Is the meme true?

Is the meme that all ''redpilled'' men on here and elsewhere are fat, unemployed and anti-social true? Everything just seems to point at that fact, since I have yet to actually meet a healthy, capable, normal looking redpilled man in real life.

I have autism


reporting in.

depends on what you mean by red pilled
bulgarians in general are p conservative
it's only some young people that tend to go through a cancerous progressive phase for a while


*Asocial, niggers are anti-social.

I am well overweight
No job
No gf
No friends

So it's true for me.

>a woman didn't make this thread
Is that what you want me to believe?

yes, but not terribly so
unfortunately, no. i have a great job.
nah, just awkward. I like people.

Here's the thing, fuckwad, just like any board on Sup Forums there is the concept of the "powerlevel" on Sup Forums that most anons keep hidden. I work with 2 guys that both browse Sup Forums and I didn't find out until like a year after knowing them. Just like there are tons of normal guys obsessed with anime and video games, but the only ones you will find advertising that aspect of their personality are the fat, anti-social retards who have nothing else going for them.

We will rule the world some day, you ought not mock us.


Being aware of the Jewish problem.
Yeah progressivism isn't even a problem here in Serbia, it's just that many people believe in these stupid conspiracy theories that the Vatican or some strange reptilian cults are behind everything, it really gets on my nerves.