This shit will never die nor will it ever get to old to post

This shit will never die nor will it ever get to old to post.

Live long and get

Other urls found in this thread:

How can turdbois even compete? BTFO!

dude that made that is pretty gay

u mad whiteboi? mine is bigger

Two threads? Why?

Is... is she meant to be getting fucked by a poo?
That's coming OUT of the toilet?
Or does the toilet have a BBC and it's fucking her?

stay mad white boi

How can turdbois even recover?

t. mad turdboi

so you guys have like 200 pics of interracial porn and scat on your pc? DISGUSTING

Brown is the colour of shit.


Black """"""""""""""people"""""""""""""" are the colour of doo-doo kek

I think it is rather humorous in a way. No more u mad whit boi threads since he started

now we just have are you mad white woimen threads

Grr umff ohhh not not done just a minute let let me drop the niglet off at the pool

Finaly something different.

Keep at it, you're doing god's work son.

to combat the nigger jews that have been plaguing and destroying western civilization for the past 70 years we all need to spam SHITTED on every Sup Forums board and on the rest of the internet. FOREVER.
this is the only way to defeat those subhuman degenerate nigger jews.


also someone needs to make a mega link with all the shitted images to download and update it with new ones every week/month.

God Bless Shitted!!!

We should spam on twitter and tumblr

u mad turdboi?

Absolutely Halal

Genius. Thank you based OP.

This is one of the most creative things Sup Forums has accomplished since some years.

It was Finland.

racist bitch

Thank you guys for coming up with this meme to counter this shitty black porn. Hope it will raise some awareness of how disgusting it is


I'd slow clap whoever came up with it, but I'm too busy laughing my ass off at turdbois

To infinity and Beyond

They're all flat and ugly. Enjoy shitskins.

Is it supposed to be impressive that a bunch of porn actors are making porn? Every one of those people probably have aids and the mental prowess of a sea slug, on top of the almost guaranteed drug addiction that's rampant among sex workers like them. They're disgusting even with the facade.

You know, I often wonder why pretty girls are so fucking dumb. Is it because they have been given everything in life or is it a game to them?

Doing good work, user. Thank you.

What usually happens is they get roped into drug addiction by someone who uses drugs to work the girls into whatever they are into.

100 years ago, women weren't drinking like they do now. Today, there are many many chronically drunk women raising daughters with no idea what it means to be a real woman.

Let's not forget the dramatic prescription drug epidemic in Western Civilization.



Gods work my son. It was shills from the Jew owned blacked dot com that started posting all that shit on here in the first place. Inb4 conspiracy theorist, I have fact checked it.

Someone should buy the domain name and host a website on it to troll anyone trying to go to the site.


How can shit skins and cucks compete.

For this reason never, ever, ever stop.

I married a girl that had a sheltered life (I kind of did too) we are both from deep country areas. She is a good woman and treats me very well. Her mom did a lot for her so she is kind of lazy when it comes to some things I do all the cooking she does laundry. We split everything 50/50 everything. 10 years strong, only a 8/10 though.

She's taking a massive shit you fucking retard.

This is where it started from:

how can diarrhoea even compete?

That's awesome user!

Make lots of babies and raise them into good boys and girls!

Ahh! Based Finland!


Take that niggers, your BLACKED bullshit has died and ended, now we welcome SHITTED, top notch white girls taking a dump.

haha all of this just makes you look like an angry crybaby whos actually threatened about black guys, instead of having confidence in yourself about getting girls

Do you realise that you are the angry butthurt crybabies? We are laughing our asses off because of that.

You think it was the whites who started this?

>haha all of this just makes you look like an angry crybaby whos actually threatened about black guys, instead of having confidence in yourself about getting girls



Nah, it's just funny as shit. Also, niggers are shit so it's pretty much comedy gold because of that.

>You guys are cry babies

Hahahhhaahha gasp hahhaha hah

Shit dick is upset

i'm white as fuck, i just don't give a shit to care

What ever you got to tell yourself shit dick

Kek. Took me a second, but I came to realize this is probably the best thread I'll see all week.


Stay focused. Never waiver.

Aw hell yeah a bunch of faggot ass cucks are getting mad as hell because non-dick loving Sup Forumsros are responding to their juvenile gay shit with even more juvenile autism, makes me proud to be alive.


Ayyy turdboi


>(((i'm white i don't care if we die amirite :^))))


How can turd people even compete?

Oh yes, get that filth out of me

Turdbois btfo

hahahahahahahaaa Greetings from binland


am i the only one here who doesn't care about black people?

Kill yourself (((Schlomo)))

I think it's funny how Jews have been kicked out of almost every country that has ever housed them, including their own, but somehow it's everyone else fault they're the embodiment of 2-faced evil.


>kvetching intensifies




Es ist Zeit für Rache!



Es Ist Zeit zu säubern


Websites pay well for you to promote them on social media and places like Sup Forums. Especially big Jew corporations like Mindgeek (who own blacked dot com) who have armys of people posting shit for their agenda. Fuck their race mix promoting shills


thank you for dealing with the cuck spam posters op

Oh i know that, this place is full of shills.


o-oy vey, stop posting these its like another holocaust

shitskin detected

hard not to care when they are forced down your throat constantly with all this multi-culti bullshit
it gets tiring real fast

Will we ever reclaim our destiny brother?

Well brother? Speaketh to me


here is a better version

>unironically thinking there's a global conspiracy to shove "multi-culti" bullshit down your throat

shiggy diggy doo

>another holocaust

u wot m8

its not a conspiracy, they are completely open about it
are you retarded?


Friend, whites are winning, despite the illusions they want to use to break us down. There comes a point of critical mass where the berries are heavy on the bushes and the fields lay ripe for harvest, and when the time comes it will be like a lightning bolt across every civilized country on the planet as we collectively wake up from our slumber again and take our rightful places.