What nazi tattoos are unrecognized by normal people?

What nazi tattoos are unrecognized by normal people?

I want to make the rite of passage, but still being able to communicate with others without getting called "racist", "nazi" (in a degenatory way as most people know it) etc.

I dont believe in race superiority btw. I believe in culture superiority, and cultures are connected to race. Indirect racist I guess.

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Swastika on forehead is pretty low key

If you are serious, don't do something this retarded. Even if you find a symbol most people won't recognize, you can't predict how recognizable it will be in the future and how unemployable you will be.

SS Blood group tattoo

I'd say you could go with the Black Sun, also called Wotan's Cross. If people complain about muh mega swastika tell them it's from Odinism. Or maybe the Valknut, even the Wolf rune for more subtlety.

forehead should be reserved for ægirs helmet though

the nazies liked to use a lot of symbols of old, like the swastika. That way sort of associated that ancient world wide symbol with our leader and the nazi reich.

I would say solkorsset the suncross a derivation of the same widely used up here would be fitting, it means the exact same thing. Many normies get this tattoo.

Nah I would go for some heathen symbols, not aiming for nazi ones. Tons to take of like the valsknute, general ornematics it's lit tons of shit to take.


>"nazi" (in a degenatory way as most people know it)

Star of david

Personally I'm gettning something from here.

Valsknute would be kickass, I should have outlined that moar. Odin, Vilje og Ve.

I'm Smugführer, and Nazi Germany's got nothing on me. Me and my brave army of the most professional and diciplined Stormtroopers can gas an army of 6,000,000 Jynxes and Hypnos in an afternoon. Salute my purity!

Adolf Hitler + Smugleaf = death from concentration :)
This will be the next Aryan empire XD

You got one wrong

You also got 1 wrong. There's no black Muslim.

>I believe in culture superiority, and cultures are connected to race

Culture is genetic, since genes are the basis of culture.

Trumps face

Don't get a tattoo you degenerate. Especially not a nazi one. It'll make you unemployable. People will ask about your tattoos, trust me.

>a-actually it stands for Wotan!
Now people will just think you're weird. No tattoos, be a wolf that can blend in amongst the normies.

The Valknot. It symbolizes the nine noble virtues, and is the symbol that represents dying for your kith and kin.

That's from a church... You take church ornaments and try to mix heathendom into it?

There should be black muslims for at least two of those countries but the point is the native inhabitants.


>getting a tattoo
Into the gas chambers you go

im gonna get this on my arm


I could do that for twenty bucks and a six pack

Quality guaranteed

Symbol of the black sun, it was a symbol on the floor as a mosaic in Himmler's Castle somewhat used by the SS and neo nazis, extemly low profile.

>Extremely low profile

Sure thing, Yehudi

Ask these guys

>recommends kickass Nazi tattoo

Whatever Olaf, how many times have you seen this symbols used by Nazis, totally low profile

No. 8 with all these nogs and spics. Step up world.

Why would you even stain your beautiful skin with something so degenerate? Especially when it's let unrecognized.

I wonder where Sweden stands nowadays.

It's literally all over the place, since every would-be nazi realised no one would recognise this sign seemingly at the same time. Everyone who has watched half an hour of Discovery Channel knows this and it will directly out you as a neonazi. Don't get nazi tattoos, ever. Blend in.

How often do they run those metrics?

Well damn, hasn't hit here yet, then again my state isn't known for having neo-nazis

Tattoos are fucking degenerate, the point of liking hitler is because you're anti-degeneracy

If you want something cultural and heathen, The Midgard Serpent looks pretty badass.

On a yearly basis, I believe. Here's quite recent one for innovation :^)

Fuck all you responding positively. Different cultures aren't superior to others. You are the reason my culture is almost extinct.

tattoos are Untermensch. Hitler would call you on that.

Tattoos are against national socialism. A better right of passage for you would be to become the one dude in you town without a retarded tattoo

He gave tattoos to people. Also Trudeau has one.

SS guys got tattoos. Also Trudeau has one

We're 60% white and still beat UK, dutch, Stralia, Canada, Germoney, and Ireland

Step your game up

>T.the angry Québecer

Also it's good to be proud of your Culture and heritage.


Well, unless hes joining the ss or some other rwds, I think he would be better off with nothing.

What's wrong with prefering our own culture to others?

Jewish guy from Finland living in New York.
Fuck you, we actually don't like you.

just dont get any that you can't cover with a short sleeve shirt
I have tattoos and I regret them but I feel luckier than people with sleeves and shit

American Whites (the non-obese and non-zealot ones) are truly an admirable bunch.

An artistically bad drawing of a mask will look like an artistically bad tattoo of a goofy face.

You should reconsider.

Tattoo's are the ultimate stamp of the degenerate by the way.

Jewish inbred and living in a hugbox good job.
Maybe his culture sucks?

wear a ring.
that way you can take it off.
law enforcement use tattoos to identify you.

I got the Mickey

No I'm Native America!

Because my culture was wiped out by proud people.

Inbred? My family is from Austria, Lithuania, Ukraine, and Finland, and you claim inbred?

do a rendition of die heilige lanze

Spades are well-known NS symbols in the US.

Native America I'm CIA.


Blood type near your arm pit

So because you got your ass kicked you hate cultural pride? You Redskins should have at least some pride in your tribe but instead of bitching about try and preserve your Culture, unless you're Dakota/Sioux than fuck you.

>New Ulm Massacre never forget.

You forget that a lot of norwegian church ornaments are folk tales of old. Tales of Sigurd Dragonsbane and such. some of our heathen history is only remembered because of these.

Uh, you don't get to bring friends.

We risk suffering the same fate anyway. Tragedies litter the past, but I don't think we are to blame for our ancestors, even if they did some good things. No one was a saint.
Do you prefer cohabiting with westerners or muslims?

Just go fuck yourself


I don't know. I just am mad.


How new are you? Nice to see a new freind.

> cultural relativism
Nice meme

Nazis would consider tattoos degenerate

Has shit posting gone too far?
Or is it reddit? I seriously can't tell, you Canadians are masters at your art what province are you from?

I agree, Native culture is way better

Thanks for being welcoming

they gave people tattoos dingus.

This is pretty damn cool where could I get one of these?

I'm from Ontario and I want some fucking respect ok?


We'll all be mad under sharia law. I guess it's in human nature to try and submit others to their own culture, but sometimes good things come out of it, for example the Roman Empire.
I can only suggest you stand with the lesser of two evils in your opinion, or the people you feel closer to in the end. No need for vengeance when we all risk being destroyed.

Holy fuck, with that attitude you must be from Toronto

Just memes.

Yeah I am

Ok true, I mean your french and the French traded with my people so I guess you are ok.

Then go live in the middle of fucking no where you faggot snow Nigger
Stop appropriating my culture and get of the internet/computer, make sure to check your privilege and stop living in that western style house of yours
Oh yeah, also don't be a shit lord, all your clothes have to be animal hide or grass

Kill yourself leaf

You're so fucking retarded. The government took away our knowledge for that and besides thats ILLEGAL anyway unless you buy the land.

yes, inbred kike

But here's the thing bud, cultural preservation is very important, it's a way to preserve history, yeah the native Americans had it rough, several of my ancestors got killed during the Sioux uprising in Minnesota, they also killed Natives (in self defense, they usually traded until the Dakota tribe showed up and fucked up the friendly tribes) the thing with native Americans is that white man isn't always to blame, the natives had a shit load of infighting, the whites just allied with the friendliest tribes.

You, me and other people in this thread had the chance to survive until now. Let's try and keep the situation from getting even worse. In the end, human values against oppression unite us more than culture.

I'm glad we can get along.

That's pure propaganda

You know what, that's right. Thank you based Frenchman.

Google Finnish heritage disease.

Then go sell your western house and use that money to buy some arctic land, the government isn't stopping you from expressing your own culture, you are.
The only reason you don't is because you know western culture is superior and comfy, while yours is harsh and primitive
And you called me retarded you stupid snow Nigger

Pure propaganda, yeah whatever my ancestors were part of military escorts to safetly guide tribes away from other tribes to ensure their safety, that's totally propaganda that they fought whatever, there has never been and never will be, Utopia on Earth.

The fuck are you talking about, chinese aren't going extinct?

Thank you too from all my heart. You're not forced to love your allies, but as long as you don't give in to your enemies, it should be alright.


or get a Thor's hammer pendant for a necklace. If people ask you can just tell them you're really into Vikings. Or something.



>I want to be a nazi without actually having the balls to proclaim I'm a nazi

>Then go sell your western house and use that money to buy some arctic land, the government isn't stopping you from expressing your own culture, you are.
Dumbass, I will still have to pay taxes on that which will run out.

>The only reason you don't is because you know western culture is superior and comfy, while yours is harsh and primitive
No because the government took away our knowledge how to do that. Besides my culture ir primitive? You had to work 12 hours a day every day to survive fuckhead. My culture is relaxation, hunting, and fishing.

>Pure propaganda, yeah whatever my ancestors were part of military escorts to safetly guide tribes away from other tribes to ensure their safety, that's totally propaganda that they fought whatever, there has never been and never will be, Utopia on Earth.
Sure totally.

Screw off

God bless you.

Do the SS bloodtype tattoo. Only true natsocs will recognize you plus it can be useful. Just google it.

Anyone who passed school will recognize it.

I got a shield knot. It looks just like a circle celtic knot thing, but if you look closely theres a swastika inside it. pic related

You could claim it's a tattoo just in case if you get in a car accident or some shit, not very hard to cover up either.

> doesn't have the knowledge
I guess you really are retarded if you can't figure out Google

What are they going to tax from you?
Won't be using western currency and thus won't have any, all your tools will be non western and hand crafted
It's not like they can track you down and pay if you live in a arctic shit hole, sorry, ancestral land*

Your culture was to be dumb as Fuck and to beat seals to death, mine consists of space exploration, works of great beauty and great battles
Meanwhile all you snow Niggers did for 2 thousand years was throw spears at each other and sleep
Great achievements

Pathetic. If you are going to stand for something then stand for it. The cause isn't something you can be one foot in, and one foot out. Do you think it's some kind of cool kids club where everyone gets to play pretend supporter when it is beneficial to them, but cover up and slither away when it gets dangerous?

You are a disgrace and unworthy of respect. You might as well get a flapping loose vagina on your forehead because that is exactly what you are.

To be honest Eskimos had the comfiest looking clothes.