that feel when rejected from harvard law school and have to go to UVA law school now
please help me cope Sup Forums
that feel when rejected from harvard law school and have to go to UVA law school now
please help me cope Sup Forums
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A bunch of niggers with lower SATs than you got into Harvard. Let that sink in :^)
>law school
Come study law in Russia, it's fun! And there are no niggers, and a lot of hot chicks.
Still in the top tier, kiddo
I don't know every criteria for US colleges. My mistake.
At any rate, they got into Harvard with less credentials and work than you, and you didn't even get in :^)
I will always be cucked by people with a harvard JD user.
I hate affirmative action but the blacks who get into harvard law actually have to still be pretty smart, sure maybe they wouldn't have went to harvard but they would have been accepted somewhere like georgetown or berkeley law. Still bitter about that though.
Dont every school in the USA have a token class of niggers to show how "diverse" they are?
you may as well become a jew. fucking parasite.