, like who cares if he has small hands? Are people nitpicking that hard to make him seem bad?
You just want Bernie to win so you can come into the country. We're onto you.
>this is not a pro-Trump video
>don't worry he's next
The wall isn't economically viable in any way.
he's our guy. we don't care what he believes.
why are you scared Mexibro?
Support Bernie white people so i could get welfare says the mexican.
I don't support Hillary, I support Bernie.
(you) have to go back
My thoughts exactly. Why would I vote for someone that doesn't even pretend to care about "my" issues or is completely opposite my position ala Bernie??
Go back where? He already lives in Mexico, retard.
Keep talking and this wall is going to be as high as the atmosphere.
Wrong. Its totally viable because you're going to pay for it.
Na, he was always the best choice. Are you mad you won't be able to hop the border shit skin?
Because the only alternatives are Shillary and Bernout, who are both at least twice as bad.
Eat shit commie faggot
Are you retarded?
Even if we were paying for it, it would be a large public works that would only cost 2-3 days of government income. Plus it would be a nice temporary stimulus.
quads of truth
No more free rides for your kind, mexicant.
You're looking down on him from the bottom step of the staircase.
At this point a good 30-40% of America would vote for ANYONE who said "illegals must leave". Seriously, he won the election the second he said "we are going to build a wall" For 30 years all we have heard was "we need a pathway to citizenship. You cant just deport them all en mass" The first person to say "they must leave" has basically become a rockstar to throw your panties at.
I don't even really like trump but can we stop with the "hey guys look at all these hot latina girls that trump will deport, remember to like and subscirbe xD" it's really childish.
I'm still undecided, but:
We have a bullshit two-party system, our only options every year are the establishment Republican or the establishment Democrat. Trump is the first anti-establishment candidate to actually beat one of the parties.
On top of that, political correctness is a legitimate problem. In other countries they now have "hate speech" laws where you can be arrested for being offensive. We don't want that in the US. And feminism is cancer and Hillary is fucking awful on gender issues. She thinks women should get more money just for being women, she said half her cabinet will be women just for the sake of having women, she wants us to vote for her because she's a woman, anybody who criticizes her is called sexist, etc.
Looks like the poo in loo in the US is getting mad.
Look at Bernie. He said that white people don't know what it's like to be poor when he damn well knew that lots of poor white existed. He's a cuck who let two fat black stereotypical bitches kick him off stage. He wants to increase the minimum wage but when he found out he's losing, he fires most of his staff he pays $12 an hour for.
Is that not backpedaling?
mexico is going to pay for the wall
Judging by your flag you're already back, but tell your friends and family they have to go back too.
LMFAO you stupid monkey, I'm a fucking human.
I was just reminding you of your place. Right next to the street shitters.
>go support Bernie
I do, but I will gladly take Trump if Bernie doesn't win.
Both are fine candidates. Hillary is literally satan
Literally every candidate for the Mexican presidency in 2012 is better than the 3 ones you've been left with.
I've always lived here, chicano.
All I'm seeing is POO IN LOO in that post.
>daily "I don't understand the appeal" thread
Welcome to /mlp/.
Bernie lost. Its Trump Vs Clinton
same reason people vote for extremists/far right everywhere in the western world. People just want change and will blindly vote for the first charismatic personality that stands out.
>Be in Mexico
>$100 usd
>Get away with murder
How does it feel knowing that literally one act of legislation from the US could completely destroy your economy....moreso?
Not even close to truth.
>dat monkeyrage
You still pissed off that you can't be white?
It must really suck to always look like you've had shit rubbed into your skin no matter how hard you try to scrub it off.
Like a shit tattoo.
>Be in USA
>make false flag terrorist attack that kills thousands
>never ever be judged for it
You might live in the US but you're still a POO IN LOO, my POO IN LOO friend.
By back peddling and contradict you mean the media finally started reporting what he says semi accurately?
Hey at least we have the decency to cover up our jet fuel.
We're gonna put a mirror on your side of the wall so you can see the reason why we put it there in the first place.
> mexican structural engineer
> jet fuel can't melt taco shells or shredded cheese
everyone knows it was mossad playing the long con, come on
You are kids (you can´t even understand history ffs) and you don´t know how a "hispanic" think.
I met liberals here they were happy in the safe zone of the city and i told them "be careful guys only the white /mestizo (developed, not ignorant) part of the city is safe and bam! they leave to a beautiful but dangerous part of the city(in the outskirts) and they were assaulted ....thanks to god the females escaped and they avoided being (i don´t know but sometimes those guys rape women), one girl fell and broke a few bones.
And i´m talking from the nicest city in my Perú were people can´t reach the level of insanity of muslims/mexicans/favela/brazilians/centeramericans, etc
One wetback blocked is less US tax dollars lost.
>Lets ban all muslims
>hey! I was just kiddin'
Because peope are tired of the Chuck hold passive genocydle movement that is rooted in the believe of "equality".
I have new for all who thank equality is I good thing.
If we all where equal and moral we would not have 95% the cutler and technology we do today. It's the fact that we split paths and take new directions that sets us apart from the common ape.
To be equal is to be a sheep in a den of wolfs.
Nobody gives a fuck who you support, just get your wallet ready to pay for the wall Pedro.
nice proxy faggot. Your bull is calling you. You dont want to piss him off
You're a funny guy.
>voting for a criminal with an obvious globalist agenda or a crazy socialist who gets cucked out of his own rallies on the reg
Build the fucking wall Paco.
nothing makes me sadder than to know that I was not there for this live performance
having worked in mexico for several years i can safely say
mexico fucking sucks
people there are poor & they don't give a shit
that's why their country is in such a disaster
on the flip side, their chicks are hot, it's so easy to pull mexican tail as a gringo
sorry to cuck u mexibro
Trump is a dipshit,but Hillary is the devil. What else we gonna do?Civil War 2.0?
i think Trump is a pretty cool guy. eh is making America great again and doesn’t afraid of anything.
Never underestimate the power of the memes, Jack.
That's exactly the impression I got of France when I went on holiday there fuck.
It's always the lesser of two evils... but god damn.
I know it won't make a damn difference but I honestly don't want to vote for anyone this year and just write in "ANYONE ELSE".
Cliche I suppose, but... god, I don't know what else to do.
>tfw too poor to move to canada... or anywhere for that matter
We are fucking screwed.
I bet you're one of those "mexico wouldn't be so bad it you gringos didn't buy all our drugs" types.
Eat shit and die.
>le frenchman
>"it's easy to pull"
>fuck you
you are just mad because you will have pay for a huge fucking wall.
We won't pay for any wall stop being retarded
What does this have to do with anything in the thread?
Final bump.
>trust me, I'm Mexican
better get that mortar ready
Good one. The money you illegal fucks siphon over a decade cost a thousand times more than our wall.
They don't like you, that's why.
Fuck off Mexico
You will pay for the wall, it's a simple matter of cutting aid to Mexico :)
Walls will be built.
The West will be saved.