Single girl at work sent me this email:

Single girl at work sent me this email:

"Thanks for making my life easier. If there is ever anything I can do for you please let me know.:)"

What should I ask for?

Money, you have porn and you can get a prostitute, like every other Wednesday.

Tell her to do your laundry, my dubs demands it

Ask her to shit in a bag and leave it on your doorstep.

ask for a fucking BJ you fag

I have a girlfriend and she has been emailing me a lot lately. Kinda paranoid she is using works email...

Ask her to stop emailing you. End of.

what did you do for her OP? we need more context

Fixed her printer

Sounds like the start to a shitty porno go for it

Nice numerals

what a gentlemanly thing to do for a lady in distress! perhaps you could show me your fedora collection sometime!

nothing because she is an easy whore and you have self respect

I don't know much about her.
She is a lil weird but has big tits and a big ass.
She knows I have a girlfriend. Easy pussy might turn into crazy obsessed bitch.

Nothing because she is just thanking you, you autist, just because a girl talks to you doesn't mean she wants the d

Tell her that theres something she could do for a friend and get one of us laid

Her face turns bright red when I talk to her.
I gave her a quick friend zone hug a month ago and she really leaned into it. And sent an email thanking me for the hug.

Have her be a surrogate mother and then she gives you the money


Not worth it:

1) work, fuck up financial situation
2) gf, living with her, fuck up living situation
3) life going good, crazy bitch gets pregnant and surprisingly it's yours

Avoid at all costs, fap more/less but avoid this shit like the plague.

She has a fedora

>She has a fedora

"Yeah how about dinner" or something. Just dont be a autist about it, but if you're asking on Sup Forums for advice you're already being an autist about it....

yeah take the L and move on

Ask if you can have her stapler.


Alright girls crazy

Get pics

>she's fat and obsessive
Why are you even fucking asking us about this shit? Tell her to fuck off already or you'll complain to your supervisor.

Is she....stylin while gamin?


is pic related? anyway ask her for more pics like this.