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Remember when Google used to provide quality no-bullshit services?
Fuck that. What are some better search engines Sup Forums?
Bing. But if you are in UK; Bong
I tried using Bing, it's complete shit (except video search for porn is GOAT)
Basically Google is irreplacable.
>you permafaggots
no it's utter shit.
do you even know anything about this bitch?
why are you even on this board
zero replies, still overrated
she's an american hating feminist
hence why she's the google doodle
That's not how you greentext retard.
a leaf tho...
We hate her because she is communist and terrorist sympathizer, not because she has a vagina you retard
GRAMS is basically re-serving Google. aggregates other search engines and (unsurprisingly) picks up a lot of stuff that Google misses.
>Google's propaganda only affects Americucks
stop posting my asmrfu
Oh come on now, that Jap probably learned all of her lefty ways by living in Australia for a few weeks.
>google celebrating a literal terrorist supporter
"Recode" sounds a lot like "Re-education" desu
>In 2003, while being interviewed by Tamara Kil Ja Kim Nopper in The Objector, Kochiyama said "... I consider Osama bin Laden as one of the people that I admire. To me, he is in the category of Malcolm X, Che Guevara, Patrice Lumumba, Fidel Castro, all leaders that I admire ... [who] had severe dislike for the US government and those who held power in the US. I think all of them felt the US government and its spokesmen were all arrogant, racist, hypocritical, self-righteous, and power hungry..... You asked, 'Should freedom fighters support him?' Freedom fighters all over the world, and not just in the Muslim world, don’t just support him; they revere him; they join him in battle. He is no ordinary leader or an ordinary Muslim."
I literally had no idea who this was before, but it's nice (sort of) that Google keeps giving me people to hate.
It also makes me realize that the whole 60s civil rights movement is only looked on positively because of people like MLK. The average activist was just as insane and radical as they are today, but because of "muh civil rights" and that they won, everybody somehow gets a free pass, no matter how insane they were/are
One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.
how does this not reach our 51st state?
also, this was posted moments before Egypt air flight 804 was hijacked
spooky shit
Try Yandex, it's our Russian #1 browser, pretty cool.
here we go again goyim
>Also Communist
Whose freedom was bin laden fighting for exactly?
They might as well do something for Josef Stalin's birthday too.
No muslim could actually be a communist because you have to be an atheist to be a commie. Also I just noticed that according to my spellcheck, typing muslim with a lowercase m is wrong, but spelling christian with a lowercase c is fine. I'm a full blown fedora and that enrages me.
Useful idiots
Literally who?
what do you expect. Google is kike runned
How DARE people not enjoy the modern deification of a terrorist apologist? How DARE we feel annoyed to see a banner carrier for Maoism, a political ideology that brought ruin and chaos in its wake,including deliberate support for its notoriously psychotic Shining Path offshoot, a group so infamously depraved that even other Marxists spoke out against their barbarity, and were promptly targeted for assassination, we depicted as some saintly freedom fighter?
we MUST be some cabal of evil right-wing meanies to decry these things, it's all because SHE HAS A VAGINA AND ISN'T WHITE!!!!
Why no outrage?
I have a strong suspicion
Nobody really knows who she is aside from being "a civil rights activist"
I bet the kike who put her on the page knows, however
it's 2016.
What did she actually accomplish, does anybody know? I suspect not much, but Google thinks she deserves a lot of respect.
She supported osama bin laden.
I bet it will backfire tomorrow it just has to.
What have women, communists, and muslims ever achieved?
That's right. They achieved being women, communists, and muslims.
Kill all leftist.
Does anything bad ever happen to jewgle?
The one thing that disappointed me the most when I learned about her, is that she lived to be 93.
I liked it
Just read about this bitch, what a cunt, I'm glad she's dead. Just a loud mouth worthless Muslim commie whore.
Needs more weed
The only way to stop them is to not use them, but they are tied in to youtube and facebook, pretty hard to stop that juggernaut.
>Japanese Muslim
>tfw Russian Google is free from degeneracy because of the ban on gay propaganda and locals hating liberals and feminazis
Feels good, tovarischi
A reminder that 9/11 only got a small ribbon while this woman he s a full doodle. You have to be insane to give more rememberence to a al Qeada supporter than you do the victims of 9/11
>America is friendlier toward communist revolutionaries than motherfucking Russia.
Well fuck.
>yfw it took some google employee all of 30 seconds to find a black ribbon jpeg and add it on there
>Donald trump is Hitler because he hates immigration. He wants to stop terrorism which is racist.
>Omg don't be ignorant about this woman. Who cares if she supported terrorists. it doesn't make her radical.
The left are this stupid.
They are that fucking stupid, and unfortunately they control media. OY FUCKING VEY
>that quotation
has she even done anything of note? why is google celebrating her?
>Filthy jap
What do you expect. I just can't fucking imagine the mental gymnastics people go through to accept people like this.
Diversity quotas?
>ching chang ching chong
>we arr bomb same
As soon as Bing makes a reverse image search and a better advance search, I'll leave google.
If you guys read the last book the googlefags did you'd be pretty scared. They pretty much believe that the future is robots and universal basic income with a large tax on anyone who earns money for themselves to support the rest.
The future is google technocrat communist degenerates and theres nothing we can do about it.
And they pay me 35 bucks a month to spy on my internet through some GFK marketing shit. I give an amount of fucks equal to zero.
>Muslim communist chink who made pro Osama big laden statements after 9/11
I couldn't make this up if I tired
The secret is they hire mainly retards. It won't be hard to take them out structurally.
You are still cucked m8
It's the classical Jewish bait and switch. Make something good that people want, then when you've reached a high level of popularity use it to push your Jewish agenda.
It's a lot more fun like this
Only jews would turn a simple website into a maniacal quest to shape the future because they made a bunch of sheckels off of it.
Even when I use, they won't show me this doodle.
It's almost like they're ashamed... or like they're specifically targeting America. Haha. Get culturally enriched, burgerfags.
Too true. Glad some inner part of me told me to drop it like a hot rock in the early 2000s, and glad I had the experiences to see what it was like on the inside to drop that job opportunity like a hot rock as well.
What's the title of the book user?
reminder that she's literally a terrorist supporter
in 2003 she said she admires Osama Bin Laden, among many, many other things.
>>What did she actually accomplish, does anybody know?
she defended a nation of islam member that murdered a police officer in cold blood
praised shining path(internationally recognized terrorist organization) for brutally murdering hundreds of civilians
supported the Japanese Red Army(internationally recognized terrorist organization), including helping a member smuggle a bomb into an airport which was meant to blow up a US military recruiting station or something
praised osama bin laden
converted to islam
honestly, 'da joos' is pretty short-sighted. The reason it's so likely to be a 'joo' is because they're almost all upper-middle class or upper-class people that are almost always enrolled in academia aka marxist brainwashing centers. Academia is the place that marxism breeds, it's the only place it can exist without being destroyed.
By limiting yourself to saying it's always a jew you look over the massive amount of useful idiots that aren't jews that help push the agenda.
What do 'da joos' have to gain from a muslim takeover of the west, the thing that keeps Israel alive? Especially since the left(including jews) are vehemently hostile against Israel and considers it an apartheid state?
the real person behind the curtain is the one its always been:
a fucking commie — yellow, jew, white it doesn't matter. It's always a god damn commie.
marxism has been eroding the west since its inception and it needs routed out and purged.
Reminder that McCarthy was right, and the only thing he was wrong about was that he severely underestimated the amount of commies in the US government.
What a surprise that McCarthy is still used like a curseword to this day despite that. Everyone seems completely oblivious to the fact that FOIA requests have released documentation proving that McCarthy was indeed correct.
i m o
t b h
There are tons of doodles and they almost occur like every week. 9/11 was literally the only time they used something other than a doodle to commemorate an event.
>Literally pro black seregation, marxist/communist, and anti white
Equality? Jewgle please
how about the fact that they haven't celebrated easter with a doodle since like 2007?
they celebrated some fucking indian holiday like 3 days before easter this year
Fuck this guy That was funny
absolutely nothing for easter.
you guys are fooling yourselves if you think they don't have an agenda.
did you read the article?
it was literally
>no i met her in real life and you guys are wrong
I'm not even joking, go read it.
btw, go check the wikipedia history for the page
they're trying to whitewash her so hard, its had like hundreds of edits today
Literally she was just a groupie for Malcolm X and various other uppity folk.
Jewgle has always been an SJW datamining site. This is tame for them.
>The future is google technocrat communist degenerates and theres nothing we can do about it.
What if somebody put bullets inside of a gun and then shot those bullets at the commies who support this?
I'm not saying anyone should do this, and violence is always wrong, but it would objectively stop it from happening.
McCarthy gave america another 50 years.
the only leftist idol that I understand is cesar chavez
every other single one is a deranged lunatic and I don't understand why they celebrate them
bless his soul
I can't believe cuckservatives seriously use mccarthy as an insult
saw this the other day
also pls don't bully my font rendering
it looks better on my end than it comes out in snips
is there a Sup Forums approved search engine?
Its a technique used to inspire people to their cause. By celebrating somebody who actually did absolutely nothing but making them seem famous, even posthumously, gives new hope to countless thick-framed wearing liberals.
People look back on the 60s with rose-tinted glasses due to ZOGwashing. In actuality, the hippies were no different from Carl the Cuck and AIDS Skrillex
but even the ones that did do something e.g, che guevara were fucking horrible people
cesar chavez was pretty much the only one that wasn't a total dickbag
ironically, he hated illegal immigrants because they infringed upon worker rights