ITT: Post an average adult male from your country.
ITT: Post an average adult male from your country
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ha, that's the guy who promotes degeneracy through facebook
did someone hit him in the mouth recently, fat lip motherfucker
If everyone is King, nobody is King
He fucking looks like Joe Camel
>linking an image on an imageboard
Is this some new form of shitposting?
It's actually this
quality filename
Does that guy get beaten a lot because it looks like he is sticking his tongue out at everyone all the time. Then the bruising only exacerbates the situation?
> That must suck.
Nah seriously user what up with your face?
>average mal
Pretty handsome desu, no homo.
Why are Finns so blurry?
It's over 9000 pictures melded into one to get the average facial structure senpai
For you.
Something like that,
o dedo do lula ta dentro da beiça desse cara
Why are Finns immune to jokes?
Love him in the Pharcyde desu
I think that is the average citizen of Germany.
>We are immune to jokes
Average 7many
And it's all your fault.
This my fellow yid.
>studies show scandinavians are the "happiest" people on earth
is the secret to happiness suicide?
You're still one of my most favorite memes though.
What the fuck
Move to Greece or Italy faggots, problem solved?
But what about the grills, average grills from your contry
We can't, because they're not paying their fucking depts
No, the unhappy people just kill themselves so the happy ones are left.
>those manlet proportions
wheres the dick
accurate as fuck
It really is true that latin American women age terribly.
Sure are a lot of shitty tool sheds in brazil.
My poor Finngolian friend
Maybe those high IQ Asian genes weren't the best idea after all
I know isn't he cute
That's fucking awesome
inside you
Avg so. Cal male here
Ugh. I hope when I die its in his arms.
>Expression of the guy on the left.
>pink...flower? on a baseball cap to the guy next of him
And generall larpers desu.
Daily reminder we need to nuke the Randstad.
TFW you have to fight for isis but still embracing the greatness of pride culture.
>avg American is a Brit dressed up in spandex
Average Euroathlete...posts Argentinian Messi...
Messi isn't a Spaniard?
Don't think so, that other bold guy was a spaniard
He is a manlet even for paissano's standards
More like this
"let's cut half of the chart away haha xD"
is he actually italian? I always thought he was a spic.
>americlap education
>8'1'' vs 7'9''
>can pass an Italian
nothing new here.
People who are unhappy kill themselves straight away. It's very unusual and uncomfortable for people who never experience unhappiness so they are soon to go.
dont ask me why I have this picture...
>girls are now this tall
Nice photo of yours
you took it yesterday ?