Focusonline: Cologne showed that german man are no longer able to fight HAHAHAHAHAHA

Germen men btfo by the media

>Violence sciencist Baberowski says that Cologne showed that germen man cannot fight anymore and ''PROTECT THEIR WOMEN WITH VIOLENCE''
>he calls that a good thing A GOOD FUCKING THING
>he says men nowadays rather like to rely on the police than to take action


>>Violence sciencist Baberowski says that Cologne showed that germen man cannot fight anymore and ''PROTECT THEIR WOMEN WITH VIOLENCE''
"Hate crime"

It's called picking your battles. Why would you ever want to pick a fight in a public place filled with cameras against a person who is essentially "protected by the law"? There are smarter ways to go about it.

What is with these stupid SJW "scientists" all of the sudden?
These damn weak cucks will say anything is good.

Sucks to be you.

..shows that german men cannot deal with violence anymore'' "Thank God," he added.

>russian invasion in 3...2...1...

>these people have a history of warfare and even a centuries old meme about them always taking their time to react to a situation
>we also never fail to mention how they systematically killed 6 gorillion people
>hey, I have an idea, let's piss them off!

It's all fun and games until the Michel wakes up.

Why would I defend entiteled princesses that never gave me the time of the day? Strong independent women that don't need no man can fight for themselves

>Muslims rape women
>Men are unable to protect themselves

>Muslims go after men and get beat down
>Men are violent and racist

I want off this ride.

I mean, not themselves. Women.


well at least i wont have to defend myslelf anymore when im called a german cuck that cannot protect my women

now i can say proudly say: THANK GOD, thats a good thing

>Thinking Germany is the real Germany.

Jews aren't the only ones who can take a country.

I wonder... What if we assemble a /pol invasion force and capture Cuckrope?

I mean, like, we come on stage and tell team soccer moms who those deficient cucks elected as rulers to go take a walk. Then we proclaim all their men our slaves and women our concubines ad property. It would be politically incorrect to fight back, so they will agree. We stay away from the rapefugees and let them do as they please as we live in golden palaces and bleed all those worthless countries dry, and once they are in complete squalor, we take all the remaining moneys and go to live in based Poland.

How'd you like my plan, /pol?

germany is literally beyond the point of no return.

lets stop reminding them and let them die in peace.


>germany is literally beyond the point of no return.
>lets stop reminding them and let them die in peace.
But they don't want to just die in peace. They keep reminding us of their existence with increasingly degenerate actions.

No, I don't want to die like that

But you are the Germans

can i come to aussie land?

Thats funny since I want to go there to witness the rise of Trump.

Guess you can come here but thats not really up to me.

"I visited Germany recently and it was disgusting. The people--the people there are actually EMBARRASSED to be German. And you know what I call that? Stupid and insane big league. Whatever happened to Germany first?"

-Dolan Trump, State of the Union address 2018

Smarter ways like sitting inside your little deutsche cuckshed and surfing Sup Forums while doing absolutely nothing about it at all, despite thinking that somehow this makes you less of a cuck than other Germans.

>Ich habe eine Überraschung
>Große Brüste
>Ich will fucken
>Ich will dich küssen
>ich töte sie ficken
>ich will töte dich küssen
>was ist sie
>ich scherze mit ihnen diese sie
>ich erinne mich
>ich scheze

feel sorry for germany t b h


nuke us