Red pill me on the native American meme

I need to know the absolute truth. Tired of people saying whites commit genocide

Other urls found in this thread:

eternal burger committed genocide.

Meant this meme

>Whites come along
>take some land
>get attacked by injuns
>take more land
>get attacked by injuns
>buy even more land off of the injuns
>get attacked by injuns
>have enough

try reading some primary sources

they were stone age savages who had barely discovered agriculture

they didnt even have the wheel yet

Savages that were conquered, nothing more

there's a video somewhere of bleeding heart commie jew fuck howard zinn acknowledging that 9 out of 10 indigenous deaths after contact were due to infectious diseases


Read Scalp Dance

All you need to know about Canadian Aboriginals

They don't call each other that so why should you? Call them Indians, Aboriginals, First Nations or Dene


We dindu nuffin.


Small pox was their Zyklon B.

Now all they do is smoke meth and get drunk off Listerine while molesting their kids.

We are all part of a complex biosphere, the human animal is included. Occasionally a group of animals will kill or overtake another group from the same species. The stronger group will survive.

The absolute truth for this one is actually the one pushed the most: European colonialists really did genocide the natives, unintentionally at first and then outright on purpose.

The unintentional part was the plague introduced by Spanish explorers. The native population was much higher than what the English etc. colonialists saw when they made permanent settlements in the following centuries, but by how much we don't exactly know. Apparently it was enough to have numerous moderate-sized towns and cities along the Mississippi made of mud and wood (Cahokia in particular had "pyramids" very similar to those built by the Mesoamerican natives further south, but out of soil and wood, nothing ultra-spectacular but still more advanced than what they'd become post-plague i.e. teepee central). Obviously the Europeans can't be held culpable for that because it was beyond their control.

But post-settlement on the landmass, there was a constant back-and-forth of war between the natives and the colonialists. Obviously it wasn't this one-sided thing where the white man started everything and was pure evil, but it still happened, and it still ultimately resulted in the still-fairly-young United States embarking on a massive crusade in the south and hinterlands, systematically rounding up, exterminating and forcing out a lot of fucking natives.

Where you fall on the morality of this will be up to the individual, but that's the history of what happened.


Well 2/3 were wiped by disease, not really europeans fault.

A good bit of the rest were murdered and bred out.

Now the native american population is back at pre columbian levels.

Now they only have to worry about dieing of old age and diabetes. As opposed to 50%+ infant mortality and deadly infections caused by in grown nut hairs.

How did unchecked immigration work out for you guys?

The whole red pill.

'Native' Americans aren't really native. They came over the Siberian-Alaska ice bridge during the last ice age. DNA shows they are mutated asians.

DNA and archeological evidence shows there were several peoples already in the Americas when they got there, which were killed off by these arriving mutated asians who are now known as 'Native' Americans.

Later European explorers brought smallpox with them in the 1400-1500s. This killed off 70-90% of Indians for the next 100 years or so.

By the time the first settlers started arriving 100 years later, there was literally 'nobody home'.

Remember, the settlers to the 'new world' were refugees who were fleeing death and tortures of the Reformation. The 'religious persecution' that forced them to flee their homes and opt for living in the wilderness halfway around the world, was brutal and part of historical record.

Once arrived, things went pretty good with the settlers/refugees and 'native' Americans/Indians. That is, up until the French and Indian war, where France got the Indians to start killing the English, Ulster Scots and German settlers in number. It was the French who paid for white scalps to prove Indians had killed settlers, and they traded them guns for scalps.

Once the Indians started killing settlers, then there was ample retaliation which never abated. They weren't going to win that, especially when the French lost and they lost backing from the French for killing settlers.

The Comanche would cut off rivals eyelids and stick em face down in an ant hill.

Disease killed most of them but being actively targeted and genocided for their race was a thing that happened. Even to ones that tried to maintain peaceful relations/assimilate peacefully. There are too many instances to count where their treatment could've been better by "civilized" peoples

There were a lot more native groups in the Americas but they were quickly killed off by smallpox. The remaining ones were the brutes. They had some dope shit tho especially in mesoamerica and Peru, pretty based but degenerate race mixing Spaniards with a boner for gold and qt native bitches fucked it up. Cortez was to be sentanced to prison for being a murderous degenerate but escaped his captors and fled back to Tenochtitlan. What a fucking cunt.

t. Chicano

Who's cortez, vato?

Protip: they were all like that.
It's just anglo faggots were all dude we're totally a religion of peace BEHEAD THOSE WHO INSULT JESUS!

It's funny because Sup Forums's no better than the shitskins they claim to hate so much,

They could not assimilate. Just like mooooOOOOzlims. Resistance is futile.

Very similar to the microbes Obama and repubes are exposing us to. TB, yellow fever, zika, plague, and their presence.

My father is Native American, I don't truly believe we own America, there was a lot of unused land in the past and it could've easily be seen as open space for a European colony, we both fought over the land and we lost, what's done is done there is nothing to be mad about, it worked out all for the best

Personally believe in the noble Savage view of the native American people, yes we were cruel and sadistic a good hit of the time, much like the Scandinavian vikings

>go to visit paiute reservation because cheap everything and it's close enough
>go there
>walk into into general store
>try to buy blankets and whiskey
>chased out while dodging tomahawk throws

Stop calling everything a meme you retarded faggot.

America was whitemans clay...they just did not know it.

topkek at the germ warfare with the blankets the stupid cucks

the proto europeans were here first


We did though. It's whatever; they get casinos and free college and get to live here.

Westerners won't get any of that when Islam takes over.

Ermmm they didn't understand property rights according to liberals, but they also stole from each other and took revenge for the thefts, so they obviously had some conception of ownership.

They weren't very nice to each other so it's not like white people introduced them to warfare.

They weren't systematically genocided until the relocation acts, but by that time most of them had been killed accidentally from disease, and the smallpox blankets thing is probably a myth because people didn't know how diseases were communicated until WW1 I believe.

So ultimately they were treated wrong because whites came in, bought some of their shit, and killed them when they wouldn't voluntarily give it up. A lot of misconceptions around this topic, because for a white perso to admit that what the settlers did was wrong would be like admitting they have no right to be in this country, and that is something no one has ever claimed (for themselves) in all of recorded history.

Not a black and white, good vs evil topic. Asshole, violent, infanticidal savage indians were wiped out by money hungry technologically advanced palefaces because that was the thing Europeans were doing back then, with little regard to the personhood of darker races.



look it up


nah not fucking true, get back to europe cave beast

The Indians canceled Soul Train?

Literal savages that fought other tribes constantly. Lacrosse was a sport based on native sport, but they used heads instead

Some attacked whites as soon as they saw them land on east coast, others saw them as gods
Some saw them as enemies, others used whites to help destroy their enemies
They were too stupid to adapt to white culture
The only thing they liked about the white man were horses and guns and eventually alcohol
Wounded knee was a dick move but they had it coming for being shitheads and getting in the way

>Watching a show called "Colonial House."
>Bunch of people try to recreate the living conditions of the pilgrims and live that way.
>It's hard as fuck but people are pulling through.
>They introduce some natives in the way they might have met them.
>I shit you not the fucking Indians sneak into the camp and kill some chickens for fun and steal some shit.
>Then their tribal leader (a woman no less) has the fucking gall to accuse the white people of stealing and being animals.

Indians themselves are a meme.

Some genocides are justified. Just ask the Levantine Jahweh god.

Tbf that is far more realistic than the way they are portrayed on most shows.

It was a YouTube series funded by Catholics I think (or Protestants). It went fucking downhill fast. About halfway through someone came out as gay and an atheist chick decided she wasn't going to church anymore, despite them being told it was part of the living conditions and they'd be sent to the stocks.

Then they whined the whole show about how unfair it is. Most of the people congratulated the guy coming out, except the leader.

He said (paraphrasing): "I'm not congratulating you. It's a sin. You know I think it's a sin."

This meme is easy to refute. There was no nation, no borders, and no laws back then. Just a bunch of nomadic savages. We didn't "immigrate" to America.

My favorite myth is the whole "smallpox blankets" thing.

Apparently we knew that microscopic smallpox spores stuck in blankets and spread through this sort of transmission, even though we didn't yet have germ theory.

The relations between natives and European colonial powers:
1. Vary by nation
2. Very rarely involved outright genocide
3. Often were very friendly between

Talking about a historical event in these amazingly huge swathes is just fucking retarded and inaccurate. It's so much more complicated than 'the europeans genocided the natives'.

In north america in particular, the relations between the colonists and natives were often very warm. The old story about Manhattan being traded away for a handful of beads is circulated around so often, but what isn't understood is that the giving of a gift is a ceremony of tribute. The indians knew exactly what they were doing - they inviting the Dutchmen in to settle on purpose because they had amazing goods they'd never seen or imagined before and all they had to do to get them was trade them some beaver pelts????!? Fucking amazing deal, and they had muskets and cannons to protect them to boot. Different tribes aligned themselves with different european powers to further their own gains, and often played the europeans against each other for their own benefit. The story of 'the white man coming to take our stuff' is a fucking meme. It's just the butthurt of the western plains tribes seeping into the culture because they were the last of the conquests and being projected onto the narrative of the entire colonization of the new world.

By the way they slaughtered colonists wholesale all the time. 'Scalping' didn't come from nowhere - they'd skin women and children alive in front of the fathers before their throats were slit. Now in fairness what we did here in Connecticut was pretty much genocide - the Pequot started raiding our settlements and we responded by raising a militia, marching to their walled village, locking the entrances, and burning the entire thing down while their army was away. Then the army was caught, captured, and sold into slavery. The Pequot brought it on themselves though, they were aggressive cunts to everybody.

I was looking specifically for this clip. Thanks user

Well, if they wanted to be honest...

>Indians enslave, kill, and steal Indian land.
>Whites just did it better.

Hell, Indians don't even like other tribes.

there was a war. it was a very long one. the plains indians actually were winning at first, and paid absolutely not attention to the treaties that they signed. in the end, they lost. whitey never forgot how the indians behaved and what they did to settlers they got their hands on. reddy teddy was made to eat shit. fast forwards to today, waaaaah. waaaaaaaaaah. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.

the end.

What does the presence or absence of agriculture have to do with it?

Can you redpill me on the Stop calling everything a meme, meme? What do I need to know about it's real meaning?

The Solutrean hypothesis is far from confirmed. It's largely rejected.

What's incorrect about saying that whites committed genocide against the native Americans is that it oversimplifies a complicated period of history. What actually happened was that many different groups of whites committed many different acts of genocide against many different groups of native Americans.

I certainly won't apologize for it, though. The Indians weren't innocent, and it was a harsher time in history. Pretty much everyone knew what they were getting into: war between different civilizations is inherently genocidal.

They were going to die out on their own eventually. It was a matter of time before a bird decided to bring the flu over. Whites just happened to be the carrier when it finally did happen.


Because they stagnated. Life that stagnates on Earth tends to go extinct.

>war between different civilizations is inherently genocidal.
To even call it that is complete and just feeds the leftist narrative. There was no war between the civilizations. The natives could have united at any time and driven the white men out at any point until probably the 18th century in north america, but there was zero political willpower because they'd rather trade pelts for firearms and whiskey instead.

complete bullshit* lol

threadly reminder

>le ebin bleeding heart communist Jew meme
Zinn isn't exactly a balanced source, but I wouldn't go that far. He brought up a lot of little-known crimes.
The wars declared on the Indians in the last couple centuries often amounted to genocide though. Some of it continued in South America until the late 20th century.

ah what a fucking jew

How is it genocide when the US explicitly took measures to create reservations to preserve the culture afterwards? Doesn't genocide by definition have to intend to destroy a culture or people?

We didn't commit genocide. We conquered their land and they failed to defend it. End of story. If we committed genocide then they wouldn't have their cozy little reservations to live on. We didn't have to give them the land we took.

This guy gets it

Ingrown hair infections don't always kill you unless it's a very nasty pathogen like MRSA or Streptococcus or tetanus. Not to mention that Amerindian races don't have much body hair at all.

Well the Europeans and by European I mean the Spanish and by the Spanish I mean those with an Iberian Peninsula tan came here and killed millions of Natives with their smallpox and herpes.

>We were here first fuck off back to Europe!
>We were here first fuck off back to the middle east!
>We were here first fuck off back to Africa!
>We were here first fuck off back to Pangea!
>We were here first fuck off back to the ocean!
>We were here first fuck off back to the sea floor!
>We were here first fuck off back to space!
>We were here first fuck off back to the center of the universe
>We were here first fuck off back to the big bang
>Fuck off we didn't exist first!

Yeah because playing the "We wuz dere furst" game totally works out for everyone.

And now we let them run casinos.

Fine by me, they provide a living for half of southeastern Connecticut. The relationship continues 400 years later.

The American genocide was overwhelmingly unintentional and different in every respect from deliberate genocidal policies elsewhere, such as how Natives treated their war captures.

Yeah, they genocides the hell out of indians. That was a point in time when it was what you did when you had power. If you didn't kill or enslave your neighbors was that they were too powerful.

Over time war, violence, and genocide became less acceptable that people didn't write songs in praise of it.

You are looking at events outside of their time frame. It isn't pleasant to think about our ancestors as murders or slaves but that is what they were if you go back enough.

Mohegan Sun is a fucking eyesore though.
>ooh natives so in touch with the land
look at that fucking thing. tasteless idiots.


what? They did. Whites did commit Genocide on the Indians.

The problem is you. You are the one thinking that is a bad thing. It's not.

Fuck off, lefty.

Most natives were killed by disease. Disease is a bitch it killed 1/3 of Europeans in the plague just before colonization began.

Natives got wrecked by the Europeans for sure. But if you factor in south america, native populations are at above pre-columbian levels.

Where would the natives be now if the west had vanished? Not better off.

Fucking idiots, pick up a goddamn history book. You're perpetuating a myth out of sheer edginess.

>literally only one time on record where infected blankets were purposely given to an Injun tribe
>this was done by another Injun tribe

>So in touch with the land
I fucking hate this meme so much.

Ever been on a reservation where these fucks live? It's like being on the set where they stage starving kids in africa photos.

Ass backwards natives did not know how to use their land to its full potential so had to be BTFO'd.

So fucking what if early Americans genocided native Americans. What good does it do to give even the slightest fuck about it now?

Those 'native' American's werent the first people in America. There are small tribes of mountain people in the Navajo lands alone that were there long before the AIs came down through Canada. NAIs has 0 more claim to the land than current yanks. It is a bullshit meme

>Fucking idiots, pick up a goddamn history book. You're perpetuating a myth out of sheer edginess.

Ehhh disease played a major role but we really drive them off their land.

Their point still remains. "Right and wrong" are superstitious concepts for religitards and people who practice slave morality.

We needed the land. We took it. We won. They lost. Might makes right. To the victor goes the spoils.

Some of the reservations are literally deserts though, they would need a LOT of infrastructure to work well.

We did genocide them, and you better be fucking proud of it.

We are conquerors.

There's a lot of amazing land they don't put to use besides being tourists attractions or getting drunk.

They're glorified park rangers anyway.

The reservations were intentionally made on shitty land because we wanted the good land.

We lost. That's it. I don't care about what happened to my tribe back then. I and no modern white American had anything to do with it.

Well they tried to do that but the government half of their 2 million heads cattle in fear of new dust bowls.

I kinda feel bad about them, whether or not they tried something they have literally zero future unless people took pity on their sorry state.

>*but the government took half of their 2 million heads cattle
And that was only on AZ.

I wonder if the muslims are going to do the same thing to Germans, Dutch, and French.

They're all free to walk off the reservation and join in though.

That will ALSO doom their race because they'll finish assimilating and recemix with whites. It's a lose/lose situation.

My family did and we haven't looked back


No, you.

Nice taqiyya

Natives didn't eat citrus
Natives get sick and die
Natives hoarding fruit cry for rest of history

Has your family managed to remain "pure"? Still know anything about your tribe?

america belongs to the giants