Single women date the state
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I need off this ride
They're fucking destroying everything men spent thousands of years creating
Trump says otherwise. It seems that heterosexual White males are still a force to be reckoned with.
>women can't even flip people off properly
one day people will stop paying your shit and then what?
>White men, help!
>others paying for my shit is a right
I can't tell if this is serious or not but I think point is it mimics the gesture of giving someone the finger (as in society in this case) but uses the ring finger to show the absence of a wedding ring. Together, it's supposed to be defiance of getting married rather than building a career.
"I'm a strong, independent woman who don't need no man!"
But I need Uncle Sam to give me:
>Baby Stuff
>Birth Control
and all kinds of other shit that normal families provide on their own through the work of their hands.
Fuck those bitches. Just breeding the next generation of parasites.
Woman sufrage was a mistake
Mexibro is right. Bitches ain't shit and need a good spanking.
Ayy fresh clickbait for the current year!
Sometimes I feel that way too.
fucking parasitic jizzrags
when will the tyranny end?
Jews were behind feminism but it took christcuck ideology leaving White males undefended. Males need to put woman back in their place, but you're not going to get there with a cucked ideology, needs to be dumped for natural healthy ethnic identity and traditions, and then the big work begins, nature abhors a vacuum so have to come up with and implement dominating features for every facet of life, knocking out the jewed ones. We're almost having to start from scratch.
the single biggest mistake in Western society
I guess instead of a defiant 'I don't need no man' gesture, she should have her hand palm up asking for her handout
Women are constant and unyielding due to one fucking thing:
The beta cuck.
>independent of family life
>paid maternity leave
people are tremendously stupid
If they want free shit, they can come and ask for it. Sending me to jail for not paying tax is bullshit. Come and take it, you filthy self-servient cunts. I will massacre you.
>inb4 we cave in and give women all of this, yet it won't result in them becoming better mothers
Let the roasties vote and this is what happens
>the state is a magical money machine with infinite resources
>stop mansplaining about currency and world economics I'm better educated than you I have a degree in women's studies
suicidal egalitarianism, everything for everyone but you and yours, everyone god's children/the same, turn the other cheek/be a doormat(as it's understood today, was a supposed to be symbol of "defiance" with jebus,) born a sinner/hate yourself.
Can't wait for our socialist societies to collapse. All those professional victims (women, niggers, sandniggers, jews, fags, trans...) will suddenly find themselves in a world where they aren't entitled to anything, and can't get anything from anyone without trading something of equal value in exchange. Most of them will die quickly, or kill themselves before that.
I enjoyed this remark.
I don't see why she cares about all those costs. She'll still want someone else to pay for it.
>but it took christcuck ideology leaving White males undefended
Is this what they mean when they say "Cultural Marxism is a natural product of Christianity"?
>Christians are all cucks
When will this meme die?
>implying women can be single and happy
lol. have you ever met a single, happy, woman? fuck no. they all want a guy around eventually.
>mfw I move to Singapore and fly to Hawaii once a year to smoke dank nugs and shoot guns
if he's talking about protestants he is correct, protestantism leads to atheism in the next generation, this leads to broken marriages and households, beta males and all the bullshit that comes from it
catholic societies are patriarchical but are losing footgroung thanks to degeneracy, what we need is another war, thin out the herd and kill off the kikes to make catholicism great again
For everyone in here thinking this can be cured...
Read J. D. Unwin. No society that has ever "liberated" itself has ever put the genie back in the bottle.
The West is already finished. Sad, but true.
satan has a way of standing things on their head
he twists the truth to make a mockery out of it, and he's very good at this
>Treat a woman right
>She does this to you
>Treat a woman like shit
>She's crawling back to you every time
I don't get women, they scream out against abuse but can't seem to get enough of being dominated into being mental patients. Perhaps that's why they like niggers over white guys.
Women replaced husbands and fathers with the state. Women are incapable of fending for themselves, so with a rejection of marriage and an increasingly large number of single mother households, women vote for a larger government to take care of them, sacrificing rights for security and ease of life.
>Perhaps that's why they like niggers over white guys.
They really don't though. White women who fuck niggers are either doing so because they can't get a white man or because they're trying to say "fuck you, dad".
She should be fucking gassed for that.
Remember lads that matriatchy has taken over civilizations before, only for that civilization to crumble swiftly after.
It will be one hell of a ride, but it will be a relatively short lived one.
My ex girlfriend dumped me for calling her a slut because she has "self respect" and then went around literally calling herself a whore
Catholics beat their wives, kids, and the Irish.
It's Marxism.
likewise, brother
If people want to attribute it to satan, whatever, but christianity today is a self loathing, self harm cult and I fail to see a difference, all the way back to its origins, just look at the founding premise, born a sinner. Dangerous nonsense, I reject it completely.
>this and if you are a man you can never voice it.
Why do you think burgerfats put lettuce and tomatoes on their burgers?
Christian values work up until you're about 20. Then you realize in the real world people shit on each other all the time to get ahead and Christianity is literally the opposite of nature. Not even a Christian, but I used to have some of those empathetic values until I got shitted on so often I just couldn't do it anymore. Another thing is women feign empathy to make themselves look good, men are just honest about being assfucks.
replace christcuck with marxist and you're right
I have a femdom fetish so this matriarchy thing wont hit me that hard
>Then you realize in the real world people shit on each other all the time to get ahead
Those are just poor and unsatisfied people. They are the ones fucking each other over and clawing at each other.
Rich people are always glad to help others get rich, satisfied people are always glad to help other people become satisfied.
>Not even a Christian
>but let me tell you about christianity
fucking reddit needs to go back
How can you be this mentally handicapped and still capable of using the internet properly.
Said the man who only looks at government debt and not GDP. Ok kid.
Most empires that fell something better took its place.
God that's just.... some really nice dubs...
That's a really clever way to say "single women are fucking up society by making everyone pay for their mistakes"
It's just for texture really
This is truly saddening.
>woman is born attractive and/or white
>she is now desired by most men around her
>she does not learn proper values
>she becomes promiscuous, but men have lowered their standards so much this does not phase them as long as they get a piece
>a woman can have as many partners as she likes and there will be a man who is willing to pay for them and pamper them
>these women start to realize the power they are beginning to hold
>they garner the support of many men
>they trick the media into ideals like "fat acceptance" and "strong independent woman" to lower men's standards and strengthen lazy, degenerate women to add to their power
>now men are attracted to strong independent women with many partners, so much that cuckoldry becomes a thing
>women who are conservative, hold good values, sometimes they are attractive, but most of them are average or below are roughly ignored
>they are labeled prudes and spinsters
>they are mocked and ridiculed by females and their orbiters
>they cannot get any man to listen to them without having sex with many men
>they cannot fight back, some give in to pressure and fall, others back out of society and try to aid guerilla forces anonymously to no avail
>the only way to fix the problem of society is to fix men and make them men again
Nigger tier logic. Who you callin' a nigga, nigga?!
If the west falls, we get a dark age and Islam.
t. dad afk, sister is a coal burner
>taking on debt to pay for social programs that never existed until the past 50 years is totally fine
>no one will have to pay for this and will have no effect on your currency
I have an idea Sup Forums
Since women are a bunch of dumbshits, what we need to do is to promote a right-wing candidate that is drop dead gorgeous.
Someone who would make Justin Trudeau look like Gollum. Women would ignore everything he says and vote for him based on looks alone.
The main problem with right wing politics is that they usually nominate old bitter men, or some cases a woman, which is stupid because women hate each other.
Pic related.
What's funny is: if women stayed single and didn't leech off men they'd have all these things by virtue of putting the same time in on it like men do.
But it's a, "Cake, AND eat it," situation.
these people understand economics like the average 40 year old woman understands candy crush credits.
Christianity is inherently patriarchal. How the fuck did it cause "white males undefended"?
Fuck this world, in every west country that gave females the vote 10-15 years later instituted the welfare state.
Coincidence? I don't think so.
and who is going to keep paying for all this shit, you parasitic whore?
In my opinion women need to have some feeling of insecurity and fear, to be happy. They need to feel you can easily replace them if they don't behave.
Certainly the most cruel diatribe I have ever witnessed within my vast experience. What a terrible human being.
t. Nehiyaw patriot
P.S. no luck for cucks
When the pope stops kissing nigger feet and saying ISIS is like Jesus.
>single women
They are one of the biggest political problems in the country. And they vote very leftwing.
See Molyneux
Fucking roasties.
If taking one on a vacation, take them to locations with a lots hot women on the prowl and do what you can to attract flirting by them.
We can hope user. It's imperative that they don't survive, because the cycle has to end
All of those things are unambiguously good for society. You're all just butt-blasted that a woman no longer has to depend on one dude to provide her with a decent life, which means you're no longer guaranteed a domestic slave and free sex. Haha too bad betas! Work on self-improvement, confidence and humor, and you'll find a woman who chooses to be with you because she WANTS to be, not because she needs you in order to have a not-shitty life.
>no longer has to depend on one dude to provide her
Oh, so I'm not paying for them via taxes.. your comment is too stupid for a huehuehue or a top kek.
You would be speaking arabic if it weren't for these Christians you talk shit about. Also Christians are not taught to hate themselves but have humility in life. That does not equate to giving up your country or not defending yourself though.
Pic related it's Spain not destroyed by commies during their civil war
>You would be speaking arabic if it weren't for these Christians you talk shit about.
You got it wrong, the spur behind the crusades wasn't cuckstianity, it was fucking survival.
To highlight just how non christian the crusades were, the first places they attacked, murdered and plundered where christian to pay off their jew money lenders that funded the crusades.
It's worked before
>You got it wrong, the spur behind the crusades wasn't cuckstianity, it was fucking survival.
You have any proof for this ?
>Muh jews
Crusaders killed jews you stupid fuck
Underrated idea.
We've seen the death of the political platform in this election.
i never got the payed family / maternity shit. it's not your employers fault you decided to get knocked up...why should they pay you for not working? it just blows my mind how people can think paid maternity is a right
You have any proof for this ?
I didn't link to jewtube for shits and giggles.
>Crusaders killed jews you stupid fuck
Yeah, and the first they attacked where christians to pay jew money lenders. The crusades were about pushing back the muds.