2000: Gore (50.60%) over Bush (46.43%) / + 4.17% Dem

2004: Kerry (50.92%) over Bush (48.42%) / + 2.50% Dem

2008: Obama (54.47%) over McCain (44.15%) / + 10.32% Dem

2012: Obama (51.97%) over Romney (46.59%) / + 5.38% Dem

Since 2000: Dems (51.99%) over Reps (46.40%) / + 5.59% Dem

This is definitely do-able.

2012 election by county:

As you can see, Philadelphia's turnout is the only thing that's keeping Pennsylvania blue. Even Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania isn't that Democrat.

Of course west Philadelphia isn't democratic, they still have a monarchy for fuck's sake.


Is that a fresh Prince joke or is it because it's full of former kangz

I think Trump is wasting his time in PA. He needs Ohio and Florida. PA will vote for Clinton. Romney spent a lot of money on PA and it got him no where.

Romney was doomed from the getgo. Trump has the working class vote in the bag.

Western PA here, the east is a blight upon our nation

Trump doesn't need to win Philly itself. He needs to do about 45% in the Philly suburbs to win. One thing that worries me is voter fraud

Fuck off, I vote red you piece of shit. I'm stuck over here in the East of PA.

The good news is there is no magic black guy this election so black turnout should be less. That said we need a significant white turn out for us to turn red.

I will do my part to turn Allegheny County red, but all the shitskins invading Pittsburgh universities will make it tough.

PAfag here, you're not flipping the state red anytime soon. See this kind user's map:

All Hillary needs to do is sweep Philly and its surrounding counties (which she absolutely will, don't kid yourself) to carry the entire state. People really underestimate just how much of the state's total population resides in that one area (PA has a "T"-shape down the middle and across the top with like virtually no people).

Trump will most likely do better here than Romney or McCain, but his money would be better spent trying to win over some working class states on the fence with better odds of going red, like Ohio. PA would be a waste of funds better utilized elsewhere.

He would be better off putting his money in Virginia,Wisconsin,Michigan.

>comparing Trump to romney

Trump even has more of chance of winning Michigan then he does Pennsylvania.

Even with FL & OH it's very hard for Trump to win, Colorado & Virginia are trending Dem and they alone will be able to stop Trump getting to 270

Fuck West Philadelphia and their snitch bustas, East Philadelphia represent.

There is no such thing as "East Philadelphia". There IS the shithole across the river called Camden, NJ.

>election day in colorado
>all the dems are too high to actually vote

That's probably what he was referring to since Camden is full of beaners