Favorite leaders

Favorite leaders

>inb4 hitler


Stalin was pretty based

George Soros

interesting for a German to say


Leopold II of Belgium





What's so special about this Pedro fellow?

Bill Gates.

This guy is under the radar for decades and is the Master of Pupets


He knew how to read



This plus franco

Also Qaddafi

Karadjordje Petrovic
Praised by Napoleon as a better leader than him.
Kind of like a kebab removing Napoleon but with steroids building the country from ashes

Josip Broz Tito

Paul Martin was the best PM

>not posting her instead

My favorite leader is Henry Kissinger.

Israel is such a based country.

George Washington.

The most advanced Brazilian in history.

Don`t forget Salazar!


Based Ted

>not realising shes a corrupt socialist



Who is this tranny?

this is the bravest, most patriotic leader of any country in the history of the world, bar none.

thanks america, Dom Pedro II has always been based

Pretty based for a (then) yugoslav, propaganda was insane and the region went to shit as soon as he died
Id rather listen to propaganda with a good leader than todays puppet show

Too early to say Trump?

Kārlis Ulmanis was the dictator of Latvia between 1918-1940. But he has to be one of the most forgotten leaders throughout modern history. He was pretty good i guess


My Brazilian friend says no one there knows who he is nowadays. That's really sad, since he's the sort of role model leader that Brazil desperately needs to emulate nowadays.

Ronald Reagan




my sister married a serb, basically him and all his family say this exactly when asked about what went wrong with yugoslavia


I'd like to see anybody prove he was the best President we've ever had.

Too bad Ted, Jackson, and George can't be revived to rule the US as a triumvirate.

what did he do

A true stonk independent wymyn

Certainly not the best, but he did expand the us greatly and made us a great power

Romans had no official religion of their ancestors and they got all of their religions from the Near East from the beginning.

Im not surprised, I suppose the current government doesn't want to remember the people of their ( successful) past in order to stay in power.

>Ellen Page interview


Smart people moved elsewere. Today people think we are different from Croatia and Bosnia, in reality you are comparing two identical bags of cereal

Pretended to be a slave for kikes and anglos then shit on their plans.

WWI veteran, charges with bayonet when out of ammo, superb officer

Saved his country from invading forces. The first thing he did after that was to kick all the masons and kikes out.

Took an inbred islamists backwards ruin of a empire and turned it into a secular powerhouse.

He knew he would be killed by the kikes and that they will shit on his legacy after his death so he left instructions for later generations.

The list goes on

Inventor of the Lightning Strike

Jesus I know you Germans are trained from birth to hate yourselves but it's getting embarrassing. Have some dignity.

Julius Caesar


Pedro's royal ancestry trace their lineage back to the Capetian dynasty/House of France, making them of Frankish origin.

Germanics FTW!